Since Apocalypse is confirmed bomb of the summer, what are the chances we get a deal that results in the Infinity Gems merging the X-Men universe and MCU?
Since Apocalypse is confirmed bomb of the summer...
Not high, but Peters and Olsen look much more like twins than her and whatshisfacewiththefortyyearoldwife.
0%. Apocalypse will still make a decent amount of money. Fox will just get rid of Singer and try again. The X-Men franchise does well, unlike Fantastic Four.
I doubt it. Deadpool was a huge success, and I don't think Fox would be able to negotiate a deal with Marvel that would allow them to keep the character. I get the impression that Marvel would want all or nothing.
>Imply Lord Feige want's that clusterfuck of continuity anywhere near his precious MCU
Like Netflix and Agents of SHIELD?
Too much baggage, just start X-Men from scratch in the MCU.
They don't do anything to take away from the canon of the MCU, if anything they add to it by fleshing out things and exploring characters that the Movies otherwise wouldn't.
bullshit. they want it, they want it bad. just watch. massive smear campaign of XMA, then they'll throw a truckload of money at fox to buy memepool and memeverine and whoever else.
Confirmed by who?
I wanna see X Men in the next deadpool movie please
Fox ain't never gonna give that shit up, if only to keep Disney from clobbering them with it.
>iron punisher
what the fuck
The characters sure, but they'll just reboot the whole thing before they merge the universes.
Marvels Hercules movie when? also who would TV cast as Hercules?
I'm just pissed Apocalypse isn't being played by Brian Thompson.
Slim. Fox might can Singer if it doesn't perform, but they're not about to let that franchise go.
that's what i meant. they'll want to get hold of the big name characters, not the current X-Men canon universe.
Who cares? I get to see ma boi Angel wreck shit. Psylocke can just be sexy.
I wonder how she feels about her brother dying and being replaced by a Muslim?
I had a dream that he did
X-Men universe doesn't blend well at all with the greater Marvel universe. It's way better that they've been separated. If they were merged it would have to be done like what they did with Spiderman, basically mutants would have to be somekind of new phenomena that didn't exist prior to the Avengers forming, with the X-men forming afterwards.
Otherwise, the existence of mutants has such a large footprint that people would easily just assume that heroes like Hulk/Spiderman/Captain/etc would be just another mutant instead science experiments gone wrong. Nevermind the question of where the X-men would have been during the events in New York and why the fuck haven't mutants been mentioned in MCU yet.
i just hope they kill this thing, JLaw leading this shit makes zero sense, and singer brining in the same dull black suits is bullshit.
DoFP was just full of vintage characters but it was a piece of shit, how it was rated so highly is beyond me.
I do not look forward to it, back in First Class fassbender/mcavoy made it great but now they seem to be put on the back burner and their director a shit.
Very slim. Remember that Fox made that recent Fantastic Four movie just to keep the rights of the brand
Confirmed bomb?
I'm still going to watch this movie. Because I love both the MCU and the Xmen franchise. Also the aggregate rating is 13 rotten to 16 fresh. It might go up just as much as it might go down.
Make it happen, user. I'm totally down with every casting choice except Cyclops and Storm.
I guess you could say this movie is the apocalypse for Sony's franchise!
>half of them aren't black
Sony, Fox, what's the difference?
>not making him Juggernaut
I'm still going to watch it too. But mostly for Quicksilver. Honestly, I wish Vaughn could take over for Singer. First Class was great IMO. Singer pretty much just makes movies that are mediocre with one or two great scenes.
That sure looks like the Juggernaut
user I love it.
Fox has Rupert Murdoch's money. Sony wishes they had Rupert Murdoch's money.
cpt america was a commanding officer to punisher in Vietnam
im sure that after civil war is on bluray, the final numbers will reveal how much sony made by sharing spiderman
id hope that fox would at least consider trying the same deal with fantastic four / dr doom and the xmen. deadpool made money, but thats 1 gem out of aloooot of turds
I hope it''s good for Sony. To me it looked like they really got nothing out of the deal at all.
Well RDJ is going to be in the new Spider-Man so they're probably pretty happy.
They made at least 700 million profit, before merch, digital sales and blu-ray.
Deadpool is never going to revert, ever.
Non-existent. They'll just make the next one Deadpool featuring the X-Men and pretend this never happened.
Pretty happy that they have to pay him more than the rest of the actors combined?
>Armie Hammer
>Deadpool is never going to revert, ever.
Keep in mind Feige worked on Deadpool.
>Since Apocalypse is confirmed bomb of the summer
Snydercucks STILL on suicide watch. Seriously, it has been months now. What is it about that director that attracts the lowest kind of human shit?
Singer and Snyder are not the same person.