How about a Superman reboot set in the 30s, 40s or the 50s?
How about a Superman reboot set in the 30s, 40s or the 50s?
> setting anything in "problematic" eras
No. Because Captain America has taken that spot now.
The stage of the cape has been defined and dominated by Marvel. DC can only take the second pick.
PC makes it impossible. You can't have Supes openly calling people niggers.
That would work only if they do it on alternate timelines, like Red Son, so they can easily ignore the racists behaviour of the time. Besides the story is good. Not sure if it would work on a film though, considering they really tone down political issues
I think 50s are ideal era for a classic Superman story and I'd love a justice league movie set in the late 50s/early 60s.
WB should have done this. Would have immediately separated DC and Marvel on audiences minds.
Would have been cool and hip too.
His pajamas were too bright back then
Also too many white people for today's audience
When will white men regain power? Is it too late now?
Sup Forumsmblr would be the first to sceech about how problematic that would be.
Sad too since that was the only time Superman, and capeshit in general wasn't complete bullshit.
Would be great.
The people crying "PC" forget Captain America was set around the same time, and it worked well.
Did he call people niggers in Superman works made during the era? And why should it be absolutely necessary for him to call people niggers in a hypothetical movie set during that era?
I don't think so. He most definitely was racist against japs, though
Nobody said nigger but comics back then were still products of their time ie absolutely problematic
The reboot would be made today and would not have those elements.
no thanks the old superman movies sucked enough
Then why bother?
When they revealed the first picture from MoS I honestly thought they were going to set it in the 30s, because of the big vault, his hairstyle and the colors looking like something more noir
That would have been cool
>Why bother making a Superman movie if he's not going to call everyone a nigger and the black characters aren't all racial caricatures?
What a great question, Sup Forums. Let's all think about this.
he never called anyone nigger and was much more racist against Japs
But if you're going to evoke that time you'd better do it wholesale and not just cherrypick what you like because you don't want to offend tumblr
Are we talking about Superman here or historical fiction?
Not unless it's relevant to the story