/got/ general


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First for Cersei

>still no Jon's death scene fart edit

Does anyone else feel /got/ is going too far with the farting thing?

>The finest knight I ever saw was Ser Arthur Dayne, who fought with a blade called Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star.

>Its origins are lost to legend, but it seems likely that the Daynes have carried it for thousands of years. It is said to be made from metal forged from the heart of a fallen star

>The blade is as pale as milkglass, looking like no Valyrian blade, yet sharing all of the properties, being incredibly strong and sharp

>Smiling Knight: It's that white sword of yours I want. Arthur: Then you shall have it, ser.

>Arthur is remembered as not only a skilled fighter but a valiant and true knight. After Arthur's death, Eddard rode to Starfall, the seat of House Dayne, to return the sword Dawn to Arthur's sister, Lady Ashara Dayne, as a sign of respect.

fucking hell

Is Ramsay a Gary Stu?
Everything is being handed to him in a silver platter for no good reason.

>memes being done to death

Is this your first week



Keptcha waitin huh?


Nth for tmdmid

Do you think the actor knows they added a fart sound?

anyone here a 16th century knight? I want to hear about how plausible the choreography for the tower of joy scene was, in particular arthur dayne's epic anime dual wield of long swords

They're setting him up so we can all cheer when he gets beaten to death by Jon Snuuu in episode 9. He's definitely at cartoon villain level right now. It's boring as fuck.

Yes. It's not funny, even ironically. It's just retarded.

It will pass, just like the sneks did.

No. I just feel someone had to put an end to this madness.


that fucking sticker gets me every time

>he knows that full plate armor is from 16th century, not "Classic" Medieval

Nigga, my respect.

Why does Jaime leave KL for Riverrun? I figure he would stay there as long as the situation is critical. Does that mean shit will go down earlier?


No, Julian Glover died shortly after filming that scene.
Good night sweet prince.


Did they hire a 5 year old to paint that sun on it?

You can't stop the hissing sisters.

>A swordsman simultaneously literally fighting ONE VERSUS FOUR against trained soldiers and killing them of them

Reply to this post and Stannis will be shown in the next episode.

>Eddard rode to Starfall, the seat of House Dayne, to impregnate the pussy of Lady Ashara Dayne, as a sign of respect.




has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Here is the list of Season 6 deaths are as follows:

>Tommen Baratheon, Arya Stark, Loras Tyrell , Margaery Tyrell , Mace Tyrell, Pycelle, Kevan , Rickon, Ghost, Ramsey, Roose, Wun wun, Lyanna Mormont, Walda frey, Walder frey, All the freys, Smalljon Umber, Yara, Alliser Thorne, Olly, Edd, The entire Nights watch, Osha, Jaime, Cersei, Qyburn, The Mountain, Lancel, Thoros of Myr, The waif, Doran Martell and Trystane.
>All the sons of the harpy by Dany+dragons
>All Dothraki who oppose Dany by Drogon, rest follow her [Dany has a nude scene]
>Waif killed by Arya
>Doran Martell, Areo Hotah by Sand snakes
>Trystane by sand snakes
>Hodor and Meera Reed killed in the cave during the escape
>Bernie Sanders killed by the mountain
>Kev & Pycelle by Varys birds
>Alliser & Olly by Jon stark/snow
>Edd by Nights King
>Lancel by Mountain on Cerseis orders
>Yara dies via drowning. Killed by Euron
>Theon greyjoy then kills Euron.
>Loras Tyrell , Margaery Tyrell , Mace Tyrell - executed in Kings Landing
>Lord Cerwyn killed by Ramsay
>Entire wildling army killed by Ramsay+army
>Rickon shot dead in front of jon by Ramsay
>Roose killed by Ramsay
>Walda killed by Ramsay
>Ghost killed by Ramsay
>Wun wun killed by Ramsay
>Osha killed by Ramsay
>Lyanna Mormont killed, flayed & burnt alive by Ramsay
>Stannis corpse found, flayed & burnt by Ramsay
>Ramsay killed by Sansa

So like.... what's Edmure doing right now?

you scared the shit out of me

(farts like pottery)

>An user simultaneously literally posting IN FOUR threads against HBO shills soldiers and fuckking them of them

them them them them

>Do you have any last words

why are all of you clamouring for spoilers so badly?

would you prefer that you know everything about the episodes before seeing them?

>you don't get to bring wildlings
>they are working for the masked man
>the king beyond the wall

magic sword/best swordsman in the land




This was the season six casting call:

>Qhogo and Akrat: They’re seeking mixed ethnicity or other non-white actors for the roles. The successful young warriors need to be tall, confident, with swagger and linguistic bravado. It’s noted that the actors will have to speak in a fictional language. I think it’s safe to say that these are Dothraki.

>Bower: He is a powerless servant, numb to the horror he serves. He’s filming around one of the days that below “outlaw band” members are so he may be connected to them. He is required to have a Northern or Midland English accent and appears in one episode.

>Lachlan: He’s the big leader of a group of renegades who have turned on the land that they swore to protect. They’re now extorting the poor and vulnerable. He appears in 2 episodes in season 6.

>Flynn: He’s part of an outlaw band. The group is using religion to justify terrorizing and extorting what they need from the people of the countryside. He appears in 2 episodes in season 6. He appears to be part of Lachlan’s band.

>Japeth: Another member of the outlaw band is this lieutenant. He’s a “rough-and-ready type” with a strong physical presence, also appearing two episodes.

>Legendary Fighter: A man in his thirties or forties who is a great swordsman and a paragon of knighthood. He carries a hugely famous sword on his back. The show is seeking a very impressive swordsman for the role- the best in Europe, for a week of filming fight scenes for a season 6 role. His ethnicity/race isn’t specified, unlike many other roles.


masked man should be rattleshirt tho

well, he chose poorly after all

drowning in that tight Frey pussy


No it was Brandon who knocked her up.

>Wun wun killed by Ramsay

Does his plot armour crush him to death?

Doesn't fit the timeline bruh.


just fuck my shit up

Whatever he's doing is bound to be pretty rad.

>He carries a hugely famous sword on his back.
What went wrong?

Why doesn't someone just fucking stab Ramsay in his sleep


Do these

>muh timeline
It's vague as fuck brew.

>Lord of Noble Northern House: (Casting age anywhere between 25-50) The lord is a savage warrior, and he rules a distinguished house in the very far North, and the role is said to be an impactful one. He’s described as a massive bear of a man with a beard and temper to match, and hatred that run deep, and he can be violent. The show’s looking for someone with a powerful physique who can tower over other cast members, a Northern English Accent and specifies he has to be at least 180 cm tall. The role will be on 2 episodes.

>Lord of Northern Stronghold: The show’s looking for an actor in his late thirties or forties to play another lord, one that’s ruthless and calculating. The frightening lord rules a vassal household with a castle stronghold. He’ll be in 3 episodes this year, with 20 days of filming this summer and fall.

>Hunter: He’s a rough army officer on the hunt appearing in an action scene with main cast, in one episode.

>Submissive Maester: The show’s casting a maester in his twenties- a timid young maester. He’s decent but has trouble standing up to others. He appears in one episode in season 6.

>Green Recruit: A young man with one line and one day of filming in August.

>Sympathiser 1, 2 & 3: These are rough military types, with a day of filming.

>Housemaid: She’s the motherly nanny (with a tight whip) to a large household.
The show wants an actress between the ages of 45-65 with a Northern English Accent. She’ll be in 2 episodes.

>Father: He’s tough and old, an alpha male patriarch. The show is looking for a man with a Northern English Accent. He appears in one episode and has 2 lines.

>check list
>no Dany

why live?

>Ramsay killed by Sansa
Stopped reading right there. It has been confirmed Jon kills Ramsay.

So what are the chances that R+L=J is true? Is it in the 90%?


>He carries a hugely famous sword on his back


>Submissive Maester: The show’s casting a maester in his twenties- a timid young maester.

Can't wait to see Asha laughing at him getting buggered to shit.

Not even kidding.

>You never mourned me ,Davos, Its hard to die unmourned

They are explicit statements by Gurm tho.

.....*farts* .....

>trusting gurm

Book or show?

This. If any of you have any doubts by now you're literally retarded and need to pay more attention.



Because they had to forge authentic Dawn for 3 min episode.

this can't be a fucking sticker...
fucking kill me

No Dawn in the show, means Ned is not going to starfall, means Ashara can't be Jons mother.

90% in the show. I would say 50% in the books with 95% that it won't matter.

I was listening to NPR in the car this morning because I'm a gay communist tranny. Then this lady came on with a show and started talking about how "GAME OF THRONES IS SEXIST BECAUSE TRADITIONAL GENDER ROLES!!!1" after she watched the premiere. Despite the fact that it featured four women overthrowing and murdering a king and a prince and a girl being trained as an assassin.

Good job D&D, you can't even pander to retarded feminists right.

They put more effort into casting a timid whore for a 15 second bit in S4.

I hate each and every one of you (farts) faggots. This has gone too far.

Feel free to respond with (farts) since thats all you're capable of.

>implying a valeryian blade weighs the same as regular steel blade

It's an HBO fantasy series. F A N T A S Y

Was fucking a wilding girl part of your plan?


In the show it's like asymptotically approaching 100%. In the books, I think the fat man might have got pissed that everyone guessed it and changed his mind.

Jons parentage is super important. The show and the book will be same on this

Be honest /got/, the fart scene makes you laugh

>50% in the books

It's not a sticker, are you all retarded

>"A bloody woman?!"

>Submissive Maester (one ep)
>Dorne Maester (Bolton Maester had two eps)

>Lord of Northern House (bear of a man, two eps)
There goes the Umber conspiracy

>Lord of Stronghold (calculating, 3 eps)
>only one more ep for Karstark?

>Father and Housemaid

He'll have to retcon so much shit to change it now. No way he's that not-lazy.

>the best sword in westeros history

>50% in the books


I cried like a bitch when saw it for the first time.
You can count it for laugh.

Yeah sure. You are falling for the fatman's ruse. Even if and that's a big if Howland Reed confirms him being a Targ there is no reasonable scenario in which this will matter.

>using the definite article

>being blind
