Wouldst thou like the taste of butter and pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

>Wouldst thou like the taste of butter and pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

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I'm lactose intolerant and I'm not a tranny. Do you have like some cash instead?

I wanted to blow a nut in Thomasin's asshole

>tfw could not understand a thing they said

Do native english speakers understand old english ?

>not pussy

I never understood analfag logic. You have wet and ready pussy inches away and you'd rather have sex with an anus. How is that not gay?


No, I'm Icelandic and understand some of it though

Did the goat turned human during that scene?

It was pretty dark and can't see shit.

I couldn't either. The subtitles helped but just barely. They spoke that way to make this shallow movie seem deep. The story could have been made into a short film and it would have been a great short film. But two hours of this pretentious dialogue and loud bullshit? Fuck that.

yeah it turned into a cowboy

>Talk with an accent
>Pretentious dialogue

It was really pretty simple to follow.



You're an Icelandic faggot

That's not very nice

ur retarded


Its just gay people hidden in the closet who fucks a woman in the butt since they imagine its a man. Its their way to stay hidden and yet enjoy the gay act of sex

>sold soul for butter
Fucking women.

How do you think the ass was fat?

Why father didn't kill the goat?

because it was a body double

delete this

This was something I also thought during the film. Both Thomasin and the twins tell the father that the goat had been speaking to them and yet he doesn't immediately kill it.

Even in last scene he just surrender.
Like, fuck this crazy bitches.

anyone else disappointed with the voice they used for the goat?

every negative review (and some positive) of this movie mentions the dialogue and the thick accent. but you have super hearing and understood it all, right.

Butt is more of a taboo thing which makes it hot

Because it's a dumb movie. When you can play the "why didn't -----" game with a movie you know it's shit.

He didn't kill the goat because it's literally the devil. He was influencing every and all the members of the family and the father was both afraid of it and the fact that he was maybe losing his mind.

no, it was GOAT


What are you talking about?

The movie is only 90 minutes long, and it protrays pretty well the life style and stories from the era.

I mean like it literally wasn't that hard to follow. I don't know what to tell you. The movie isn't a masterpiece or anything. It's neat, but the style of dialogue doesn't really make it somehow deeper or pretentious. Most of the lines were pretty straightforward. I'm just confused why you're acting like it was hard to understand. Maybe you haven't seen many movies with ye olde timey dialogue?

Why he didn't kill him in the end scene.
He picked up axe and when throw it out to die.

Art thou /LivingDeliciouslyIn2016/ here?

Because, at that point, he'd rather be dead than continue living.

Would you care to rephrase that, please?

Nice assumption. But no.

Did you miss the goat impaling his stomach?

Ok cool. Nice speaking to you.

Goat him him.
He is like - damn and picked up axe.
Second later - well fuck this and throw axe out.
Goat him him second time and killed him.

Why he throw out axe?

During the scene when Caleb dies and the twins blame Thomasin, do you think they were actually under the influence of the witch/devil or were they just acting like little shits who wanted to get their sister in trouble?

Its just a meme


> they just acting like little shits who wanted to get their sister in trouble?
This. Shitty kids.

Hmm. What?

I interpreted that scene as them being little shits.

I hope they made some good flying ointment for that witch in the stable.

It's the act of defiling. It pleases Satan.

Man that scene was terrifyng, the fact that besides his faith and prays of his family he still embraces satan and dies, gave me a sense of despair that I really feel depressed after the movie ended.

>he still embraces satan and dies
What, he saw the jesus, isn't he?

I'd like to think that Thomasin and her became bros later on.

We all do.

>not wanting to penetrate every orifice, and perhaps make new ones
Shut up, faggot.

I think fucking her tight virgin pussy would also be pretty defiling senpai

According to the films logic where puritan beliefs are real and literal every family member would have ended up in hell.

I-I'm lectuse i-intolerant..

>shit taste

Every fucking time.

I'm literally a 3rd worlder and i understood 99% of it, you fucking plebs

So why they were banished from the town?

I missed the first 5 minutes of this.

Americans are borderline retarded m8, no wonder they have problem with their own language

Stop posting.

They are hipsters.
You are all not true Christians, i'm the only one who lives like god wanted.

I think the father caused trouble in the colony with his strict beliefs. He was called up before the council to quit his shit, but refused.

The village was not puritanical enough for dad and he would not shut up about it.

same here

They weren't necessarily banished so much as they chose to leave since they believed the plantation where they lived was lax in their beliefs and weren't as pious as them. It was the father's pride that set in work their downfall.

Ironically, the village was full of puritans.

That's how hardcore the dad was.

The stream I watched had subs, but they were in Chinese

Fortunately I'm from the north of England and we read stuff like Shakespeare and Miller's The Crucible in English classes, so everything they said was clear as a bell to me.


I thought they were people who arrived to America because Britain was not puritan enough?

First they leave Britain.
Next they leave commune.

The father was completely inept around the farm, remember. He was only good at cutting wood.

They were. The mother even mentions wanting to go back to Britain.

christians do that too though

What was the book?

If you can't understand this movie, you're a fucking idiot and know only Ebonics.

Me too. I think being from northern England actually makes it very easy to understand even the thickest of accents. We truly are master race. Suck us pleb faggots, suck the mushy peas and gravy from our huge dicks/tits.

yeah, what was the book?

a book

The puritans left England because the king refused their reformations.

The father left the Commonwealth because the puritan council refused his reformations.

>tfw she gave the young lad a full on kiss

lucky little shit

you can do this with literally every movie you fucking retard

How do I maker her my gf?


This. A butthole is a biological feature present in both men and women. If you find a woman's butthole attractive enough to stick your dick into, then you also find a man's butthole attractive enough to stick your dick into, because they're literally the same for both men and women.

Well I get it was a tool for them to sell their souls, but I was wondering if it was a reference to something specific.

Why has no posted dat ass yet?

>meme movie

Everyone knows that you have to sign chill goat's book of chill if you want to live deliciously. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yup, it's not too hard to follow along.

it was easy for me. but i am from yorkshire so the accent wasn't an issue

>needs to hear dialogue to follow a kino

You irredeemable virgin. Men and woman share a lot of features that heterosexual men only find attractive in a woman. Hair, nipples, lips, ass, etc.

You're hopeless.

>a quality thread about kino turned into a bullshit argument about nothing

Get over yourself. The movie was good. Reply to the comments you're interested in.

northerners confirmed for greatest peopele to have ever lived

cp but seriously anyone knows who the body double is? I need to fap

I get butter, a pretty dress, a delicious life and the power of flight? Sign me the fuck up, Black Philip

Flight ≠ Levitation

The only downside is being the devil's bride. But he's the devil and probably pretty good in the sack.

Every movie that has showed devil fucking the bitches are nothing short of thrilled so there's no downside.

>Thee shall nev'r liveth deliciously

Wherefore shouldst i liveth

was Phillip talking to them in this scene?