People actually believe in the conspiracy theory that Disney are paying critics to write bad stuff about non Disney films and so therefore set up a change.org petition...
People actually believe in the conspiracy theory that Disney are paying critics to write bad stuff about non Disney films and so therefore set up a change.org petition...
Act like an idiot long enough and you'll find yourself surrounded by actual idiots.
nice try disney shill
OP here: this theory is just too insane; I saw posted in another thread how Tomorrowland etc and other Disney movies were badly criticized.
Have you seen how fucking shit the latest Marvel movies are?
If toys are involved any Disney movie is guaranteed ridiculous ratings.
Those movies had no toyline which makes the majority of profits
So Disney paid for Deadpool to get the 83% on RT?
Here we go again.
RT gave it an average of 6.9 as rating
why would Disney need to pay people for this when they will gladly Do It For Free(tm)
That's normal for a movie with a 83% Fresh though.
Either Disney is corrupt or the majority of people are retarded
BvS deserved an 80%+ RT score
I agree that its insane but it feels real. You gotta admit its gonna feel really fucked up when/if Suicide Squad gets like a 18% RT rating and Dr. Strange gets like fucking a 99%.
I don't believe DIsney pays people to shit on competition. I think majority of these movies aren't worth a decent score. But equally garbage shit by Disney gets generous scores compared to competition.
I can't believe sane reviewers would rate fuckfests like Civil War that highly.
Isn't that the Sup Forums motto?
No it didn't.
Alternatively, Sup Forums is an +18 website, kiddo. Why don't you try www.reddit.com instead? It should be more your speed!
It's got a 7.something on RT, how is that high?
>BvS deserved an 80%+ RT score
More like an 08%
Lurk more till you're 18, faggot
Exactly. Its just extreme forgiveness if it stays close to formula. Thor 2: Dark World is probably one of the most boring movies ever and got a 67% fresh, that's just bullshit but its like its Critic Proof, they'll just say the special effects and Hemsworth were enjoyable and call it a day.
You know what people should be pissed about? Keanu having a 77% Fresh.
if you think thor and hulk movies deserve ~70% while SvB gets 30% you're dellusional
cry more
DC is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
No I mean, come back when you've learned to shitpost faggot.
nice deflection, this is a Fox thread
abomination is cooler than the bullshit version of doomsday they made
What was wrong with the Thor and Hulk movies?
Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and soulless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conceived product.
Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.
When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in GotG or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangars for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.
Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.
>Implying the Evansposter ever leaves his cuckshed
So copypasta then?
More like threadly reminder of your shit taste.
>it's one guy
So you can't actually answer the question, then?
It's pretty clear.
The post answers your question.
Well said sir, I sincerely regret we don't have an upvote system at times like this to get these sorts of posts more attention. You pretty much nailed it.
But the post is just mindless copypasta
It doesn't even directly reference any of the movies I asked about
Reviewers are always paid to say good things about a product, it's what they do. Critics didn't even say anything bad about the Hobbit series.
owned by Sony ala like Spider-man were, not Disney-Marvell
>Sony/Fox movie does poorly
>Sony/Fox movie does well
What are you even arguing? This thread is about critics being paid off by Disney, the comic book doesn't actually matter any.
Both actually.
Are you even replying to the right post?
This user is 100% right.
Hollywood make movies that can be followed while people eat popcorn, drink a soda, tweet and chat with friends, all at the same time, and normies get upset when they are taken out of their comfort zone.
>and normies get upset when they are taken out of their comfort zone.
But what about all those stupid found footage horrors designed to "scare" the audience?
I don't believe Disney paid reviewers to pan other comic book movies. MoS and BvS fully deserved their RT scores due to Hack Snyder. But when movies like Thor 2, Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron all get positive scores, you have to wonder if something fishy is going on.
Thor 2 is good. It's underrated and the score should be higher. It just wasn't the party of Avengers and Iron Man 3 that came right before in the MCU.
What about TDKR? Did WB pay critics? You know that WB tried to bribe critics on BvS with sending out gift boxes to all of them. Something critics said Disney doesn't do.
These people went straight to this without first examining the most obvious explanation: that their shitty comic book movies really are just shit.
No worse than the worst Marvel movies though, but they get much harsher reviews. People just want a bit of fairness.
To be fair, while Thor and Hulk movies are as shit as any of these other films, the difference is that Marvel can make their shit coherent whereas SvB is also another kind of shit, but just incoherent and full of holes.
Yes, it's a problem that any film like these would get so highly rated, but it's not really a mystery to me why the DC films get such low ratings.
>No worse than the worst Marvel movies though
But they are
Marvel has a universe that they build on. And they have tight structure. DC films are sloppy and full of heroes no one cares about.
I'd rather have neither. The only time I ever watch capeshit is when I go with friends. I haven't seen any in the last year, but if the first 25 minutes of Man of Steel and a handful of older Marvel films are any indication, DC films deserve even shittier ratings. But Marvel also deserve to get shitty ratings.
Reminder that fat neckbeards from here were voting down Civil War before it came out FOR FREE.
All capeshit is for children.
Those movies succeeded at being low-effort enjoyable popcorn flicks; BvS failed embarrassingly to realise it's lofty ambitions.
The long con. You don't know how we've planned out the next 10 yrs of blockbusters. You just wouldn't understand.
>No worse than the worst Marvel movies though
But that's wrong. I fucking hate capeshit but at least it's not a chore to watch Marvel's capeshit, Batman V Superman was the first movie of any kind my gf and I walked out of. We went shopping while our friends finished the movie. Afterward they all looked mad and said they wished they would have gone shopping instead too. Fat neckbeards will make excuses for this bullshit because they are contrarian idiots and have to go against le evil normies.
>A petition
You mean just like the ones you fat retards made to try to kick Ben Affleck out of your shitty comic book movie when he got cast? Get a fucking life.
Of course big companies are paying off critics to write bad/good reviews. This isn't a conspiracy mate, it's called corporatism.
>why would Disney need to pay people for this when they will gladly Do It For Free(tm)
I agree, it was a refreshing take on a stale genre that opened the opportunity for a much more substantial and cathartic storytelling device than what we see in the churned out shit over at marvel.
sacrificial lambs
>if you buy the theory then this petition is for you
That isn't how life fucking works. Just because you have a 'feeling' that an organisation is doing something, it doesn't mean it is. I genuinely can't believe that people are petition to stop something that they have no proof is occurring.
Nah fampai you giving these turds too much credit. They're much more akin cretins eating their own garbage and regurgitating it back. There's no common sense to be had.
Thor 2 probably managed to get the score simply because no one expected much from it.
>change.org petition
Move along people.
It doesnt take a genius to understand that Disney has alot of money and power.
It's real though.
I heard the director of Deadpool is chummy with Feige. Is this true?
If so, maybe they want him to be given the reins to X-Men so he can give them back to Marvel or some shit.
The 67% Fresh rating just means that 2 out of 3 critics gave the movie A POSITIVE RATING, which is literally anything from 5 to 10.
You're just fucking retarded.
Worthless post that says absolutely nothing.
>it's an Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron were bad episode
>try to achieve something greater and coming up short = terrible, deserve to be mocked by everyone
>don't try anything new or inventive and play it by the books with lazy filmmaking = get dick sucked just as much as Pixar does
Thor 2 is just a couple of steps away from getting a rotten score, and the average rating is something like 5.2/10, how is that unfair or shocking?
Nope. If Sup Forums collectively knew and upholded the logic behind it, there'd be no shitposting at all.
Marvel Studios films get rated way too high. Same thing with Disney animated films. If you look at Cars for example, it looks like some straight to DVD garbage and yet it probably has above 80%. Disney gets biased reviews just for being Disney, yet they haven't made a film that was actually good or had any artistic merit since the 40s-50s.
Cars 1 is 74 %, Cars 2 is 39%.
I like following trends too, user. They make me feel like I'm a part of something. Like I have friends. They help me forget about the loneliness. One of my favourite things to do when someone insults me or says that they don't care about superhero movies is to hit caps lock and type 'DCSHILL' or 'YOU'RE MAD'. For that one, brief moment, I forget I'm me. I forget that I don't have any friends. That I don't have a girlfriend. That no one would really care if I died. That I'm wasting my youth hanging onto the coattails of a company that I have nothing to do with. I can pretend I've accomplished something, and cling to the success of an industry that would not be affected one iota if I set myself on fire and jumped off of a bridge. That's the power of Marvel. That's the magic of Disney. I'm cold.
can u even read bruh
>Disney gets biased reviews just for being Disney, yet they haven't made a film that was actually good or had any artistic merit since the 40s-50s.
Good to know your post is absolutely fucking worthless.
so they suffered from the same shit bvs did plus rehash old shit but still the movie shouldnt got below 60%
But they very well could have received toylines if they had been successful.
Name few.
Little Mermaid.
The people giving CW 10/10 reviews on imbd before it came out was 3 TIMES the amount of people giving it 1/10s to you fucking retarded shitposter. Marvelfags have no shame
>conspiracy that white men are trying to keep blacks and women from jobs is perfectly OK to believe
>this is somehow batshit insane to think that companies pay for reviews
Disney renaissance meme. Good one.. Fucking El Dorado was more entertaining than anything Disney ever made.
>conspiracy that white men are trying to keep blacks and women from jobs is perfectly OK to believe
What? No it isn't.
It's not the fact that Disney are paying critics it's the fact that most media outlets are owned in part by Disney.
I think Rotten Tomatoes needs to change how they aggregate reviews, make this more clear to users and get more serious about who can actually submit a review for the site.
People actually use the site as an indication of quality.
This and Amazing Spiderman 2 were great movies that were only critically panned by paid Disney shills. I wouldn't be surprised if Apocalypse turns out to be the same.
There are literally paid Disney shills right here in this thread. wake up people
Sure it is. It is literally the main "issue" the Democratic Party is pushing.
Without Fantastic 4 the MCU will always be dogshit since they are the main characters in it and Galactus is Marvel's best villain.