What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?
What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?
eat it
Make an unobtainable pencil
I wouldn't be in Kansas anymore and I'd eat some jew jew bees.
snort it
how am I supposed to obtain it if its unobtainable?
two girls at once
Ass to ass?
Sell it to finally Finnish the avatar sequels
they simply could of tunneled underground to get it
with all that tech/machinery, they could've easily done it
UNOBtanium.. hehe get it??? xd
stick it in my ass
Make a shield.
Obtain it
Undergo the Weapon X procedure and have my bones laced with it, then I'll head to Pandora and fly around un-aided, REEEEEEE-ing as I become a fucking flying nightmare to the locals, fucking their shit up as I go.
I would also be naked as I did this.
Truly our most based secretary of war
grate it on my sketti
Are you retarded? That's Abraham Lincoln our 16th president. I knew Sup Forums was dumb but WOW.
Shove it up my ass
Well how the fuck am I supposed to fashion it into anything if it's super indestructible and absorbs energy
sell it for 6 billion shekels or however much Phoebe's brother said it was.
fuck all 300 kilos of your mom
Fashion a suit out of it and become Unobtainium Man.
In real life blood needs to circulate over your bones, you'd die horribly.
Blend it until it turns to dust, mix it with some jelly and use it as thermalpaste to achieve unobtainable Overclocking speeds for my CPU
What's this unobtanium meme?
This desu
Actually that would probably fry your pc
Would have taken months just to get there from a safe distance.
Not to mention strip mining from the underground is highly dangerous and inneficient.
The Jew overlords wanted that unobtanium NOW and they wanted it all.
But its unobtanium m8.
It would literally keep my CPU at FREEZING temps while hooking it to the Mother Tree cloud.
the mother tree doesn't real friendo
Lost it
Rename it
a frisbee
The movie doesn't even say what it's used for. But it's superconducting or something so I'll sell it to DoD and BAE.
I want muh railguns