Just watched it
Wasn't even that bad
Why did it get shat on so much?
Just watched it
Wasn't even that bad
Why did it get shat on so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because rotten tomatoes said so.
Because it was poorly edited, which turned the first act into a mess.
Because it wasn't that good either. Just look at the shitposting Marvel movies get for being good but not great. BvS got off lightly.
Not enough quips
because it's not marvel
Because executive Jews control the hivemind mentality of a brainwashed generation?
Pretty much. Also I don't think people liked the characters too much
It was ''that bad'' user. It's pretty forgettable too.
because it's not disney
because it was fucking garbage
Because it was over hyped. People expected more and got a lot less.
this guy again making this thread again
Because it didn't follow muh comics close enough
did you pay close attention to every second? because that would help you identify the flaws in it.
Daily reminder that The Force Awakens was positively reviewed even though it's a piece of shit.
Disney corruption and nerds being nerds
The perfect storm of well-poisoning, questionable casting and writing decisions, bad editing, "not muh" fanboys who think the only versions of the characters are what exist in their heads, braindead critics, and a substantial amount of post-release astroturfing.
Personally, I like what they're doing with the DCEU and think that others will as well when they finally see where it's heading.
>when they finally see where it's heading.
A joyless, bleak world where everything is a biblical metaphor?
>wasn't that bad.
That's all it needs to be to be ridiculed. If Sup Forums weren't so contrarian you'd see more praise for TFA or Jurassic World. It's all schlock, but those two were better than BvS and even they got a ton of shit.
it tried to be something more than a superhero movie
i thought the movie was fun and entertaining, though doomsday basically being a killing machine without the expected intelligence was a bit of a buzz kill
maybe the extended cut will be better on that regard. also, i liked the justice league preview. i think oli should be in this movie.
I liked it a lot better than either TFA or Jurassic World and I really don't give a fuck about DC, Star Wars or Jurassic Park so kinda unbiased
Critics says it's bad
So it's Bad
People don't appreciate capekino
I agree about TFA and BvS getting too hard a time on Sup Forums but Jurrasic World was so, so awful man.
What is "that bad"?
That bad as in the RT score? How many fucking times does it have to be explained that everyone can give a lukewarm but "rotten" score and a movie will get 0%?
As bad as the critics actually describe it to be in words? Because it was. It was terribly edited, lurchingly paced with some of the worst characters (Lois, Lex) and worst scenes (Martha) to grace capeshit in ages.
I always love these images because they show the exact problem with the film, it's 2.5 hours of references and symbolism with nothing else to prop it up.
You can't make an entire movie out of references to better works in lieu of characterisation or narrative.. Snyder built a mansion on a foundation of sand and somehow got confused why it sank into the ground.
>black and white
>night and day
If Lex hates superman for being Satan. Why does he creates an even more powerful Superman and why does he killed the "god" of earth and brought Darkseid who is know as the void itself
>Eat a piece of shit
>Meh, didn't make me die. Why does everyone hate eating shit?
No, I think that, among other things, what the first two films were about was establishing part of the basis for how magic's going to function in their universe. but so far the only character that could conceivably mouthpiece that is Wonder Woman.
If I'm right, they're going to play it similar to how magic's frequently shown as working in the comics, where knowing "spells" is just the first step. It's belief that does the heavy lifting.
What I'm getting at is that all that metaphor that surrounds Clark and to a far lesser degree the other central characters is working as a visual manifestation of mankind's unconscious deification of Clark. Clark's not a magical character, though. He doesn't get any benefit from it, but something's coming that does.
>Youre letting them kill martha
I turned the movie off right there. No son would call his mom by her name
get your tinfoil hats ready
either way this analysis is great
I'm a fan of both companies and the Star Wars franchise, but I have to tell you - once the initial fanservice high of seeing the Millennium Falcon back in action wore off, I was not terribly happy with TFA. It already started feeling kind of threadbare by the second viewing,
it didn't get shat on that much.
Most people gave it middling reviews.
But then angry defensive fans that don't seem to fully understand how Rotten Tomatoes works saw the 29% approval rating and assumed that was the aggregate score.
Its because Rotten Tomatoes lead with an approval rating that is somewhat hard to define over the average score like every other review aggregation website.
Its a silly way of doing it really because it can lead to a more binary presentation of a films reception which can be misleading.
But I can see why they do it.
It certainly gets people talking about RT more than if it were like every other website of its kind.
I can genuinely say I went in optimistic and left the theater with a frown
One of the problems I had with it was a lack oh chemistry between the new principals and the jaded reprises from the returning veterans. I'm hoping Hamill does something to rekindle the old fire.
Because the fire rises.
your mom was fucking garbage
*takes off specs*
Let me tell you what's wrong with Mr. Zack Snyder. To put it simply, his only problem is that he doesn't care about nerd culture. That's it. That's all. Satisfied? Good. Now run along and join the other sheep. Bye. Bye!
*sits there*
Oh, you're still here? Good, you've passed the test. The truth is yes, Zack IS too careless, but he's merely guilty of disregarding TOO much nerd culture. Alright, picture this- you're walking through the English countryside and see a cinema. In this cinema you see a film, a film very different from the Simon Pegg-esque upper middle class quip oriented flicks you're used to. Through seeing this film you are shown things- wondrous things. Now, up until this moment you're just a normal bloke. You watch Netlix on the weekend, talk to uni friends on facebook, have a joke and a share witty conversations between classes and generally get on with your life. But this moment changes the entire paradigm. It's something you genuinely never thought possible, but guess what? It happened. It happened and it can't unhappen. Deal with it.
So what do you do? That's the million dollar question, right? What do YOU do? Do you keep it to yourself? Sure, that would make things much easier, but why do that? Why keep it to yourself? Why do something simply because you're in fear of stepping out of the small, narrow box that society has put you in? That's the definition of, to use a much used modern phrase, a cuck. Yes, a cuck.
At the end of the day Zack Snyder is, at the very least, not a cuck. That's something he has over most people here. And that, I think, is something that must be said.
TFA is pretty shit, that's true.
BvS was much more enjoyable.
No, it isn't.
BvS is a fucking chore to watch.
2 hours of build up to a 5 minute fight that ends up with a team up and everyone happy.
and TFA wasn't?
I don't understand how people shit on the editing for BvS but Micheal Baybrams clusterfuck gets a pass due to pandering to effiminate balding beta neckbeard nostalgiacucks.
The man directs in sweatpants and under armor wristbands.
If that's not badass I dunno what is. Nerds can't stand that an alpha auteur is in control of their products, and he's elevating them to heights their puny brains can't comprehend. They can't stand that someone who appears on the outside as a manchild with a comic book fetish, is pushing the medium further than they thought possible.
tfa wasn't really a chore to watch. it had somewhat interesting things going on from time to time and new places popped up enough to keep my mind from wandering
bvs was like, the only movie i saw in a theater i can remember where i just stopped one second and saw two characters making horrible dialogue together and thought "how long has this movie been on? has to have at least been an hour" and nobody's done anything superhero-ish or even remotely interesting
>I have the attention span of a gnat
Don't ever reply to me again brainlet.
you replied in just over a minute to a post that was made in response to yours nearly 12 minutes ago in a dead thread
are you just refreshing the page constantly trying to fire of buzzwords and memes? don't you dare lie to me; are you in other threads pulling this same shit?
After Man of Steel, I suspected general audiences and critics to be idiots and BvS' reception its proven
Snyder is undeniably the modern Kubrick
>idiot doesn't know how Sup Forums works
Go back to your shit atheist liberal circlejerk you fucking loser.
i don't know who's dumber: you, for wasting your time meme'ing all day, or me, for giving you a few minutes of attention
consider your bait eaten, m'dude
Bribery works both ways
>Just look at the shitposting Marvel movies get for being good but not great
you're literally retarded. Every marvel thread is full of circlejerk praise for their movies
Where the fuck do you think you are shitstain?
This isn't fucking facebook where people leave passive aggressive remarks that may or may not get replied to 12 hours later.
Kill yourself you fucking faggot.
Not saying either were really good. But I thought they were better than BvS is all. It ultkmately comes down to how you value things.
I respect a self aware piece of entertainment/amusement like Jurassic park 4 more than a movie that tries and fails to be deep. At least a movie that succeeds to some degree st that intention had a clear purpose and audience, I can always throw it on for a stupid action movie on poker night or something.
And now you're samefagging. Good lord, Sup Forums can sometimes be a shithole.
nigga, you are just too dumb to understand BvS
just wait for the (you) screencap one of "them" is inevitably going to take
the only reason Sup Forums is a shithole is because retarded people like you post here
easy game
epin maymay
you're literally 12 years old.
grow the fuck up.
Get a load of this fucking loser.
this is what happens when you get a teenager on Sup Forums with a phone mad
time to hit the eject button on this thread
if it wasnt such a clusterfuck of different comic book stories it would actually been great
why go all in with doomsday, forming of JL and all that shit inbetween when people only wanted to see a guy dressed up as a pudgy bat try beat a balding ayylmao?
>Wasn't even that bad
That's real glowing praise right there
it's time to hit the eject button on life you fucking memeing queer
>waaaaah more than one person called me a retarded faggot so I'm going to say samefag and call them a child with a phone
you're literally an autistic retard
Snyder, Affleck, and Cavill get the bitches and gays all juicy. They are just ripe with raw sexual energy. This offends the virginal fanboi. MoS and BvS deal with emotional issues and belief systems in a mature way. This doubly offends the fanboi, who is stuck in perpetual adolescence. They can't process or register mature emotions. And people hate what they don't understand.
Because nobody wants to draw that shit out for 30 fucking movie before we get to bust the nut. Go big or go home.
I hate that we're never going to have an actual BvS thread that isn't consumed by samefags and people (like you) baiting the fuck out of everyone. Why does this happen, man.
HA! i second this
I'm sorry for your loss.
Why do you do it? You're anonymous, surely you could break character for a second and hit me with some knowledge. Why do you bait?
It was boring as shit, also fuck Gal Gadot.
That's funny and pathetic at the same time.
because the paid disney shills are here to derail DC threads at all times.
that's not even the right Krager trip you dumb fag
DC is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
>spamming this mildly amusing gif over and over and over again
stop saying "not that bad". that means it is bad. if you like it say " it was great".
go ahead. say it.
it was great
Lex hated anyone more powerful than him, so when forcing Superman and Batman to fight failed, he ensured Superman's death with Doomsday so they could all just kill each other. Lex literally orchestrated all of it.
It was put up on a shit pedestal in your mind. It didn't live up to your imagined expectation of what "mind-bogglingly terrible" might mean.
it was a 3 hour movie and they cut out 30 minutes...
there's supposedly a scene where lex pays off that africa lady to incriminate superman in the court scene.
>thinking that it isn't possible for corporations to sabotage another corporation for profit
>thinking Marvel movies haven't dumbed down audiences, and shaped how they should see super hero movies. Surprise, surprise, every Marvel movie follows the same cookie cutter story
Except he used to REVIVE something he hated and the chance that both died are very low.
>the dank meme rises
>better received
We're making fun of that movie, not praising it.
Fucking newfag redditors man.
>every Marvel movie follows the same cookie cutter story
It really does. I just saw Civil War and was fucking bored to tears.
me too senpai, and I loved the first two cap movies