What are Sup Forums's favorite noir and neo-noir films?

What are Sup Forums's favorite noir and neo-noir films?

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The Killing
The Third Man
The Lady from Shanghai
L.A. Confidential

What else do I need to see? I've got a lot of Melville here.


Would Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow be considered neo-noir, or is it too much science fiction to count?

Anyway, pic related would be my favourite neo-noir I've watched recently but my opinion changes desu, there are a lot that I like. Vertigo is probably my favourite noir film, if you consider colour noir to count as proper film noir.

The Third Man

>The lady from shanghai
basd Welles providing us with his soothing shitty irish accent

Kiss Me Deadly
Touch of Evil
Angel Face

It's a fedora genre so I don't watch it.


The Big Sleep
The Maltese Falcon

But as for neo, definitely pic related.


yeah great FILM fuckhead

Double Indemnity




Eeeehhhh, this isn't a healthy attitude to take. In the future when people say 'what was the best superhero film of the aughts' that might eliminate some of the best 'superhero' movies: Birdman, Super, even Kick Ass might be eliminated, there are tons of others, maybe even V for Vendetta, Sin City, and Watchmen (although they're not the 'greatest' superhero stuff) you frame the question to get a quick answer, but that throws away a ton of awesome films of that time, which were black and white melodramas that sometimes focused on amoral characters, crime, and the seedy underbelly of society. These are 'noirs' but people don't tend to allow for films that deconstructed noir during the noir times.

Also awesome films like Sunset Boulevard, or the sci-fi Kiss Me Deadly.

You also have awesome noirs that aren't typical Big Sleep or Maltese Falcon films with detectives solving mysteries.

Double Indemnity is possibly the best melodrama of those times, it's about two people trying to get away with an insurance murder scam. No detective protagonist. Ride the Pink Horse is about a blackmailer who tries to intimidate a gangster, it's hardboiled and amazingly interesting, it also explores Mexican culture, but it's not a 'mystery' or fits all the tropes.

Just like the best "superhero" films of our times are not exactly "superhero", the best noirs weren't specifically noirs.

The Killers
Out of the Past
The Woman in the Window
The Lady From Shanghai
Double Indeminity
The Big Sleep
In a Lonely Place
To Have and Have Not

are all top tier imo. hell, i enjoy most noirs, even if they're cheesy as fuck

Spellbound and Notorious count? If so then them probably

Maltese Falcon for me

The Long Goodbye
Mr. Arkadian
Blade Runner

>To Have and Have Not
Thanks for the movies pham

Nightmare Alley

A Good Man

why would a chauvinist fall deeply and instantly in love with an uppity married woman who shows less interest?


nobody is too harsh with the definiton of "noir". as long as it's from the right era, has the right tone and themes and is good nobody will get mad at you

Whenever this gets posted I always recommend The Big Clock and D.O.A. They are classics but still slightly less seen than the standard responses. Highly recommended.

Key Largo is also very good.


The Red House
Out of the Past
Lady in the Lake (Philip Marlowe story shot entirely in POV )


Wild Things
The Hot Spot
Angel Heart
Night Moves



Sunset Boulevard
The Night of the Hunter
Sweet Smell of Success
Touch of Evil

Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Mulholland Drive

>youll never be as cool as Bogart

Rambo: First Blood

Le samourai

>you'll never be as cool as Mitchum

>The night of the Hunter


Kiss Me Deadly
Ace in the Hole
The Big Sleep

Blade Runner
Basic Instinct
L.A. Confidential


sequel when?

never because aaron staton dies at the end of the game

i really like LA Noir and i wish there was a sequel

Can't they just make a new protagonist? Fuck, we need more noir games.

This is a good list, although The Big Sleep never did much for me. But it's undoubtedly considered a classic.

for a game that was based on noir films they fucked up on it
>most of the game was during the day
>playing as a bitch cop
the fixed boxing match case was GOAT tho

There were other problems too. The city was lifeless, no opportunity for exploration and the NPCs were retards who keep spouting the same two lines and walking into walls. Oh, and the serial killer case was so trite and predictable it was cringe-worthy.

Still, we need more noir games. I can only replay Grim Fandango so many time

It's too retro to be neo. Also it's not a crime story. It's an upbeat aviation and adventure pulp. Noir is as much attitude as it is visual.

Asphalt Jungle is my favorite

Howard Hawks is just a master of pacing and atmosphere, and the dialogue between Bogie and Bacall is unforgettable. I also love how labyrinthine and impenetrable the story is, makes it more of a perceptual experience instead of a straightforward crime tale.

There's really nothing else like it

The creator has another development studio he can run into bankruptcy?

Can't someone else just acquire the rights?

Key Largo was what I was going to say.

Game was way too linear for a Rockstar game

Dark City is top tier neo-noir kino.

Hell yeah

anybody know where to find noir?
TPB usually has a shit selection or no seeders
rustar is alright but often end up with only russian audio tracks