Why don't plebs get this show?
Why don't plebs get this show?
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I watched it once.
Not even sure what it was about.
the pilot was shit. There's no hook.
S1>S2 desu
No explosions or gruesome acts of violence.
They haven't read the interviews that say the show never has to justify or explain anything.
is this another Lost spin off? lots of questions and no real answers ?
Because it's written by that baldy bollock Lindelof. I don't care how good people say it is, or how many awards it wins. He fooled me once with LOST and twice with Prometheus. Never again.
I like that it has no real answers.
Exactly. Guilty Remanent storyline is GOAT.
>millions of people vanish without a trace
>no hook
I think most folks must not understand the effect that would have on the world.
Embrace the absurd, bro
Season 1 is centered on family.
Protag is a Police Chief.
His wife joined a cult.
Daughter is average teenager.
Son is in another cult.
Sorry if I make it sound bland. Its really good desu.
It's a great show
I hope they drop that videogame shit for the next season though
What vidya shit?
International Assassin was a really good episode for a TV series, haven't seen anything like it for a while desu
Season 1 finale still the best episode for me
What's the point?
>It's shit because they don't explain the departure
There are answers.
But there a lot of lostkiddies that still want to hang on to lost not going to shit in the end.
There are mysteries still, it's more about the characters, but there are plenty of answers about what and how, the why isn't still there.
This. The only thing that made season two worthwhile was the Limbo episodes. Worst thing is that I'm not expecting the mystery of anything to be wrapped up, so I liked it more when it was one big unexplained event. None of the characters was even directly involved with figuring the Departure out, but when it got all personal with Kevin I started wanting to find out what the explanation is, and I know I won't.
It is though.
Why create an intriguing mystery when you can just have nothing happen in most episodes.
At least when you watch Mad Men, you can expect that nothing will happen, but this one teases you with what seems like a cool mystery, but then nothing happens.
Next season (last season too unfortunately) is in Australia, where Kevin's pops went looking for answers. So you might get some answers.
>nothing happens
Stop with this meme. Plenty happens.
I feel bad for how cucked Kevin is. Tbqh he should have fucked Aimee up the ass because that bitch wanted it
That'd be nice, I'd even be fine with some vague Carnivale style explanation of the general idea. Hell, I think some funny exposition that wouldn't seem out of place could be Kevin's dad just popping out and giving a long winded insane sounding backstory behind most of the stuff. I wouldn't want it to go all the way out there with Kevin fighting demons or some shit, but I could see him believing the basics of what he says and having a good story.
The interesting thing is seeing how people act when the rules have been thrown out. The show depicts a planet full of people experiencing an existential crisis, and asks the viewer to join in on that. No surprise most people can't deal with that.
There's no explanation for life we can be sure of, yet here we are. Most of us distract ourselves from the lack of answers, and this show doesn't do that. It just deals with reality.
i was actually watching the pilot last night and turned it off because in the first 3 minutes a baby is crying loudly
fuck off with that, see ya later
Or hell, just thought of it, I could see them explaining Kevin's weird prophetic dreams and his "mission" with the dog shooting guy but having it have absolutely nothing to do with the departure.
Aimee was a sweet girl, she would never hurt Kevin's daughterfu like that.
Also Kevin's like the opposite of cuck, considering what he was doing when the departure was happening.
I tried to explain how awesome that scene was to a couple of people, but somehow saying "he had to sing simon and garfunkel to get out of the afterlife after he had to kill a girl before" just gets weird looks.
It was so simple to get back, yet so elegant. I loved that.
I think it was simple to get back because Kevin was shot clean through, and it was difficult in the other sequence because was poisoned with no antidote given
holy shit I just watched the trailer either the trailer is very well made or this is a cool show
from someone who thinks lost and prometheus are both shit (well Lindelof ruined prometheus) I think leftovers is brilliant
there's also the being buried in a shallow grave part that didn't help the first time
You can't watch something for more than 10 minutes user? Must suck to live with that ADD.
Best show ever
I think the point is that it wasn't actually simple. He seemed to be having a tougher time doing the song than killing Patty.
Did anyone think that what happened to Miracle in S2 finale was a good commentary of the refugee crisis?
I'm sure this was unintentional, but it really is.
Also bros, why did Meg get so crazy? What happened to her really?
They don't get his genius
>The show isn't about finding out why the happening happened
Okay, so what IS it about then
>It's a character study
Oh so like how people react differently to unexpected tragedy
>No, not really. It just kinda explores one dude's emotional journey.
Oh OK, so he embodies how WE experience and respond to tragedy
>No not that either. It's just kinda some spooky scary rebirth shit with some daddy didn't love me shit tied in
Do they at least have a character that makes wisecracks?
>No, they have a strict no-quip policy so that everyone on the show is fucking dour as fuck 10000% of the time
10/10 show
>can't into existentialism
Also do the Feds or National Guard not exist in this show? Two towns absolutely got ripped to shreds and no feds came in.
>literally complaining about the lack of quips
back to daredevil, kiddo
driven mad by infertility and a nagging mother who cucked her out of free pity by actually dying just before the rapture or some shit
It's not even an accurate complaint. their daughter gets a bit quippy at times, and Patty was quippy as fuck the whole second season. There really is quite a bit of pretty dry humour throughout the show.
Nice meme. Its a character driven show with unique mysticism which makes it nice to watch.
But in Mad Men no one knows what happens after they die, but it seems like it's on their minds. Especially Don's.
It's such a bullshit mystery. You never find out what happens after you die in Mad Men. There's some bullshit hints that you become a ghost like Cooper does, but they never give anything more than that.
All his crimes are forgiven. What a great show. Lets hope he doesn't cave in and try to explain shit which will make plebs hate him again.
i agree with you that its interesting, but its not an explosive hook like Lost's opening. It's rather low key actually. You just get introduced to a bunch of characters doing weird shit after the first 2 minutes showing the disappearances. I can see why the average pleb would be way too confused to get invested.
Is Eccelstone the most based actor on the show?
The creators said that they will never say where everyone disappeared off to. The "why" is hinted at if you pay attention.
This show does not deal with reality at all. They half ass attempts at world building and social commentary that go nowhere and are stop gaps until the next mystical event that never has to be explained. Their idea of realistically reacting to the unknown is that everyone would revert back to teenagers that just discovered nihilism and stand around smoking in people's faces like they are proving a point. The main characters are walking cliches that go through the motions of stories we have seen a thousand times before. In no way is this show insightful or real.
Literally the only correct answer is another dimension. Which is stupid as hell. I'm glad the show will never reveal where they went.
If you really pay attention you'll realize the lack of explanation fails as a commentary on the unknown when they constantly move the plot forward by creating a mythology of supernatural events. It's hypocritical at best.
I do embrace the absurd. I don't embrace absurdity that is trying to sermonize me with fake profoundity.
That's what I think too, but the show says a bunch of things, including the opening which shows people ascending to heaven or perhaps a mass exodus to the purgatory hotel.
I do agree the show is much better for not saying though. It's simply not needed.
If it wasn't needed you wouldn't be fucking talking about it.
What did Kevin wish for when [Spoiler] Wayne was dying? [/Spoiler]
I might be pissed if they don't reveal this in the next season.
Exactly. If they had left the supernatural things at just the departure, it would be much better. I would not be pissed off at all at the lack of explanations and I'd love the show a lot more (still like it though). They're putting emphasis on other mysteries though, opening up new plotlines with supernatural powers, and that takes the focus away from the characters' reactions. If they wanted to not answer anything, they shouldn't have started focusing on seemingly separate unexplained things.
He probably wanted his family back
It's not about the mysteries they said so in the interviews.
But are they really seperate tho? Find out on The Leftovers Season 3 : Bungle in the Jungle Down Under
Link plz. What is this famed interview?
So why did they disappear?
Well props to you for being able to think critically about a show without taking offense which is the typical reaction around here. How are you able to look past such an enormous flaw? Because I don't think the character drama is compelling enough to make up for the shenanigans.
Perhaps the shittiest excuse for why the show is bad is
>but in the last season nothing will get answered! The show doesn't make sense!
Those people are always clearly fucking retarded. The only unanswered question in this show is what happened to everybody who disappeared. Everything else is symbolic, cryptic, or filled with ambiguity but you're suppose to think about it and find the answers yourself, not wait for the last season in hopes they'll spell it out for you.
Because it's part of the show. The characters want answers or some explanation to ease their suffering, but they're never going to get one. The government has even set up an entire bureau to try and figure this out but it leads nowhere. Instead, they're going to have to move on with their lives the best way they can. Some people accept it, others go crazy and join cults.
It's not a mystery show. The narrative isn't going to be helped by explaining. It's focusing on the people left behind and how they cope with it.
Pay attention
The Departure was a supernatural event which won't be explained. Why do you think that the other supernatural events need explanantion?
You say it's not a mystery show and that's it not needed and yet you are discussing the mysteries. Art where the point is that you are never going to get answers is extremely hard to make compelling, and the way they construct the show is based around specifically hooking people with mysteries that will keep them tuning in. They have already said that they are not going to resolve any of the mysteries so stringing viewers along will have no impact if/when they pull the rug out at the end, which I don't even think they will do.
Well either way I really liked the first season. I do find the character drama compelling enough to enjoy, so I guess that's just a matter of taste, and you never know, they might resolve some things in a good way in season 3. I really want to see how the show goes for the last season, it could really make it or break it for me.
There is a bit of an implication in S1 finale that the people left behind are sinners. Very subtle. But I thought it was BS cause Eccelstone's entire arc is to prove that's BS.
Resentment. All of the departed were hated in that split second for either minor or major reasons by others who ranged from close family to complete strangers.
If it was an exploration of an unexplainable phenomenon and the grief surrounding it then the other supernatural events would be unnecessary if that was what the show was actually about.
That would explain Nora's family.
Why can't it be both?
Having a mystery does not mean you need an answer or should expect one.
Is Deckard a replicant or a human? It doesn't matter, as long as we question, what does it mean to be a human in the first place?
Why did Zuckerberg screw Eduardo out of the company? Was it for the money? Was he a bad business man? Was it jealousy? Was it to impress a girl? We don't know, and it doesn't matter as long as we explore humanity and how we interact.
Why did Kane say "rosebud?" Was he lamenting about the loss of his childhood? Was it just a weird memory flashback associated with dying? Who cares?
What happened to the Departed? Well, who knows what happens to anyone who dies? It doesn't matter because we'll never know and have to find a way to live not knowing. It's about everyone trying to live without answers.
Good post. Upboated.
Because the other mysteries outside of the premise change the context of the show from an alternate reality character study to a not even half assed supernatural mythology show that doesn't have to adhere to basic concepts like plot resolution.
I get what you're saying and I appreciate it. I think that everyone who is expecting answers will drop the show eventually because of a lack of anything substantial. Then again, this isn't a show for them. The show's focus is on the people left behind, not the departed, and it's to be expected that the characters in the show would be trying to solve the mystery. The hotel stuff is pretty wonky though, and that's my major disappointment with the show so far.
Nora's family, the family with the mentally disabled son, the woman that Kevin just finished cheating with his wife on, the loud crying baby in the opening, etc.
Very good theory. When was it implied on the show?
His episode in S1 is the best episode of S1. Only half way through S2, though.
Except the basic ambiguity of the show is consistently ruined when they constantly shoehorn in more supernatural events. There's a big difference between nuanced ambiguity and blatantly throwing shit at a wall and letting people sort through it because you can't be bothered. You have three examples from movies that have deliberately designed unknowns that are guiding you towards specific points of contemplation and then "who knows, it doesn't matter!" which is the broadest and most juvenile point to make, and this show doesn't even attempt to hide the fact that it doesn't intend on saying anything other than a basic nihilistic argument (if you ignore the fact that it's a supernatural mystery show).
You're opening another can of worms. So they resented them. Okay. Now why'd they disappear?
Why is a neverending question.
Nora's interviews with families of the departed that range over season 1 and the flashback episode (can't remember which season) all point to it.
>it's a Sup Forums takes itself seriously thread
keep em comin' boys, my sides are in shambles
Still my favourite ep, nora is so based.
Back to your designated capeshit thread
too boring
op has shit taste
>ahh yes I do indeed peruse the board Sup Forums of Sup Forums
actually, the fine fellows of my home board /r9k/ informed me of this "discussion." I just had to check it out!