/got/ general

What's his next move?

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only faggots complain about dualwielding. it was stupid but shit, drop it.

ask ur mum if jon is qt IRL she must have seen him tbf

Nth for unpleasable autistic fanbase who get more pleasure from complaining about the show than they ever will from reading the books.


>Has a small penis

What did they mean by this?












He looks kinda like David Wenham doesn't he? Faramir as older Howland when?

Who here /farts/?

Dump all your rare farts.

Somebody posted that shot of Jon (sans Punished shop) last night, a few hours before the show aired, how did they get it?

>And now it begins

>Jon talking to Davos and Mel
>Mel encourages him to get support
>Davos points out that King Stannis offered him to become Lord Stark of Winterfell and the offer was a standing one
>Jon becomes Jon Stark
>Stannis is recognised as the one true king

seems likely?

fuck i desire cersei so much this season

when did she get so fucking sexy

First for objectively best girl

Miyamoto Musashi dual-wielded.

Also, quads confirm

>implying anyone cares about cuckston

when you realize you like your women looking like men


>they're going to flay rickon and osha


short haired women and objectively awful through

you might as well fuck a boy

why is Jaime still pussywhipped by his sister? way back it seemed the character had bit of an awakening and would grow as time goes, but now he's back where was, still a selfish slimy mancunt, just short of a hand

Oooh, found one!

+All scenes in Kings Landing(except Pycelle)
+No Brienne

-Tyrion & brown people
-Double Swords

He wielded a taito or wakazashi as an offhand weapon; fencers also wielded daggers in their offhand.

Dual wielding longswords is unheard of; at most you had people dual wield short falchions or short swords. Kill yourself.

nth for Lord Stoneheart

Umbers are for the North/Stannis in the books. It's a ruse.

tell me about dayne. why does he wield two swords?

post music your favourite character probably listens to



You're a big Northman.

>why is Jaime still pussywhipped by his sister?

He's not pussywhipped.

He just wants revenge for their children.

No only really attractive women can pull off short hair.

wow how unexpected would that be.


preston are you ok?




If I could legally...

>that one shitskin dornishman in the back

every SINGLE time



>yfw it's bran talking to aerys, causing the king to hear whispers.
>yfw bran's meddling started all of this.

>Howland Reed is a backstabbing faggot

Who would have thought? Even Ned looked dissapointed.



>tfw its probably some cosplayers tricking us

An extra posted it on his work from last season. Calm down guys it was in last thread.

Name a character from any show whose sole function is to pander to reddit fags and 9fags more than tyrion the ebin midget lannister

I only trust AltShftX.
Rest are fags.

yeah, when he's not trying to bone her again

this is from the charge in season 4 finale

I thought this was common knowledge?

Thinking Ned and a frogmanlet could beat the deadliest fighter in existence in a fair fight is folly

But AltShiftX doesn't point out any inconsistencies in the show. He loves the show.

Ser Arthur, I'm CIA

ser arthur dayne

Looks like his men are going to burn his body and leave.

>Stannis was revived in Jon's body and not actually Jon, who is in Ghost
>Jonnis is going to leave the wall to go and look for his old body to confirm whether he is really dead or not and do some shit at Winterfell
>Ghost in Jon gets his old body back somehow after Jonnis does something in the Winterfell crypts

He doesn't post anything new or particularly insightful, but he's very good at conveying the more common theories in ASoIaF

I don't believe it. I want to believe but I can't. How did he survive?


yeah, it has to be a ruse, but it's really dumb. Why would you endanger the last male Stark like that?

Am I the only one that had a nice laugh when Jon Snow came back and said that he didn't remember anything after he came back? We have a show full of magic and what not, not only that, we know there are a form of soul or spirit that lives on because of the issue with Karl Drogo yet we are to believe he didn't remember anything at all?

Ned could have, he's a good figther. Though obviously Dawn would give Arthur the edge anyway, so it's not like he was fighting fair.

Plot development ups the attractiveness of all women.

it's from last season you retard, read the previous thread

I want to believe.



His opinion of the show isnt the point of the videos.

Why do people think it's Stannis?

>retards are going to fall for this bait all season

Seven fookin' 'ells

The shield. the woods.

>Ned could have, he's a good figther

No he's an average fighter. The only reason he held off Jaime in the show was for dramatic effect

Mum, I posted it again

>dawn would give him the edge

Ya don't say

Ah! I see, hello fellow Redditor!

He's really good at explaining things to showfags.

>b-but i don't understand you guys
>i thought this was a special club where people gave you points for saying the show is shit

They better get to the fucking Riverlands soon

So, dual-wielding is a legitimate way of fighting. The rest are details.

Some guy who was an extra in S4 posted this in last thread. You can stop hyping. He's not coming back. ;________;

Don't remember seeing any of those kind of huts in the charge

Fuck you. I was busy believing. My smile and optimism is now gone. What scene was it from?

>Qyburn will never be your grandfather

wut u say m9

>You're a big girl.


>he wasn't in the last thread

Remove head from ass please

>we know there are a form of soul or spirit that lives on because of the issue with Karl Drogo

Remind me? Don't remember anything that couldn't have been a hallucination of Dany's.

stannis isn't that broad-chested, he's a skinny minny and he goes auschwitz mode whenever he uses blood magic. big lanklet though.

>muh honour
>i'll just fight him from the front and give him opportunity to kill me because that's fair lol, such knight wow

Too stupid to live.

dual wielding is objectively the most powerful form of combat if you are able to pull it off.

See for example: fookin legend dual wields daggers, Arthur Dayne dual wields long swords, Sand Snakes dual wield shortblades and whips

you forgot

+++no sand sneks

>everybody is calling Gregor by his real name

They don't even care at this point do they?

Yeah, and there really isn't anything wrong with that.

Although, most of his explanations don't translate exclusively to the show, because of DnDs terrible translation of the text.

>first one to tell me where my sister is, gets to stay in my lands

>The only reason he held off Jaime in the show was for dramatic effect

Jaime was toying with him. People don't seem to get that, but it's written all over their faces. Jaime was savouring it, drawing it out, and Ned knew it. Damn good acting.


the sneks are terrible fighters

>Legendary Knight dual wields

Bullshit, that's ahistorical, fuck this shit

>Legendary Knight faces armed opponents in an alleyway while being vastly outnumbered, slays many, but ultimately loses against the numbers game

Bullshit, muh super knights animu powerlevel is far too high for him to die in that situation