So, now that we can agree that these are the objective GOATs, why has nothing else come close to reaching their level?
What show is the (distant) third?
So, now that we can agree that these are the objective GOATs, why has nothing else come close to reaching their level?
What show is the (distant) third?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Wire
watch your double posts!
Breaking bad?
Rome. A true roman kino for true romans.
Go to bed Vince.
>cancelled/incomplete shows
Looking at you too, Deadwood.
Mad Men ended last year, give it until 2017 until a new God-tier show releases. The start of a new era is upon us.
Yeah this
The Sopranos, The Wire, and Mad Men are the 3 greatest shows of all time
I'd put things like Breaking Bad in the next tier, but these three reign supreme
>mad men
>god tier
kek ok faggot
>a year since mad men
>nothing has come close to filling the void
remain plebian tb.h
Watch it, Plebby.
I consider the Wire the greatest show of all time with Sopranos being close second but for the love of fuck i cannot into Mad Men. I tried watching it around 5 or 6 times now, the furthest i got was episode 6 i think. I always wait a few months and try again but i can't figure out what is supposed to be good about it.
I mean it's not bad but ... most of those characters are total retards and their actions make no fucking sense to me half the time.
>tfw chase and weiner aren't creating television greatness at this very moment
might as well throw in Carnivale.
Honestly mad men > the sopranos > the wire > breaking bad is hard to argue against.
sopranos is far and away in a league of its own
mad men comes nowhere close
neither does the wire
you people are so fucking pleb it's embarrassing.
i am so sick of this meme
I have bad news for you user...
>their actions make no fucking sense to me half the time.
This is a serious question: do you have autism?
Take the first 2 seasons slow. It took me a while to get into them, and I thought it was just "good", but something clicked for me at some point in season 3 and I caught up to season 7 at fucking light speed. I used to be a HUGE Wire advocate, and still am in some ways, but Mad Men (and The Sopranos) are just on another level.
Keep pushing on, try to at least watch a few episodes of season 2 and see if you still dislike it.
Sopanos is #1
Mad Men is #7
The Wire is #9
Prove me wrong
>Pro tip. You might be able to
>people actually consider Breaking Bad one of the greatest shows ever made
I literally see you in every thread, and unless you're baiting, it's fucking pathetic that you substitute the Writer's Guild rankings as your own opinion. That's worse than having Reddit opinions.
X-files should be top 10
They both successfully explore and examine the human condition in some depth. Actually possessing real artistic merit. In TV terms most else is crude by comparison.
>I literally see you in every thread
I've only posted that list once before. Did the meme seriously catch on to others that quickly?
why is that so many faggots think that crime and period dramas are the only valid choices for "greatest TV shows." Are you guys just too smart and mature for comedy, action and sci-fi/fantasy shows? Jesus
Fuck off faggot. Breaking Bad is a false prophet, along wits GoT. Deadwood is the true guardian of the Holy Triumvirate of Television.
if it was finished maybe
No but most are shit. BSG some kind of exception to an extent.
Agreed. I now love the early seasons upon rewatch, especially in the sense that it's jarring to see how different everyone/everything is 10 years later in season 7.
The Sopranos>The Wire>Rome>Deadwood>Mad Men
The patrician pentagon.
Each season of Deadwood was better than any season of Breaking Bad. Fuck outta here.
Honestly it's the real benchmark for evaluating good to great. How well it stands up to repeated viewings.
Wire, Sopranos, Mad Men. I know I'll be re-watching that shit to some extent forever. Can't say that about much else.
Name the best comedy, action, Sci-fi and fantasy series for you.
There are many great ones, and BSG is far from best sci-fi. Then again it's edgy and dark so it makes sense that HBO-fags and Breaking Bad fans would love it
I think comedy belongs in its own separate category, and no Sci-Fi show (in my opinion) has been on the same level of quality of ANY of the shows mentioned here, unless you count The Twilight Zone.
I'm saying this as a huge fan of The X-Files, too. You have to be objective, and knowledgeable, when judging quality, or else you end up with pic related.
Six Feet Under
Treme (plebs need not apply)
>Japan Japan?
Simon doing some shit with James Franco, out next year. Hoping for the best.
Made men is far superior to sopranos and the wire is just as good
>Miami Vice
>Quantum Leap
Jesus Christ.
Simpsons (first eight seasons)
Strike Back
Are you going to give some examples or would that expose your bullshit too much?
i'm not the breaking bad dude. BrBA can't hold a candle to deadwood but i can't consider deadwood to be top 3 because it's unfinished.
24 but only 1st season which is kind of cheating otherwise justified
Fucking hipster.
Xena? Really? That show wouldn't fly as an intro to porno nowadays.
>strike back
>objectively written, directed, acted as well as any of the shows listed
C'mon, man. Just because they're your favorite shows doesn't mean they're the greatest ever, and that's okay. If you can't remove bias and see why The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad etc. are on a different plane, then you shouldn't be critiquing anything.
>and no Sci-Fi show (in my opinion) has been on the same level of quality of ANY of the shows mentioned here, unless you count The Twilight Zone.
I vehemently disagree, except for the bit about Twilight Zone, great show. In my personal opinion there's more freedom when writing a science fiction / fantasy show because you aren't limited by mundane reality. You can also approach topics from more abstract angles that would come off as heavy-handed or on-the-nose in a "realistic" drama.
Also, just personal preference, but I have more respect for shows that balance multiple genres instead of just sticking to one particular theme/style like Breaking Bad or The Sopranos (sans dream episodes)
The shows mentioned in this thread are great, don't get me wrong, but there is room for more than just critical darling dramas about manly men doing manly things
i just keep watching mad men desu :/
>GOAT tier
The Sopranos
Mad Men
The Wire
>High tier
The Americans
>Great tier
Breaking Bad
The Shield
Ray Donovan
>Okay tier
Mr. Robot
Halt and Catch Fire
>Meh tier
>Shit tier
>Why didn't it finish tier
I actually agree with all of this
Rome, Twin Peaks, Boardwalk Empire
I agree. I love every kind of television.
But for example, Twin Peaks (a show that blended multiple genres) might be my favorite show ever, but I don't think it's BETTER than The Sopranos.
Pretty good except for jury being out on Vinyl.
It's bias that makes you think those shows are superior, there is no objectivity in art. They aren't on a different plane, especially Breaking Bad which is so overrated it's insane.
The problem is that pretentious faggots shit on anything that's campy or doesn't take itself too seriously. "Oh, no way is your silly comedy/adventure series as good as my edgy mature drama that's set in the REAL WORLD." This attitude needs to die
Being pretentious is one thing but having artistic vision and the capacity to realise it is another. Success in this manner is by default superior to having no such aspiration.
Vinyl is GOAT tier, plebs just don't understand this yet. Once Bobby Cannavale appears on retarded late night shows enough you'll be all over it.
That's terrible. Go home.
>It's bias that makes you think those shows are superior, there is no objectivity in art.
I disagree. The writing, direction and acting are almost objectively inferior in all of those shows you listed. I agree that there's no objectivity in what interests a certain person, but there are real things that art can be judged on.
If I went outside and recorded a series with me and my friends and uploaded it to YouTube, and when someone says it sucks I can't tell them that "there's no objectivity in art" and that it should be placed among the gold standard of television.
not bad. dexter is just okay though. the last few seasons completely fucking ruined it. ray donovan is just ok except for jon voight. halt and catch fire is definitely meh unless the 2nd season was a lot better than the 1st.
2nd season of Halt and Catch Fire was better. I can't wait for season 3.
The shows I mentioned don't lack aspiration, they simply have different aspirations. Just because it isn't a serious crime drama or period piece doesn't mean it lacks ambition, and just because a show is silly or over-the-top doesn't mean the quality is inferior.
Take Farscape for example, a brilliantly written show with characters so well-developed they make one the ones in most "serious dramas" look like cartoons. But wait, it's a sci-fi series which mixes drama with broad comedy, and it has muppets. Therefore it must be inherently inferior to muh edgy drama about crime lords selling drugs and fucking strippers. Ridiculous
>I disagree
Oh the irony. You are objectively wrong
You have a point there. Moral Orel should be on this discussion to some extent, but it's ofter left apart for being a stop motion "cartoon".
Bro, like what you like, but you have blinders on if you can't see why those shows aren't considered GREAT in general.
Everyone has their own interests, but true quality in television and cinema is judged on tangible qualities. I love 80s slasher movies. I have a giant collection of VHS tapes and posters etc. It's my interest and my personal favorite genre.
None of those movies are on the level of Hitchcock. There's a difference between favorite and best.
Mad Men is my personal GOAT with 30 Rock being second
One is good but overrated, the other is plain boring and pretentious.
Guess which is which
my nigga
Why does no one ever mention the true GOAT in these threads?
I basically agree, but be careful putting Dexter anywhere unless we are specifying that everything after season 4 finale is not included.
>Moral Orel
Seriously? The first 2 seasons of that show is edgy fedora comedy, and the last season is shallow melodrama. It deserves to be left out cartoon or not.
Two great seasons don't make a GOAT
Still too early to call it, plus it's technically an anthology show so it's not as easy to compare to other long-running dramas
So your respond with what amounts to nothing more than "nah bro." Okay then
So much this
this nigga knows whats up
The Americans is that good?
>americans that high
>dexter in the same tier as shield and breaking bad
I haven't seen it so can't really comment on this particular example.
Just for me Mad Men and The Sopranos set a particularly high bar for themselves in artistic terms which both managed, in my opinion, to successfully clear. The fact they're period or crime related is an irrelevance. This isn't why they're great or what makes them great. Both transcend and/or exceed their respective genres.
It's really really well written, paced, acted, and has a great premise. You end up empathizing with almost every character, even the ones you start out hating.
It wouldn't be but for the two leads Both amazing performances.
Definitely my pick for GOAT series. Drama, comedy, action, romance, horror, it had it all. On top of that the amazing character development, dialogue, creature effects and attention to detail, damn that show is amazing. Nothing comes close
Can The Shield be honorary GOAT?
Lmao The Sopranos and Mad Men are literal meme choices for the GOAT shows. Only faggots who don't watch quality television say Mad Men or The Sopranos (or BrBa or GoT) are the GOAT. I can think of numerous shows that are better, but I'll just name the 2 greatest of all time: Six Feet Under and Friday Night Lights. Now get some fucking taste, plebs.
>Both transcend and/or exceed their respective genres.
the same goes for Farscape
>Six Feet Under
It's great, but it's way too uneven in the middle to contend with the others.
i would not be surprised if this poster was a 14 year old girl
Yeah I'll give it a watch you sold me.