Why are people pretending Deadpool is something new when Jim Carrey did it in the 90's?
Why are people pretending Deadpool is something new when Jim Carrey did it in the 90's?
Matthew Perez
Evan Roberts
because that was 2 decades ago, m8, and hasn't been done once since then.
Nathan Bailey
Carson Fisher
Because the Jim Carrey adaptation of the Mask was piss poor and did not have the cussing, rape and graphic dismemberment of the comic.
1) Lobo
2) The Mask
3) Marshall Law
4) Deadpool
Hunter Perry
Why didn't anyone stop him?
Michael Gonzalez
True, but it was still the best comickino for a looking time.
Ryan Gonzalez
>that thick noir edge city aesthetic
It's still the best comickino
Noah Johnson
>impying more than 5 people ever read the mask comic
Jim Carrey's movie was hilarious. Still is. That stylistic homage to 40's cartoons gives it so much charm.
Brayden Hall
And it still hasn't been done to this day
Isaiah Walker
MASK Remake inevitably incoming