ITT: Movies your father took you to see
ITT: Movies your father took you to see
I'm sorry user. Nice digits though.
I don't think I've ever been to the cinema with my dad. I've watched plenty of movies with him at home, though.
Saw this when I was 9. Four years later he an hero'd.
Fucking hell, one day afterschool when i was a kid, my dad took me to watch this movie too, simply because he had two free movie tickets for the theater or some shit
>beg dad to take me to see this
>pull up to the theater
>line around the corner of people with Grinch stuff
>dad looks at line and says "OH fuck this" and drives off
>takes me to blockbuster instead and lets me rent a bunch of movies and games to make up for it
>he rents The Godfather
>tells me to watch my movies some other time and tells me to watch the Godfather with him
He must really hate you, OP.
What about my step dad?
>mom and dad get into finacial trouble when i'm 10
>have to stay with my aunt and cousins for almost 3 years while they sort shit out
>finally get to go back to live with my parents smack dab on my 13th birthday
>dad is so out of touch with my likes he takes me to see pic related that weekend
It was a good time though
Haha my father took me to see that too. I remember I wanted to be just like inspector gadget so fucking bad. Made my dad buy me around 20 happy meals just to get the complete toy from McDonald's.
it's okay though, he took me to go see shrek some time after
second and last
My dad took me to a porno theater for my birthday. The seats were really sticky, but it was fun. We are going back next year for my 29th birthday too.
>try to get all the pieces
>go to mcdonalds all the time
>get 3 left arms, 2 bodies, and a right leg
fuck you mcdonalds
>I never got the hat
>I used to cry about not having that hat
No wonder I got so good at TF2
Actually fell asleep watching that the other day.
Holy shit why did I like it as a kid
I was 13, but still remember perfectly. It was a great moment.
But The Cat in the Hat is a masterpiece user
During the last times he got me the happy meals he specifically asked for a certain toy part. I played with the toy and it didn't even have a head. It basically looked like this
My dad is a pretty straightforward and no funny business kinda guy. However, he did chuckle at the end when they named the new planet Bob.
Go go gadget "getting away with vehicular manslaughter"
Had the whole set
>tfw other kids didn't know that they could choose a toy if it was available
>tfw mom would give me a buck to run in and get a piece of gadget sans happy meal
Take me back, senpai
>his parents didn't just ask to buy the toys on their own
>Brendan Fraser was considered for the role of Inspector Gadget, but turned it down on account of working on George of the Jungle, another live-action Disney film based on an animated cartoon.
Bullshit. The head was attached to the back. I think his front torso was sold separately as a cell phone, but you definitely used the head to work the back.
>>dad is so out of touch with my likes he takes me to see pic related that weekend
my grandma gave me a set of toy animals for christmas when I was 14. Was really cringy.
I fell asleep during the phantom menace when my mom took me to see it. I still liked buying all the crap with the star wars logo on it though.
people can say what they want, but it was pretty fun
Dad took me out of elementary and middle school to go to the "dentist" for:
>The Lost World: Jurassic Park
>The Matrix Reloaded
>Star Wars: Episode 1
Yeah they were trash but we loved the originals and couldn't wait for the sequels. Dad is fuckin based. He's a cook and plays shooters with me. Love you, pop.
One and only time. I remember him losing his shit to pic related
Now my mom's husband takes me to Kevin Hart joints.
He's never quite forgiven me.
>watching the cringey as fuck Angela Anaconda skit before it
>Be me, 7
>Dad gets off deployment early, surprises me at school and checks me out so we can see this movie
>So excited to spend a day with him and see a cool movie.
>Get to the theater, "dad I have to go use this potty"
>"Ok user, I'll wait here by the concession stand"
>Go to use bathroom, use stall because urinals intimidate me.
>Guy walks in behind me before I even shut the door, pins me against the wall and hump my crack
>Cums on me in like no time, whole event lasted less than a minute.
>Embarrassed, go to see Dad, tell him I feel sick and want to go home.
>Dad bummed out, spend the rest of my day in my room.
>Had to ride home with cum squishing around my underwear
That is good parenting.
Kids cherish memories like that.
your dad or your mother's husband
My father's husband
Thanks, anonbro. He was an 8th grade teacher most of my life. Advanced US History. He's that teacher that you still remember long after you've finished school, ya know? The kind that didn't teach the bullshit curriculum and actually went above and beyond to teach you how to think.
First day of class is usually bullshit where people catch up on summer break. Teacher tries to talk over them. My dad shuts the door. Tells everyone to STFU and passes out a blank US map. Name ever state. Welcome back to school, it's learning time, bitches.
Post the webm pls ;_;
>the rest of that post
I'm going to hug my dad when I next see him.
Wow you must be one fat fuck OP
Godzilla 2000 (not the Matthew movie), Spiderman 3, The dark Knight, the dark knight rises, the other guys, lone survivor
Phantom menace, he hasn't been to the theater since
>I remember I wanted to be just like inspector gadget so fucking bad. Made my dad buy me around 20 happy meals just to get the complete toy from McDonald's.
I was only 9 years old
I loved Inspector Gadget so much, I had all the merchandise and movies,
Nice Dubs
One of the first movies I ever saw in theater and went at night with my dad and it was one of my favourite memories ever. He even bought me a bunch of junk food and Spider-Man stickers. Being a kid was cool.
>Movies your father took you to see
>your father
God dammit op ;-;
He was chuckling as we were leaving because it was so shit. I thought it was dope as fuck at the time. He had the more reasonable opinion.
In this movie it was just us and these two guys in front of us and he loudly shit talked the plot the entire time and talked about how office buildings would never be so empty since he was a facilities manager and knew this kind of thing
>still didn't turn into a capeshitter
Feels goodman
Was 14 at the time and I loved it
Did he molest you after or before the movie?
Black man here, pic related
Dad took me out of school to see this, he started gagging at the porta potty on bungee cord scene
The 2015 Digimon reboot is even worse than the movie.
he fell asleep 10min in like he does for every movie
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
yeah this one too
also He took me to see a pokemon move the one with entei , he slept through the whole movie
Why did critics hate this movie?
Fucking lol
My mother's husband took me to see 300.
good read lol
Wanted this motherfucker so bad. I had every piece except for the left arm. I was at the baby sitter's house when my mom came to pick me up. She had the left arm. Told me she had to chase a lady down in the McDonald's parking lot just to get it. I still have the entire thing. I don't know how I will deal with my mom's eventual death.
this desu, also Godzilla (1998)
My father was agoraphobic and stole cable so we never had to go to the movies
He probably wanted to see it for Jet li.
It was a little bit weird at the start since there was some boobage but it was an alright experience overall.
I was probably 14.
Hello, Tyrone.
Last movie I ever saw with my dad.
that's my dad too
My dad took me to see Evolution in the cinema.
It was a fun film
My dad took me to see pic related 3 times (his idea). It was great.
haha my dad did that too! but he was on pain killers all the time haha
My father died when I was 13, we never went to the theater.
Saw this with my mom
>tfw got cucked by those dishonest trailers
What a time.
I forgot about this piece of shit
My dad unironically loves this movie, especially the plane scene
And thus, a meme was born. :)
Opening day as well
Lubezski was the cinematographer for this, can you imagine the conversations?
>"ok emmanuel or whatever now for this scene the cat opens the door and there's a bullfight happening on the other side"
>"ah yes, the old door through his perceptions. I've had a couple ideas around these more surreal aspects, is it to be fitting to the tone of the scene or is the focus to be on the contrast and henceforth the disparity of reality?"
>"the bulls horns go through the door up his ass and he flys across the room, and thats when we focus on Mike giving a one liner, now go and stay behind that fucking camera you shit speaking spic"
There was a while when we got into seeing random indie films we knew nothing about at the before hand. This one was one of the best theatre experience I've had.
I was 10.
Love you dad.
his face of pure joy knowing his name is going to be credited with this masterpiece
best dad ever user
Same planet, different time - my dad thought it wise to take me to this.
My mom took me to see Hannibal Lecter and Starship Troopers when they were released. Shit was cash. When he fed the guy's cheek to the dog I just put my head in her lap and went to sleep.
Me too dude. My dad took us to a matinee on opening day for all three of them. Good times
I was born in '92 btw
First Bond in a cinema with my dad
Why I did this to you, dad?
I could have sworn that was a DCOM
Trust me, he enjoyed it.
My dad brought me to that movie too. He really likes his sci-fi.