>I would have followed you, my brother... My captain... My king...
>I would have followed you, my brother... My captain... My king...
they will look for his coming from the white tower...but he will not return
Most relateable character by far. All his failures are our failures.
wtf i do not remember this scene in game of thrones
cant believe the lotr movie didint get sued by rr martin
20 films and the MCU has nothing that comes close to this.
You can save him in the Battle for Middle-Earth game.
Felt nice having him fight alongside his brother.
Could you imagine this scene if they made the movie now? It would be some trans she boon talking about killing whites
christ this board is 90% faggots I swear
>Breaking of the Fellowship starts playing
all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you...
we seriously got lucky with LOTR lads. not a day goes by where I don't appreciate it. gods save the inevitable reboot
It's probably the last time they make a big budget fantasy film like that without forced diversity. Look at what happened with the Hobbit, they ask for white extras for The Shire and a Pakistani girl shows up and makes a big scene about what can't a Pakistani be a Hobbit and threatened to sue, after that we got the Nigerians in Lake Town scene to assuage her.
What would happen if it was made today? Aragorn a black guy. Merry and Pippin are Chinese. Legolas is a Arab Muslim. Gimli is Gimlaria a strong female dwarf who doesn't need no man etc.
>Female dwarf
muh dick
>Aragorn... You truly are the Game of Thrones.
Kill yourself.
>strong female dwarf who doesn't need no man
Would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that femdwarves are exactly like that, actually. Which, unironically, leads to dwarves being screwed up.
It was made today or the next 2 years Aragorn, Frodo and Arwen would all be white.
Gimili would be white.
Legolas may still be white, to avoid turning off the asian grills.
But Boromir, Gandalf, the other Hobbits, Elrond, all these side characters would run the gamut.
Hollywood is still playing it a bit safe with the ethnicities- I really do think that in the new Star Wars if there was only one main character, it would be white, and if Finn wasn't black he and Rey would have banged.
But one day soon it will be a full rainbow.
why is eddard stark in alfredo's movie
Why Ents were speaking in their own slow language, when they could speak to and understand Hobbits?
Treebeard was the only Ent who knew the fast languages.
Kill your self
I hate you got faggots