Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything

Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything.

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Do you believe in God?

Do you like walnuts?

rate it on a scale of 1-10

what color are your eyes

Not in the judeo-christian sense, no.

No. But they always come in those packs of nuts and I have to get through them.


are you the same guy who made the earlier post who also gave it an 8.5?

How does it end?

Does one particular location burn down to the ground?

Did the mage have any special abilities?

How was the humour?

What species did you see on screen besides Humans and Dwarves?

tell me your best fap fantasy, the one you think about when you fap without porn/pics

Is capeshit dead?

Picture is taken from ProSyndicate's video.

You fucken liar cunt

Was Ner'zhul present in the film?

Was Stormwind sacked at the end?

Dark brown.

Pre-credits or post-credits?
Yes but maybe not the one you were expecting.
If you mean are there visible magic spells then yes and they're great.
The humor was fine.
Orcs obviously, Draenei and High Elves.

I hope so.

Never said I took that picture.


How were the actor performances

Mainly Khadgar, Medivh, Lothar and Garona. I'm hearing mixed things about those guys.

Orc acting seemed great from others.

How shit is the CGI?

>Pre-credits or post-credits?
Spoil my ass about them.

How did the Draenei look, like TBC cinematic or?

Any other in-game classes besides Mage?

Do any of the main Orc characters die in the movie?


Who is the one true king of Azeroth?

Sre you saying this is good? Does it have mass appeal? Will it be a surprise summer hit?

warcraft is like a comic book movie?
or what am i mising

Solid performances all-round. Lothar was particularly great. Ben Foster fits the role of Medivh very well.

Visuals were good. Some green screen is noticeable if you're trying to look for it but in motion and with the story happening it doesn't matter. Most of the visuals are very impressive throughout most of the movie, from the Orc characters to the landscapes.

How was the green lady lovestory?

Also Garona and Lothar Lothbrok solid performance? I don't believe you. I think they will be the worst ones out of the entire cast.

what is better the visuals or the story?

It`s vydia.

Here are some kinematics from previois expansions about it.

Pre-credits ends with Khadgar and kid Varian going to see his mother. Post-credits we see Durotan's son going down river, a human group spots him and pick him up.
The Draenei looked fine. Better than the cinematic.
The classes are not as drawn out as in the games but if I had to guess there are Warriors, Mages, Hunters, Rogues, Shamans & Warlocks.
>Do any of the main Orc characters die in the movie?

Did the Dwarves play any role at all? Did they talk at that council?

What did the HElfs do?

Not OP, but gathered from other people: Dwarves only forge weapons and give the newly invented guns to humans. They're there when the Alliance is formed but they don't seem to care.

Any siege engines or machines used by Alliance (Humans)?

What happened to Gul`Dan in the movie - he opens the portal and then what?


I think so, yes.

It's an adaptation of the popular video-game series.

It was one of the lesser interesting things about the movie for me but it was fine, it also kind of redeems itself in the end.
That's my opinion, yours can be different. But then again I've seen the movie and you haven't. :P

Both were very good.

>Still not elaborating on B-tier actor performances in a blockbuster
>just saying it's "fine".

Who would you rather have sex with: Your mom or your dad?


didn't the colors look too bright?

This guy is obviously rehashing opinions from other people who watched the screening. No details on specific questions. Trash

How hot were the male orcs?

>Not in the judeo-christian sense, no.

Are you Alliance or Horde?

Is it the dawn of vidyakino?

The other races are not directly involved in the battles and play minor roles, but they do talk at the meetings. The Dwarves provide the humans with weapons to fight the invasion.[/spoilers]

There's a lot that happens with Gul'dan throughout the movie, he's the main villain. Ask me something more specific.

I didn't say he was fine, I said he was great and that is what I honestly thought of his performance. He had some emotional scenes and his expressions were on point, made it believable. We see both his humorous side and his serious side.

>being a sheep


Nobody's forcing you to be here.

>No details on specific questions.
No specific questions.

Actually there were a few and I did answer them, maybe you should scroll up.

Proof needed OP.

1. When is polymorph used in the movie?
2. How does blackhand turn green?

I can see the appeal.

When I played I played mostly Alliance. But I was easily able to empathize with both sides during the movie.

Didn't mean to add tags on the whole post, sorry.

the Super Mario Bros movie came out in 1993 user. that was the DAWN OF VIDYAKINO

Was it realer than real life?

Are the orcs portrayed as literal dindunuffins?

Is Ner'Zhul in the movie at all? If so, what kind of role does he play?

What kind of sequel do they set up for? Beyond the Dark Portal? Reign of Chaos

No. Orc with feathers on his head was not Ner'Zhul.

Biggest question related to plot: DOES STORMWIND FALL ?

No, that was the dawn of vidyashit. This is the dawn of vidyakino.

Is the Dawn of Vidyakino?

Please answer OP

Does it look silly when 8 foot tall orcs go up against regular humans? Do humans get tossed around like ragdolls, or is it much more even?

Are you a WoW fag?

Are there any retcons, or do they stick to the Warcraft 1 plot more or less faithfully?

1. Khadgar polymorphs a guard when he goes to help Lothar escape his cell.
2. Gul'dan casts fel magic on him to show them his power and stop an orc mutiny.

No. Many of them are evil, some of them aren't.

I don't know the timeline of the games very well but the movie ends shortly after the battle near the portal.


It doesn't really look silly, the battles were actually kind of cool. They do toss around the humans like ragdolls in some scenes but the humans use tactics and weapons against them to even out the odds.

Played WoW briefly, played Warcraft 3 a lot more back in the day.

From what I know I would say the main plot is more or less the same but there are several changes in sub-plots.

Do any humans ever express the desire to fuck Orc females?
It would help me relate to their characters.

Thanks user, that actually doesn't sound too bad. Might watch/10

Relating to this, are there more orc women portrayed in the movie other than Garona and Thrall's mom? Do you see any of them fight?

Well as far as actual characters no. But plenty of background green orcs are female.

How does medivh die?

why does the movie exist?

Too wipe the filth of capeshit away and usher in a bright and glorious era of gamekino.

>plenty of background green orcs are female
That's what I wanted to hear.

Getting back to the original question though, does anyone ever express the desire to fuck them?

Closest thing you'll get is human and half-orc romance I guess. Also, Garona is a sex slave and it's very implied in the movie.

This is correct.

How does Medivh die?

Are you familiar with Warcraft music? do we hear Stormwind and Ironforges themes?

in an era of when you get 10 capeshit movies every year and shitty remakes or reboots are you really going to ask taht question?

Is the dubstep in the film?

What are they able to get away with with the PG-13 rating? I saw footage of a Orc snapping a humans neck is there more stuff like that?

During the fight where Lothar and Khadgar confront him he gets crushed by a golem and dies off soon after.

Stormwind theme yes. Not sure about other music.

No, definitely not.

Green blood, "fantasy" characters and setting I guess. There are some pretty hardcore scenes.

How is Medivhs alter ego played? whats the set up for Lothar and Khadgar finding out about it?


>stormwind doesn't get sacked

What the fuck is the point of the movie then? That divergence completely changes everything.

Haven't seen any adaption of anything being 100% loyal to source material. I was looking forward to those scenes too but I can't say I am that bothered with the change. All i hope for is the movie being good and enjoyable to watch.

Let's not forget that SW didn't fall until WC2 officially. WC1 had 2 endings. Obviously they can't do that with a movie so they went with the safer ending. If it doesn't fall at the beginning of the 2nd one tho then I'll be pissed.

Well lets hope the first movie is good enough and grosses enough to get a sequel.

eh, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Shitty films like Hitman have gotten sequels

>being a creep

Don't mistake him for your "heavenly" pastor

I don't know what's worse - the thought that some people are so stupid they want Legendary to skip Warcraft 2's story about the Second War and Draenor Expedition, or the terrifying thought that they'd do it just to hurry up to the Lich King

Will there be a patch?

Seems like they are taking their time to establish an universe. I don't think that Arthas and Lich King story line will be in the main trilogy anyway since it will turn the movies covering the events of WC3 into a clusterfuck.
I would imagine that this trilogy will follow Orcs and the races they butcher each time they migrate from one piece of land to another and if everything goes according to their plan they will do a couple of movies/trilogy covering the Human and Undead Campaigns of WC3 and TFT.

Nice, thank you.

Haha yes!