Memes aside, IS 35 considered too old for actresses?
Like, plenty of "attractive" actresses still get work after 35, right? I mean, hell, Streep has won numerous Oscars in her advanced age.
Memes aside, IS 35 considered too old for actresses?
Like, plenty of "attractive" actresses still get work after 35, right? I mean, hell, Streep has won numerous Oscars in her advanced age.
too old for quirky nerd girls
Good actresses can stick around. If all you have going for you is your looks you better get yourself married to somebody richer than you.
Everyone has a primal understanding that as women get older they are less able to bear children. This does not hold true for men. No matter what happens, there will always be a massive disparity in sexual value between genders that changes with age.
idk christina hendricks is hotter to me than most girls half her age, and she is usually p good
Isn't she really like 50?
Yes, 50 year olds have aged out of Hollywood.
fuck this tranny looking tryhard bitch. shes no actress
Felicia Day has always looked like a busted hag.
Bitch is lucky she got into the "le so quirky and nerdy" crowd when she did or else she would be forgotten like the rest of the uggos.
at least they played along and let him believe he's female
Wow... Someone hit a nerve.
We already have a thread on this
CH is a miracle of nature user
idk, i would pay to see marisa tomei and jennifer aniston in a rom com
>Felicia Day
"just failed an audition so I'm gonna bitch about it on Twitter" more like.
Remember when Rose McGowan did this shit? Auditioned for a role she failed then started bitching about it being sexist so her agency dropped her useless ass?
Good times
What, with each other?
Like they're middle aged best friends who gradually through a series of coincidence and misfortune realize that they're actually huge dykes and then the last half hour is just them banging the shit out of each other?
She has a bunch of injuries because she's an old lady pushing 50.
guess she isn't getting that part
I would watch that
yeah, i'd definitely watch that
As much as I'd like to see that happen Felicity days to vocal for the agency to just can her.
>dancing tumblr.webm
35 is the break point where a woman stops getting roles because of her looks and has to rely on talent and acting chops.
A lot of women can't make this transition and end up fading away.
I hope she chokes on a dick and dies.
They're dropping hints, but she still doesn't get it. Grow up.
>rely on talent and acting chops.
B y e, F e l i c i a
Guess that's why it's so rare to see actresses who have both and who are also successful.
Naomi Watts is nearly 50, is a great actress, and is still gorgeous.
Plenty of women act after turning 35. The only catch is that is the age where it becomes about talent, not looks.
Felicia never had either. She was pretty lucky to be a friend of Joss.
35 years old is aged out FOR LIFE senpai.
only like 1% of women at 35 can still make me excited.
I mean sure it's possible to get hard and cum from fucking them but there isn't the same urgent "I need to dump a load in he prime fecundity pussy" that fucking an 18 or 21 year old gives, even when we're talking about the 35 year olds who have held up pretty well.
and most of them have not held up well at all.
What did she mean by this?
Well played.
It really makes my day to see post-wall women realizing their ride is over.
>these cunts are going to enjoy 40 years of misery
i have no idea
FDay has zero talents and is a small time millionaire who is married to another millionaire. She'll be fine.
Not really. They're just going to cheat on their husbands more often with their coworker/neighbor and sleep with young guys once in a while.
hey, how about you complain about how you're not as physically attractive as you used to be? That'll turn back time, alter nature, or change mens evolutionary programming. Complaining always increases attractiveness.
injuries are easier to come by and more efficient detectors than magnet implants.
makes perfect sense.
she believes that people can sense weather patterns in their limbs. "Oh, my knee is hurtin' again. Must be a storm comin'."
You sound like a 13 year old shit-talker
That there was already amazing things that could be done with the human body, and people forget that as they move forward with inorganic improvements to it.
This and only this.
Agreed. When he is 35 he will probably be the same way, single and creepy, trying to get with 20 year olds who think he is disgusting.
No you didn't Felicia. Stop lyin'.
She saying stick in magnets into yourself for the sake of 'Muh Human Advancement' is no better than flogging yourself for the second coming.
The singularity is never going to happen. Transcendence is a myth. Death is inevitable.
i think feminism has truly jumped the shark with this 'women over 25 are appealing' meme
Felicia still a cute
>mfw soon I'll age out of men wanting to rape me
Men will rape grandmothers and invalids. You'll be unable to move in an old nursing home and end up getting raped to go with your bed sores and loose bowel movements
Isn't that because people with arthritis are sensitive to the change in air pressure when it rains?
Her age isn't on Wikipedia. Bit suspicious.
>The singularity is never going to happen. Transcendence is a myth. Death is inevitable
i goto twitter looking for some random actress to tell me this everyday.
There's some dispute whether she was born in 1977 or 1979
if she ruins mst3k i'll kill her
Depends, really. For an established and popular actress? Definitely not. For a pigeonholed actress? Depends on whether she holds up. For an actress who only gets minor roles? Yeah, probably.
For an actress who can give good head? Nope.
When I get old I'm getting a robot nurse to take care of me in my house and maybe cuddle me while I cry
nothing good like that will ever happen in our future. things only get worse.
Rape has nothing to do with youth or attractiveness.
If young attractive people disproportionately got raped we would have solved the problem long ago.
>ywn cross the country on a family vacation with rory and felecia playing shitty nintendo ds games and staying in crappy motels.
finally someone who gets it, and dubs confirm
women in hollywood always bitch about MUH AGE DISCRMINASHUN, but they peak so early and then expect it to continue when in reality it's you have to be smart about your career (just like in regular life)
sort by age
the men don't win an oscar until they're 30 years old minimum, look at the other actors, kevin spacey got one at 40, hell people were bitching about dicaprio this year as a meme never winning and he was 41. look at all the dudes ahead of him, murderer's row of acting talent
contrast that with the women, fucking JLaw gets one at 22, twenty-fucking-two. there's a shitload just like her until you get to 30. women bitch about MUH AGE when they're over 35 but they fail to acknowledge they took advantage of the system to get big earlier in their careers. most male actors would kill to have jennifer lawrence exposure, but they have to grind it out til they're at least middle-aged to be taken seriously
and yes looks do matter, it's hollywood, sex sells, and it's a biological fact that women are hotter when they're younger and while their peak is higher than men, the peak doesn't last as long, that's fucking life
It kinda looks like she is holding a dragon dildo in the thumbnail
Looks like we need a final solution for the male menace
remake when??
Thats a bb gun.
I wish New York was still a place where you could get raped twice in one day. I hate that fucking city.
>If young attractive people disproportionately got raped we would have solved the problem long ago.
Legit got a boner from this. The exagerated siliva and licking got me a stiffie. That's FDay in makeup right?
who's qt'er ryon or felecia?
i love felecia's alabaster skin. she hasn't ruined it in the sun. it's immaculate.
>tfw she will never be a lesbian
>tfw I'm 35
>she'll never not be a lesbian
the fuck is she even IN hollywood? i never seen her in anything,
how delusional is this bitch? she's not a star, she's some eceleb youtube charity case
She's technically not married to some old guy. They've been together forever, so presumably they are in love. He's like 70 something. She has to hide him from the public though, since she probably thinks he'll hurt her career.
Yeah she's D-list really.
Why did she ruin that N64 controller?
she said that was her first time kissig a girl
Confirmed for pillow princess
Taylor Swift has the same problem
she's not even on the list
ive literally no recollection of her in anything eever
>tfw it isnt olddddd Sup Forums ;__;
DICK, user
she's talking about THE PENIS IN THE VAGINA
something you'll never know
>that weather shit? jolt of lightning = orgasm
Can't be any worse than Mary Jo's Pearl character.
It literally can't.
Depends on what role you are after.
You're too old if you keep going for roles that are made for 25 years olds. If you accept you're 35 and have to do roles made for 35 year olds, even if they aren't as glamorous then you'll do find. Meryl Streep sure as fuck isn't 35 and she does fine precisely because she isn't confine herself to "the hot chick".
The only bitches who complain about this are women who feel entitled to be the hot young star forever.
when is she going to be on izombie lezzing out with liv
This is dead-on satire of PBS
Meryl Streep was 65 in this movie and it's literally the first time I've ever wanted to bang her
It's also completely unfunny.
People always talk about Joel vs. Mike, but honestly, the show died when Trace left.
Also Frank.
god dammit i can hear her lisp through the webm
If your lip reading is so good, what's she saying?
"i'm walking on sunshine"
She can't get angry about it, that's the role that has been written...
>Waaaah, I don't like this story
Write your own fucking movie about empowering women and stop impeding on people's creativity because it forces you to face uncomfortable truths
Julia Roberts is 48 and still very attractive. Ugly, fat, and bitter actresses can't handle rejection.
It probably has more to do with scripts not providing roles for women who are older. Though tv seems to be helping with that.
35 is too old for any woman
Felicia Day was never talented NOR pretty.
She hit the right demographic of desperate losers at the right time.
I can't believe she has a career in the first place.
why is she the only one having fun ;__;
Honestly a woman in her 30's has no business dressing or acting like that shaking me head to be quite honest family
Wow she has like fucking negative tits