Why did the world war 2 genre die in both film and vidya?
Why did the world war 2 genre die in both film and vidya?
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Overused war, but I think Nolan is doing a WW2 movie right now.
If they do a WW2 Movie that shows the war in Africa, would be interesting
are hundreds of titles not enough?
contain your Autism.
This will never happen. The war film won't ever truly die in film - especially not WWII or Vietnam. They are just too ripe for symbolism and motif.
The more people no about it the more they side with Hitler
> Christopher Nolan directing action scenes
oh shit. The Dark Knight Rises was hilariously bad at this.
this Dunkirk movie should produce some ripe new memes.
> there arent enough Call of Duty Games, I want the same shit again.
join the fucking Army and get killed already,
Meh, just wait a few years. When the populists rule western civilization we'll have another war soon enough.
One can only hope
Fury was great faggot easily top 25 of all time WWII kinos
I want a big production of the Russo-Japanese war
Bayonet assaults against machine gun pillboxes and shit
t. Clinton News Network
In 1905 faggot? The russo japanese war was all about the naval battle of tushima
>There are more hours in games and on films about World War II then the actual time World War II took to fight.
Citation not needed, I believe you
Your a cuck I don't believe his lying ass
pls be bait
Oversaturation. There was a time i'm sure you know where there was a WWll movie and game coming out all the time and many of these things were bad or just 'meh'. Remember Windtalkers? Remember the countless Medal of Honor games that came out? It was a fun trend but people got tired of it and wanted more modern warfare stuff. Also 'storytellers' are largely incapable of creating a compelling WWll film that doesnt take place in France, and has a hundred dead Germans by the end. There's material for an African theater film, or even more Eastern front films but that's not that marketable since most people have an elementary understanding of the war.
Limited perspective.
It has to be about americans or it won't sell well. That leaves you with a very limited amount of material where you can make a film or videogame. I mean, you can't any interesting films from the nazi perspective, because of you do, you might make the characters sympathetic, and then be accused of being a nazi sympathizer. Nobody in their right minds would make a film or videogame around that unless they want to ruin their career.
Also, it's not like you could make a film from, say, a Bulgarian/Italian/Romanian/Canadian/ Yugoslavian/French/Chinese/Canadian etc. perspective. It wouldn't sell well at all with general audiences, they want something familiar, with characters they can identify with, e.g, american soldiers, because, let's face it, the vast majority of people who would view it would be american. They would be completely unfamiliar with the different perspective and wouldn't enjoy it, meaning poor ratings/low income.
Finally, the sad truth is that all's been said and done about it. Everybody who isn't a drooling retard knows how WWII went down, or at least has a basic understanding of it. The allies win, Axis loses. Boom. Who would want to see a movie that essentially has the same outcome as every other one of it's kind? (Actually, don't answer that. There are plenty of film series that have nearly identical installments.)
It sounds perfectly reasonable to me, I think your the liar