Retweeted by Mark
Holy crap!
Other urls found in this thread:
Mark is still hotter
Luke is bestgirl
wew lad
sebadstian literally who?
I don't know who Sebastian Stan is.
Well this settles it then...Shadows of the Empire movie?
>face photoshopped
Take all my monies
disney should just get to cloning actors already so we can have the next direct prequel sequel
>Disney making a new Star Wars movie about a white guy
>finding another man hot
uh, you don't belong here
>mfw Disney blew the chance to make Sebastian Luke's son in the next Star Wars trilogy
Stan's jaw is much more square when it's not photoshooped to be exactly the same as young Hamill
They'd never allow another white male actor as a lead again in their Star Wars movies user, don't be silly.
#AskMrHamill is trending on Twitter and Mark's answering random questions. Someone ask why he points so often.
Do we know who buckys dad is?
Is Mara Jade in that? Who play her? Who would play everyone? We got new Luke, but what about the other returning characters and the new ones?
He wouldn't have even had to be the lead. They could have replaced Poe with him. Having Luke's son be gay would be the best thing to making Luke gay for Disney.
>more white males in Star wars
Both pics are Hamill, eyebrows and moles are the same
It's a stupid website,tool or whatever
>morphy me
So on the right it's an inbetween thing
>The last words that Walt Disney wrote before he passed away were “Sebastian Stan.”
>photoshopped onto
he's telling you to check these
But Hamill is way cuter than that frog looking motherfucker.
Nah, he's right at home.
Nah, man. That's how you do it.
step aside and check em
Stan is post-RotJ Luke confirmed
Oh wow great! Now all we need are doppelganger actors for Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, etc.
No, she's not. At least not in the novel.
You've all failed him.
Never give up
By photoshopped he means he didn't alter the rucking face, but merely cropped it into the body, you dingus
Are you gay or something?
Uncle Owen you senile fuck, you're pointing the wrong way
Without chemicals he points.
You mean these?
And both played as a person who lose a hand that replaced with prosthetic arm.
Are you new or something?
There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to Mark.
Well done, lads
Bucky with the good hair
Looks like you need to go back to camp
Mark confirmed for cute.
I think you meant these quads
literally who
fucking loser, get out before I beat your ass with these digits
you mean THESE digits?
>tfw i live in one of those cities
Mark is so cute I just want to cuddle with him no homo
You better be referring to Stan with that remark, nigra.
Literally the cutest man of all time
you know it's nearly been 40 years since that was taken right
>implying he isn't still cute and cuddly
You guys suck.
But Bucky is a fat fuck.
Pre-accident, anyway.
Post accident Hamill a cute
What's the verdict on this? I've read so many differing opinions on whether the accident, plastic surgery, or age changed his looks so rapidly.
I'm guessing a combination of all three.
Well he is.
Look at this tubby.
He ain't fat. He's swole.
Accident fucked up his face, plastic surgery tried to fix it but couldn't quite get it back to where he was.
Guess since he's not being put on ice after every mission, he's been able to stuff his face whenever he likes.
>accident happens
>his nose is completely fucked
>scars on his face
>gets reconstructive surgery
>his face gets puffy due to bad reaction to said surgery
>stress and surgery probably cause premature aging
>nose will never be as perfect as it once was again
A tragedy desu.
>wouldn't fuck a tight af boipucci
dude, you're a faggot
That's just muscles
Either way he a cute. CUTE!
It's strange how Mark is still cute in ESB, which was filmed soon after the crash, yet looks so haggard in ROTJ.
Guy looks pretty jacked on the right, though harder to tell with the vest, angle and lighting.
>going for Mark's inferior clone
Step it up user, nothing beats the original.
Guess all the brainwashing was also keeping him fit.
How many shirts is he wearing?
No wonder he looks huge, he's got like 8 layers of polo Ts on.
Stop making excuse for that fatty fat fat.
or just two you mongoloid
They don't really look similar at all except for this one photo
Dude, You can see the Sebastian in Mark here
Lukelust is a thing of beauty.
His acting was horrible in Hot Tub Time Machine.
Lucky he's a capshit star now.
His fat ass should've played ArmA at least, to understand why he's being a retard.
Or a 10 min army training video on youtube
>You can see Sebastian in Mark
user pls
Why does Sup Forums like this obese fucko now?
The difference is on the left he's in operator mode and on the right he's in bulk mode. There's probably a 25 pound difference and even then that bulk mode is definitely not something stan stays at for very long.
ESB his face was still healing from one (maybe the first) surgery You can see how his face was post crash in the holiday special, so it's puffy swollen etc it actually help mask the damage on screen. By RotJ his face was set, he was also older, sou you could see everything that was off better. I think he must have done, maybe, another surgery to correct/fix small things, because he aged very well.
>Well this settles it then...Shadows of the Empire movie?
I... I would forgive them if we could have a real SotE movie.
Stop this cute meme you dumb faggot