Are you people really liking this shit? I liked Winter Soldier a lot...

Are you people really liking this shit? I liked Winter Soldier a lot, but the Russo's really dropped the ball with this crap.

>villain creates master plan with ultimate goal of splitting Avengers up, so now they're in 2 teams of 5 instead of 1 team of 10...ok....
>tony somehow finds out peter is spiderman
>peter joins him just because
>antman joins cap just because
>tony pissed that winter soldier killed his parents even though it was 25 years ago and bucky was a mindless killing machine for hydra
>fucking retarded motion blur during the action scenes
>hulk not there
>tony brings 16 year old kid to deadly fight
>episode III "from my pov the jedi are evil!" politics with cap taking insane "no way will i sign!" side vs tony's "i'll sign away my first born" side

This was Avengers: Civil War. I wanted another Captain America movie.

Peter joined Stark because he needed money, already idolized him, and wouldn't be bound by the accords because Tony wouldnt guve up his special identity.

Theres no fucking way ANTS would work for Stark, considering Hank already told him he didnt trust him, and being a criminsl theres no way he would work for the government.

>villain creates master plan with ultimate goal of splitting Avengers up, so now they're in 2 teams of 5 instead of 1 team of 10...ok....
There is more to Zemo in the comics which is a poor excuse for movies
>tony somehow finds out peter is spiderman
Stark/avengers towers in new york probably tons of security equipment
>peter joins him just because
nerd wants to work for rich nerd
>antman joins cap just because
scott lang vs the govt
>tony pissed that winter soldier killed his parents even though it was 25 years ago and bucky was a mindless killing machine for hydra
I think it was more that Cap knew or said he knew
>fucking retarded motion blur during the action scenes
>hulk not there
Hopefully catapults him towards a crazy reveal in part 2 that leads him to planet hulk
>tony brings 16 year old kid to deadly fight
he realized the mistake after saying he was done
>episode III "from my pov the jedi are evil!" politics with cap taking insane "no way will i sign!" side vs tony's "i'll sign away my first born" side
Yeah the story wasn't great. No listen I have evidence he didnt do it can we investigate, yes you can we'll hold bucky for trial in the mean time. Avengers work together

i get it; it's edgy to not like whats popular.

so because capeshit is popular, it's good?

the ideals of a Captain America solo movie would not translate to the foreign box office

hi DCuck!

But it's fun,user!

civil war was great
batman vs superman was not.

youre cherry picking small parts of the plot calling it illogical when the movie features 100 year old super soldiers, mutants and androids. i think it's time to relax

I posted it again mommy

It wasn't great. It had a shit villain (I would like Crossbones better), poor character motivations, "he killed muh mom", horribly shot action scenes, etc.

It was a 5/10 movie at best. BvS was 2/10 at best. Winter Soldier was 8/10.

>it's a Marvel fans desperately try to piece together the shit pile they were served as to avoid feeling like a literal rape victim

The first step is acceptance

I know right? Why doesn't he accept that MCU does no wrong instead of voicing what he thought was wrong with the movie?


When will you absolute fucking retards stop will all this MUH COMICS shit. In the movie he was shit and there wasn't anything to him, so his character in the movies is shit. If you want to gush over your fucking comics then go to Sup Forums

For me, there were two unforgivable flaws.

First is Cap's extended silence over Hydra's involvement in the Starks' deaths. A lot of time had passed since the Widow released all those SHIELD and Hydra files and Cap got that dossier on Bucky. Them not at least mentioning to Tony that there was a good chance Bucky was involved just makes them both look like a couple of dishonest assholes.

Second is the Vision's plot-induced stupidity during the airport fight - taking down the tower instead of just disabling the jet and not changing his angle of fire to avoid hitting Rhodey.

The third would be the Falcon even being able to dodge an already-fired energy weapon, but hey, capeshit.

The fourth would be Zemo anticipating that the accords would automatically get ratified by the U.N., and most importantly, the Avengers' host nation, and that they would definitely create a rift between all these people he barely knows. It's also pretty out there that the precise three people Bucky's tape would effect be the ones who show up to stop him, but again, yeah, capeshit.

Come to think of it, aren't Cap and Co. hiding out within the very nation that championed the accords in the first place? Does that mean that T'Challa backed them out of them? By harboring Cap and the others, he's also in violation of the selfsame legislation his father helped to ratify.

>"he killed muh mom"
The whole "muh [noun]" trivialization is pretty weak and shows you have no real criticism. By the way, killing someone's family has been the motivation for countless characters in hundreds of movies.

>Second is the Vision's plot-induced stupidity during the airport fight - taking down the tower instead of just disabling the jet and not changing his angle of fire to avoid hitting Rhodey.

Vision was concerned about that Olsen twin hence why he failed, also he said during the movie that he doesn't have total control over the stone.

He was fucking up before she was even down. If he's confident enough to try to take out a component on the Falcon's wings from thousands of feet away, why isn't he confident enough to attempt to disable a jet that only dozens of yards away?

It's not a trivialization. He literally goes MUH MOM. And I like Affleck, but he hammed it up worse than Bale and the detonator.

Tony ordered him to do it and it was in front of his waifu.

Lame. Not to mention that Rhodey could have broken off to deal with the Falcon himself and let Tony pursue the jet solo, or is Iron Man suddenly incapable of overtaking and disabling one jet?

>The fourth would be Zemo anticipating that the accords would automatically get ratified by the U.N., and most importantly, the Avengers' host nation, and that they would definitely create a rift between all these people he barely knows. >It's also pretty out there that the precise three people Bucky's tape would effect be the ones who show up to stop him, but again, yeah, capeshit.

I was under the impression that the explosion orchestrated by Zemo outside the UN is what tipped the scales in favor of the Accords being passed

Civil War has caused the most damage control from a fanbase I've ever seen in my 8+ years on Sup Forums. The DC fans on Sup Forums are in such a panic, such a frenzy, such a state of confusion and anger and self-pity and defeat, that they're unwilling to admit that a rival studio has made a far superior product over the studio they support. It's embarrassing.

>Are you people really liking this shit?
Translates to
>No! YOU were supposed to think like ME! Fight duh powah xD!

Yes, most of us like it. Most of the audience loved it, too. When all is said and done, it will be more critically acclaimed than BvS, will have grossed more domestically AND foreign than BvS, will be remembered much more fondly than BvS, and will receive more awards than BvS. You lost. Get over it and take it like a man, you pathetic excuse of a human being.

Peter is an easily impressionable child who looks up to Tony, convincing him to join and use his powers as part of a greater good would be easy. Especially if you're Tony Shark.

And that's when I stopped watching.

They will be on suicide watch if Civil War outgrosses BVS.

Why would a rogue, lone gun superhuman committing a terrorist act swing anything in any direction? The accords wouldn't affect outlaw acts to begin with.

I never post in capeshit threads, just decided to look because I saw the movie but holy fuck this comment, is this bait or there are proper fanboy wars going on?

It's guaranteed to. It's already made 80% of BvS's total gross, and it's been out in America for 4 days.

>will recieve more awards than BvS

It begins. Marvelfags have started to toy with the illusions that their film deserves legitimate awards just because their movie was better than another capeshit film.

I can't wait to hear the campaign this December from you guys to get Civil War nominated for Best Picture.

Go ahead, do it. Prove once and for all awards are full of shit.

There so totally are.



>I never post in capeshit threads, but I decided to come post in a capeshit thread

Here, let me get these other excuses out of the way to save myself, and anyone else reading, some time:
>I'm not a DC fan! I don't even like comics!
>All comic movies are trash!
>Paid reviews!
>The audience/critics didn't *get* it!
>It's too controversial!
>The Jesus symbolism made critics uncomfortable!

Cracks me up when people say "you lost"

Ah. So no one is ever free to criticize a Marvel film. Understood.

>take girlfriend to see this
>her and all other marvel retards getting so excited over this shit fest
>muh heroes muh forced conflict
>marvel pussies out don't even kill captain a off
>shitty anti climatic ending

How much vagisil do I have to eat to enjoy this garbage?

That's funny, I didn't know DC fans ate vagisil

People can criticize them if they give legitimate criticism. Saying "lel it sux" and leaving doesn't work.

yes, it's fucking ridiculous. it's not even like "console wars" where one has exclusives the others don't. what do you get out of pledging allegiance to one company over the other? watch whatever you want to goddamn.

Captain needs his shit punched in.

The entire character can be summed up with his quip from The Avengers:

"There's only one God, and he sure doesn't dress like that!"

You can feel the self congratulatory nod some 62 year old southern baptist gave herself hearing that line.

Cap is brave, sure. Good intentioned, yeah. But he's so over englamoured with his own sense of self purity, he rejects anything he doesn't agree with, and thinks less of everyone else that doesn't stand with him.

When you question Cap,
>"Cap, what about all those civilian casualties your brash actions caused by not giving your strategy a second thought?"
"Well, I feel bad about it, but that's the price we all pay for my moral superiority."

The last DC movie I saw was rises and the only good thing to come out of it was baneposting, kill yourself you fanboy faggot.

>he gets excited over super hero movies
>he defends them
>he shills for them

Grow up

>lol I'm ABOVE comic movies u guise
>goes to see them anyway

You first, stay mad DCuck.

Cap is not the one causing that destruction. All he has is a Shield. It's the other Avengers wrecking shit.

was responding to a "pro" fanboy post, who blasted his rhetoric unopposed. There are legitimate criticisms both before and after the post he was replying that the post certainly did nothing to address.

If you're going to call them out, call them both out.

I went because my girlfriend really wanted to and I said I would, could have gone without it. They're all the fucking same.

>b-but DC !

DC is faggy too, next dumbass movie I'll have to hear about next is suicide squad which looks pretty cheesey and terrible.

Pick a side or watch your wife get fucked, DCuck. Too weak to have an opinion?

You don't even watch capeshit, yet you're commenting in a capeshit thread? Genius.

He led the party to confront Crossbone's forces, and allowed a chase/fight through a crowded public location. With all of Shield behind them, they would have just mysterously vanished if they decided to trail them away from civilization?

Then Cap admits he hesitates which leads to the deaths of multiple people - but it's okay, Cap feels bad about it.

Tony felt more conflicted about one bystander than Cap ever feels about deaths that were directly his fault.

It's less than 200 million away from it.

I think you guys are going to be surprised at the utter lack of butthurt, actually. I'm a fan of both franchises and think all this "Cola Wars" bullshit is infantile. I suspect the majority feels the same.

It's all shit made for kids, deadpool was bad too. They're amusing at best. Seeing people seriously discussing this dumb shit makes me cringe, get a job and start your career you pathetic fuck.

CG ruined the movie. Used too much of it and it made the movie ugly.