She has a bright career ahead of her

>She has a bright career ahead of her

Oprah said that in 2010.
Was she right?

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Yes she does.

Being typecast for 5 more years before she dies of heart failure.

What has she been in besides Precious, anyway?

Her face looks like the type of face you would get if you were trying to make an ugly Dark Souls character by abusing the sliders.


The Big C

Really need to actually finish this off.

pretty big in AHS

What kind of roles could she play ffs? Supergirl?

why is she so sweaty

there's lots more star wars movies for her to be in

Not much. She played one of the Xerxes monsters in 300, and worked as heater on the set of Revenant

They do use very bright lights in the morgue.

Black women are soo beautiful!

We should open the floodgates to Yurop and let them in.

Literally who is she??

>thinking a 10/10 arab girl is the same as a 1/10 fat african

that thing is literally melting

>She has a bright career ahead of her
maybe if she went on the chicken and watermelon diet and managed to lose 300lb

She came into the store that I work at and was apparently a total fucking bitch to the sweetest girl I work with, all for recognizing her and quietly praising her "work". I'd fight this cunt for that.

>Because the Middle East is the only place providing immigrants to Europe.

>a heater on the set of the revenant

Fucking kek

If she starred in a movie about an obese girl loosing weight I'd watch it.

I don't think there's any movies about that struggle.

Lmao, syrians and palestinians are starving yet their women still manage to be more fat than americans

a friend of mine who works in the industry says she's a real cunt

true story

Only oldfags remember Reruns daughter

>palestinians are starving yet their women still manage to be more fat than americans
>palestinians are starving


>Obesity has become prevalent in the Gaza Strip, as confirmed by the increasing demand on dietitians. Ata Qaisi, health care consultant and owner of Gaza City's Diet Center, said obesity can have negative repercussions on a person's life, making him or her more vulnerable to hypertension, diabetes and joint pain. Obese women are also more susceptible to pregnancy complications and miscarriages, according to Qaisi.

>Qaisi told Al-Monitor that there is a large demand in Gaza for weight-loss programs. “The comfort is in the improvement of the figure and this is what we seek through our programs, which are supposed to be followed through diets and not only by relying on weight loss. When the person finds that the weight has been reduced and the shape has been improved, his or her entire life completely changes. This is how people find comfort in their hearts and minds,” he said.

>In the Gaza Strip, a high proportion of people suffer from obesity. “Only 18% to 25% of the Strip’s residents have a normal weight," he said. "The rest are suffering from obesity because of the nature of our life pattern, in addition to the unbalanced social lifestyle, bad eating habits, food traditions and dessert consumption.”

>He added, “Such a large proportion is the result of common diseases such as diabetes, stress, cancer and rheumatism. If, for example, the proportion of patients with high blood pressure is 30% of the population, know that 97% of them are due to obesity and the rest are due to accidental causes.”


>Was she right?
Well she hasn't gone hungry, that's for sure.

Bright career as the next sun maybe

Jiggaboo ham

is that a piece of cake?

If heart disease doesn't get her, sure.

Forreal how do you get that fat


>Not much. She played one of the Xerxes monsters in 300
im dead

What do you think her cunt smells like?

10/10 post

she's popular in japan


yeah i think she did a japanese deodorant commercial, didnt she? kek


If you're that fat simply standing up and breathing is tiring. She probably had to walk several yards up to the press so she's basically dying from exhaustion.

anything is brighter in comparison to how black she is

Racist faggot, get the fuck out.

she is pretty big, everywhere she goes,

White Bird in Snow

Delete this thread, make it stop appearing on my cataog!


Reminder this actually happened.

is there anything more repugnant that fat black women?

Oprah should have been honest with her and told her to lost some weight

She's a big girl.

for you

i cant believe she can run... astonishing


>bright career ahead of her
Yeah bright as she looks up into the bright lights above the operating table as she gets wheeled into theatre


her skin is so fucking greasy i feel sick

still funny


She'll be playing Hermione pretty soon, mite b cool.

She's got a regular supporting role in Empire, if that even counts

Empire is shit but enjoyable so I watch it

I wonder what fried chicken meal she has a photo of in the love locket around her neck.

I literally bust my gut laughing when I saw this the first time.

But I also laughed through her getting raped so I could also just be a horrible person.

Because the Israeli """" defence"""" force will rough up/blow up any gym trying to open there

>not slathering yourself in the fry oil of your latest McDonalds conquest as a sign of domination over the puny restaurants who can't supply you with enough food to feed your never ending hunger

Do you even fat?

>being this delusional

>Get hit with a frying pan
>Steal fried chicken
>Get raped by my dad
>Have a retarded baby
>Name it Mongo
>Have another baby with my dad
>Work the system into giving dems gibsmedats so I can "raise" my retarded AIDS babies while I die of AIDS

Literally me: The movie.

>>Have a retarded baby
>>Name it Mongo

>mfw I just read the synopsis and this actually happens

Is this a fucking comedy?

lol, I forgot about that bit.

Mongo. Jesus.

At my local Mongolian BBQ they have sauce bases called Mongo-jam and Mongo-wine. I don't know how its related it just felt important to bring up.

Golden Corral

Those things are obviously made out of retarded baby parts. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

She looks like a delicious piece of caramelized meat; I'd slather her with sour cream and green onions and devour her until I passed out, no lie.

judens fattening them for the slaughter

She was great in King Kong as the island.

This. But she would have to shed a half ton.