When are we going to get an Apocalypse Now for Iraq?
When are we going to get an Apocalypse Now for Iraq?
Never. Wars aren't cool anymore. Wars used to be fought by leaders and warriors. Wars are fought by pencil pushers now.
The coolest thing we get now is depictions of special forces missions. Wars on the whole are boring now. Drop bombs, push back enemy with tanks and humvees, drop more bombs, assess damage, rinse, repeat...
It's funny since the plot of apocalypse now is basically a special forces mission
Iraq just doesn't have the same grandiose clusterfuck feel to it like Vietnam does.
Yeah, but nothing like that. One guy against a madman in the jungle. Fuggedahbowdit.
No but Sicario is Apocalypse Now for war on drugs. Closest you'll get
Lol, Sicario was fun but please don't compare it to Apocalypse Now.
>one guy leads a group of soldiers on a classified mission to assassinate a defector that's making his own army
ok bro
Americlaps haven't realized that Iraq was bad yet, so it could be awhile
I guarantee it's gonna make it into the national film registry
He didn't lead the group of soldiers to assassinate Kurtz. He was just on the boat to get up river. It was always designed as a one man job
Soldiers were only his ride, not to assist him in his mission. 90% of the rest of the movie is riding up a river, showing the intensity and craziness of the war.
Did you even watch the movie, faggot?
Bringing the soldiers along doesn't suddenly make them not under his command. The black dude that ran the PT took orders from him. Even if the plan was they wait in the boat if all of them survived the journey, it also doesn't magically not make it a special operations mission.
Probably because the war lasted like a week and a half and the occupation was just people driving in circles while morons blew themselves up.
You could make a comedy about it.
these comics are seriously shit all around
Yeah, nah.
Melodramatic trash
No one really cares about Iraq like they cared about Vietnam
>implying they were ever cool and veitnam wasnt one of the most overmanaged clusterfucks ever
What he means is the iraq war isn't romanticized like wars of the 20th century were
Can't, it wasn't that kind of war. Not a real one. Barely any of our guys died, and the ones that killed little kids and civilians seem pretty upbeat about it. What would the movie be, OP? Some dumbass redneck can't get a job at McDonald's so he signs a piece of paper and hangs out in a desert for 6 years bored out of his goddamn mind to the point he actually believes throwing a ball around and lifting weights is an entertaining hobby. That movie has already been made anyway with faux drama and bullshit moral dilemmas a few times now.
American Sniper.
The "war on terror" would only be the middle movie in a trilogy based off of the cold war
still going on
between russia and the western world.
>dude the gameplay is bad on purpose lmao
>that thing you did, that was the only way to progress the game, yeah please feel bad about yourself now
that game was absolute garbage
pic related was a way better apocalypse now game than spec ops.
Three kings.
Zero Dark Thirty.
Jarhead is probably the closest we're ever going to get.
What the hell was so cool about Apocalypse Now depicting war?
90% of the movie was boating around down the river trying to find some fuck that went crazy while observing how some Soldiers get by.
dude coppola lmao
It's coming, dear anons.
more like ayyclub lmao
We might get an apocalypse now rip off soon with that whole ISIS shit.
>guy has to kill crazy special forces commander who was charged with helping kurds kill isis
Syria does.
retty damn close as far as being a psychological thriller set in a contemporary warzone. Only other place you could look into would be Afghanistan and the absolute shitshow that was for soldiers.
>120 fps
Has Peter Jackson single-handedly ruined cinema forever?
>Why does that give me a boner?
Because you're easily impressed by big numbers. It's a scientific fact that the human eye can't perceive more than 24 fps. That's why movies are all shot like that.
But that's true, not even an americlap. A foot and an inch can be visualised easily for day to day use. Same goes for pounds and stones.
Saying you're 182cm tall means absolutely nothing to the human mind without using a tape measure, whereas you can instantly visualise 6 foot
yeah, so was apocalypse now, and citen kane, but still, people seem to like it.
it's funny when you really think about it, every piece of work and human life is garbage, we just give it merit for some odd reason.
also, consider suicide.
>The SS did nothing wrong
Go back to Sup Forums
ya well, it's still better then CoD Ghost.
Right, everyone knows 29.99 FPS is al that's ever beenneeded.
Metric is clearly superior for scientific or precise work, but for day to day use imperial makes much more sense. An inch is roughly the length of your thumb digit, a foot is the length of an adult man's foot, a pound is a bag of flour or sugar etc
>29.99 FPS
fuck off to Sup Forums cretin
When were wars ever not boring? When were the most successful commanders not strategists?
I'd post a webm to prove you wrong but you probaply stare into a 24hz monitor right now.
Because it wasn't. Iraq was a pretty competently executed campaign. The political side was a fuckup, but then again, it's not like there ever existed an obvious way to stop the region from destabilizing.
A.A. Dowd is one of the few half decent film critics working today.
*romeo save me* starts playing
Generation Kill??
>dat 40 mike mike headshot
you've obviously never seen a tank in action.
what a shit game lmao can't believe people fell for it
I'll bite
So when you think of an inch you look at your thumb first?
No you don't you stupid shit, you just learn approximately how long it is the same way i learned roughly how long a cm is.
I think Jarhead is it. The nihilism.
When people feel USA lost the Iraqi war
When a Republican is in office.
Apocalypse now was praised, faggot and was even nominated for the oscars.
Suck a dick pleb
>there ever existed an obvious way to stop the region from destabilizing
let's start by leaving these "dictators" alone