Hi Sup Forums. How are you Sup Forums. Give me some spooky documentaries Sup Forums. Thank You Sup Forums.
Hi Sup Forums. How are you Sup Forums. Give me some spooky documentaries Sup Forums. Thank You Sup Forums
>Trump wants to deport THIS
Looks like I'm with HER
Brown woman are sexy
>reverse google search
>israeli girl
oy vey mein schlong
id like to "spook" in her "documentary" (if u no what i mean)
Nice stretch marks, I bet she's got 4-5 kids running around.
>libcuck sees beautiful woman
>immediately thinks of old man
fuck I should have used some other pic.
can someone answer the question lol?
I already gave you a recommendation, you cuck.
If her tits are pulled off will she die?
>thinking of pounding that sweaty terrorist pussy on the beach
Whoops, I'm erect.
If this is what Israeli girls look like... then where do American Jews get their giant noses from? This is a serious question, which part of their gene pool contributes that if it's not the part descended from Israel?
Fuck me shes beautiful
I just want to smell her butt. With all this technology we have in 2016, why can't I smell her?
>I just want to smell her butt.
Stick your finger up your butt and then smell it. That's what her butt smells like.
There are two branches of Judaism. One is Ashkenazi, who got raped so hard by even the weakest of European stock that they had to say that Judaism is passed down by the mother(because the original Jewish men got cucked out of existence), and took on the features of Europeans that bred them, like Italians.
The other half are Sephardic, which are more "pure" Jews that retained middle eastern features. Both exist in Israel
>Give me some spooky documentaries Sup Forums
i dont have a link, but Louis Theroux recently did one about transgender kids in california. And by kids I do mean kids, not teenagers or young adults. Kids, children. That was spooky, if not completely mad.
She probably has a better diet so her butt would smell better 2bh.
she can come in but she has to come in LEGALLY
im sure her perfume and pheremone combo would make it atleast 3.5% pleasant than smelling my own ;-;
Shit still smells like shit.
So are the Ashkenazis the ones with the big noses, then? And they get them from some Europeans that raped them long ago?
So you think women perfume their assholes? They put it on their neck/collar area.
>Sephardic, which are more "pure" Jews that retained middle eastern features.
Mizrahi, idiot
Sephardim are Spanish-Moor-Jew rapebabies
body wash/shampoos usually carry a strong scent in different regions. i never really stop to differentiate what's what 2bh
Ass smells override bodywash after like 10 minutes. Not that you'll smell shit just standing near her, but if you stick your nose near her unclothed asshole it's not going to smell like her fucking bodywash.
i know, i just said that as an overcompensation for how long it's been. i've had a slightly musty ass smell hit me in the face once, but of course she was thick and it was fresh after work. skinny girls never gave me no strange smells.
Watch Cropsey, Killer Legends, or The Nightmare. All should be on Netflix. They're probably not the best, but they're the only ones I can think of atm.
A Haunting, the discovery channel show, is pretty spoopy too. It's not very much like a documentary, but the show has good recreation production value.
>dirty mestizo
>slutty face
>pronounced stretch marks
She was a mom at 14 and is probably working on her third by now.
Fuck I hate mexicans. I have a mexican cousin (moms sister married a dirty spic) and she is the same age as me. All she does is talk down to me about my life when all she does is pump out babies and suck cock so her husband doesn't dump her on the street. She went to special school funded by rich white people that taught her that white people are typically dumber then mexicans and blacks and that were angry at them for being more beautiful than us which is why we keep them poor.
you get stretch marks from growing not having kids you faggots. I have them on my shoulders and im male
sounds about right
Post more of the stretch marks girl. Also why is she wearing 400 pounds of lotion. God damn, that is some down syndrome application of product.
sunscreen? jesus why don't you go outside
when did you give birth
That's what I meant, user. I'm glad you were around to check, though. You the real mvp.
So tell me why she's wearing 400 fucking pounds of it.
look behind her
girl in op is literally:
rico from hannah montana
thats how girls wear it ive seen em do it man
i want to come in her illegally.
Ugh, dark-skinned people make me feel queasy.
Same, but usually only the really dark ones. Like the ooga booga woman from 12 years a slave. That kind.
If you look from the faceup she looks 12.
I'm kind of disgusted by how attracted I am to a young faced women just because of tits.