Was this the saddest moment in all of The Sopranos?

Was this the saddest moment in all of The Sopranos?
And by saddest I mean sad than he couldn't even accomplish one thing in his sad life, suicide, the thing we are all working towards :(

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Uncle junior is one long sad moment

i thought it was funny

this is my favorite sopranos image of all time

When Melfi's ex husband got cucked by the rapist

First thing that comes to mind is the stripper Ralph beat to death.

My thinking is AJ knew that the rope was too long and didn't really want to kill himself, just wanted attention because literally no one cared his brown GF left and took her son with her.

Ralph getting killed

My GF and my GF's son left me!



>Why do you only say negative shit? Don't you love me?


Ralphie was a cunt and deserved to be killed long before he actually was. I don't get how Tony says he learned his lesson with Richie and gets Feech sent back to prison, but doesn't get rid of Raplhie a lot sooner.

that an American did not know what a gutter is.

How was Ralphie a cunt? you cunt. He was great for banter and was a solid earner. If anything that fat fuck Tony should've gotten one behind the head.

When TS thinks that he is not a cuckold.

My god Tony is a blatant moron beta cuck.

There is no one singular "saddest moment".

The whole series is about Tony suffering.

He runs his own crew, has all the money he could ever want, has a nice house...

And what does he really have? A wife who hates him? A daughter who dates niggers? A son who isn't worthy of his name and chit chats on Sup Forums all day?

AND THEN, when hes away from his family he spent so much time builing their lives, hes with his guys....Tony doesn't have any real friends, they're all just lackies and suck ups looking to advance in this world.

Even the nephew, who he loves more than his own son is a degenerate drug addict who needed to be removed from this world.

Tonys life is the saddest moment in the entire series. Thats why he was so impartial about his own death.

No contest: The Inn at the Oaks. The way the scene develops from something funny and somewhat silly to complete despair is incredible. youtube.com/watch?v=6GTAfq3i9Bs

when tony cries about his putrid genes infecting his son

This famlam. The six season B made me depressed as shit. Everything was just going to shit and none of the characters we grew to love were around anymore.

>you're now aware the song is sung from her perspective

Tony did get one behind the head, eventually.

He was a cunt because he was disrespectful and unpredictable. Sure he was a good earner but he was causing trouble with the Lupertazzi family, undermining Tony's authority and pushing his luck at every possible opportunity.

What Tony should have done, rather than waiting for Pie Oh My's death to send him into an uncontrollable rage, is just end Ralphie before he became such a problem.

He did have great bants, though.

>Tony B gets capped
>Sil is in a coma
>Chrissy is dead

At least Paulie survived. Even though he found out that his mother wasn't his real mother

Incredibly underrated IMO: The Tony/Phil truce in the 6A finale. It only lasts a few episodes but it's heartbreaking how they both realize they're close to the end.

That was part of it. The other part was Tony being the architect of his own destruction. He went from "every day is a gift" in 6A back to his old ways by 6B.

He could have let things go like he said himself, but just like Phil he couldn't hold on to the lessons of his near-death experience. By the end everything was going to shit because of him and Carmela: AJ becomes a selfish shit again because they don't want him going to war, Meadow becomes a lawyer because she believes the feds are persecuting Tony, Tony's cheating again and Carmela's placated with bullshit housing projects and fancy gifts.

Really the last season was amazing, but depressing as hell.

He survives, but he inherits the doomed crew.

That shot at the end where it was just Paulie sitting alone at the Satriale's was the saddest i ever gotten from watching television. It really hammered in the fact all those faces we have been seeing since season 1 were gone forever. At least Paulie made amends with his mother before she died.

>it's an Artie episode
You know it's gonna be depressing.

Paulie is very superstiticious though.....I'd like to think he just walked away from the whole crime life. Didn't he have some investments stashed away?

You said it user. Season 1 banter outside Satriales, then the final episode with Tony and Paulie outside

Really hammered home the point that everything had changed


That's the point at the end though. He was superstitious, but in the end Tony was the devil on his shoulder who convinced him to tempt fate, which Paulie eventually does. Given the symbolism of the ginger cat I'd say it doesn't look good for Paulie, though he is the only member to survive to the end because he learns his lesson from the cancer scare, and makes amends with his "ma", even getting less greedy and being reticent to take the role as capo.

In the end, Artie's one of the happiest and safest characters though, him and Charmaine get back together and he rediscovers his love of cooking.

>AJ becomes a selfish shit again because they don't want him going to war, Meadow becomes a lawyer because she believes the feds are persecuting Tony, Tony's cheating again and Carmela's placated with bullshit housing projects and fancy gifts.

It's very worth noting that the name of the final episode is "Made in America"


Feech wasn't his best earner. The only reason he put up with Ralphie was because he was a great businessman. He was just a borderline sociopath. I still wonder if the feelings he showed when his son was hospitalized were genuine.

Why don't you think Tony is dead? I realize it was left open for interpretation but it seems like it leans towards the fact he was shot in that diner at the end.

>not Bobby getting shot while buying model trains

All he does is suck Tony's dick and he's the one character who isn't a complete fucking dick and he gets gunned down like a fucking dog.

I've never felt so bad for a character in my life.

After all the whining and complaining. Is this all there is?

Considering his next move was to go and set the stables on fire, I doubt it.

Ralphie was a great earner but way more trouble than he was worth anyway. In my opinion.

>implying Ralphie started the fire

Of course they were

Everyone always throws the words sociopath around in these Sopranos threads and they have no idea what the fuck it entails

Being bobby is suffering
>Wife dies
>Start dating janice, biggest bitch in the universe
>Gets shot for little to no reason

Was bobby killed just because he was a Capo in tonys crew?

New jersey is immune to cancer as opposed to new york

He was part of the power structure

I think he is dead. I think that's the whole point: he doesn't heed the lessons of his near-death experience, he lets his guard down after he deals with Phil and (going back to the Buddhist theme from his Kevin Finnerty coma trip) his karma comes back on him in the end, and what he was always most afraid of (losing his family) happens when he's murdered in front of them.

Because he didn't learn, his chickens finally came home to roost, same with Phil. Paulie did somewhat learn and that's why he was the one to survive the season.

David Chase pretty much said it several times.

He was made a capo in Tony's crew, plus he was being groomed to be Tony's right-hand man.

>She was a hewer

Not him but my interpretation is: who cares? die now or later, it don't matter since everything is fucked anyway. Only Paulie left, Sil in comma, Carlo is a snitch.

What would Tony watch on The History Channel today?


>In the end, Artie's one of the happiest and safest characters though

I like how his road was probably the hardest but ultimately had the only satisfying paid off. Fuck he went through some shit, but ultimately nobody topped him.

Proofs that the aliens or Jesus are real

Ancient Aliens, and he'd probably get as anxious about alien attacks as he did about terrorist nukes in New Jersey.

He managed to stay clear of most of the illegal stuff despite his hardships, and in the end his "karma" means he can be safe and happy despite hardships and money/women issues.

The rest enjoyed their high lives with cash and pussy but in the end, was it really worth it?


almost made me cry, gandolfini was great in this scene

Artie was a real friend though.

Aren't cats harbingers of death/keepers of the underworld or something in Egyptian mythology? Seems like a pretty fitting symbol.

>You hear about these reptiloids? Experts think they could be as many as 90% of all world leaders. They're fucking masters of disguise.

>I dunno, T. You ask me, it's the Joos. Them yarmulke-wearin' sons of bitches got eyes and ears everywhere. Not to mention gold.

>Just finished last episode

I can't even process it, I just feel empty realizing I'll never watch a new episode ever again.

>Oh again with the Jews. What, they approve your janitor application to Sup Forums? That's what the reptiloids WANT YOU TO THINK! Gold isn't even a precious metal to them, they got asteroids full of it.

>GHOSTBUSTERS! anotha million dollar franchise!

This was me a month ago. It gets better with time, user. The more time passes, the more you think about it, the better it gets. In that way it's better than The Wire or Breaking Bad.

Best girl

Real friends don't point loaded hunting rifles at other friends.

Plus tony burned down his fucking restaurant

>Plus tony burned down his fucking restaurant

And what was the alternative, letting Junior splatter some guy's brains all over the place and ruining its reputation AND Artie's livelihood.

Tony was a good boy, he didn't do nothing wrong.

>You know Tony, your Uncle Jun did have some business with some lizard-looking people back in the '60s. The space center over in Howell, they were looking to buy his piece of the greyhound track across the street. We all just figured they had eczema. Used to kid him to bring some flies for them every time he went over there. But he did mention something about how they wanted to pay him in gold...

>wake up
>wipe the cigar ashes, tomato sauce, stripper glitter and gabagool grease from my polyester short-sleeved collared bowling shirt
>breathe heavily and as loudly as possible on my trek down the stairs and across my McMansion to the kitchen (probably the most exercise I've done in years, I never did have the makings of a varsity athlete)
>fix myself a hearty plate of gabagool with a side of gabagool
>pour myself a glass of Tropicana™ with some pulp to wash down the diabetes
>here comes A.J down the stairs
>it's been a good week for him, he only attempted suicide 5 times and he got an F+ on his community college Remedial Arithmetic quiz
>I'm proud of him
>So proud of him that I take him outside to see his new car. My son only drives the best
>A brand-new stretch hummer limo. The safest money could buy, and it gets ten feet to the gallon
>A.J. starts bitching about the environment
>Tell him I'll throw his ass back in the pool if he doesn't shut the fuck up and get in the hummer limo
>He gets in, the hummer limo immediately bursts into flames
>A.J. survives, is angry he's still alive and goes back up to his room to jerk off to interracial porn
>Carmela arrives, she's back from the gabagool market
>She presents to me crates, barrels, backpacks and suitcases packed to the brim with delicious gabagool
>"It took me hours to gather all this gabagool, Tony. A thank you would be nice."
>Give her a gabagool and cigar flavored kiss on the cheek and a crisp $100 bill, and pat her on the head. That'll do, Carm, that'll do.
>Phone rings, it's Meadow
>Says she's coming and will be home for dinner with the family
>Everything goes to black, there's no punchline. Fuck you, lmao!

Svetlana>Gloria>Art dealer girl>Ade>Carmella>>>Melfi>>>>>>>>>Russian gooma

>I never did have the makings of a varsity athlete


jesus christ

fucking lol

My kek is full throttle.

Carmela chooses to be fucked by AJ's teacher.

>>"It took me hours to gather all this gabagool, Tony. A thank you would be nice."

Fucking kek

>Select all images with pasta or noodles

Double kek



>watching Members Only right now
>tony says that thing to AJ about friends not being shit, family is all that matters
>Vito, later in this episode, says something along the lines of "I could be the boss of this family some day. God forbid anything happens to Tony..." to Eugene Pontecorvo knowing he had just shot a guy

never even noticed this. Vito wasn't just a fag, he was disloyal. I don't feel bad for him anymore.

>he was disloyal.
nobody was loyal in this glorified crew

right, we all knew it was Paulie who started the fire ;^)

His son Vito Jr. turned out pretty cool though, proud to carry his name.

Jamal Ginsberg, the Hasidic homeboy

>I'll throw his ass back in the pool

he was gay right?

solid shitposting especially if you read it in Paulie's voice

Tippy toppy high test

>not Tracee getting killed by Ralph