>One of the greatest movies of all time
>49% on Rotten Tomatoes
What is this bullshit heresy?
The Passion of the Christ
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The Jews were really really really mad about this movie
it was hardly antisemitic anyway but jews get triggered over anything which might paint them in a negative light
>hours of torture porn
Great movie guys
It wasn't that great. I mean it was interesting to see a more "realistic" take on it but I have no desire to watch it again.
It's that time again!
>Critics Consensus: The graphic details of Jesus' torture make the movie tough to sit through and obscure whatever message it is trying to convey.
Maybe the message is to think about what Jesus suffered through for your sins you f-cking atheist c-cks.
So it's torture porn for a cheap and vulgar emotional response, got it
Excellent movie. Risen isn't bad either.
The torture scenes make it what it is, to see this kind man face such incredible suffering, and the viewer is only taken away from the suffering as the Mother leaves allowing us to feel the guilt and relief of not having to watch it anymore.
Gibson is a genius.
He got the old hateful priests spot on.
Gee... i wonder why critics didn't like it?
For fuck's sake I remember someone saying it was "homophobic" and the reason was very flimsy. Is that true, or is it just a bunch of fedora-tippers assuming anything to do with Christianity is naturally homophobic?
Actually yeah. From a Christian's point of view this actually happened so a gruesome depiction of what happened is the only way to do it. I mean what cooler way to have your deity come back from the dead than 2 hours of body horror to come along with it
Apocalypto's RT score is the real travesty.
People didn't like this movie because it made them sad. That's exactly what the story is supposed to do, you never see Jesus on the cross smiling, he suffered.
>Apocalypto = 65%
I haven't seen it yet, but I hear great things. Is this just another case of critics letting their anti-Gibson bias get the best of them?
If so, it sort of reminds me of 'The Mission' where people seem to love it with some saying it is a masterpiece, but it only has like a 62% on RottenTomatoes or something like that.
>tfw critics were panning movies that made them feel 'sad' or were too 'dark' as far back as 2005
My god it hasn't changed all that much has it?
Apocalypto is an incredibly well produced movie. One of the best movies ever made, but again, hard to watch.
The craggy depths of Gibsons mind is a harsh landscape.
>Passion of Christ
I need capeshit to LEAVE.
All biblical and christian movies get trashed by the liberal media.
This was a good movie.
>One of the greatest movies of all time
How much you have to be on the Sup Forums kool-aid to believe that? Yeah, yeah, the jews this, the jews that, >le based Gibson, but you people should try not sound so stupid sometimes.
Rotten Tomatoes is a joke, why does anyone take it seriously?
Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregator
I actually agree to this one, but have never actually seen any reviews. But remember it as good. Maybe rewatch..
It was boring.
Now, Apocalypto, that shit was amazing.
You never see it because it didn't happen.
You ever see the tooth fairy come get your teeth as a kid?
Depict the kikes as what they really are, what would you expect.
What are they like?
It's essential Christ-kino
It's just a story m8.
check the movie out, unless you prefer spoonfeeding
He's the only one who could make Blood Meridian.
Metacritic is better.
Ah, the classic Sup Forums eloquence
Its not prince of egypt tier.
>being christian
>being religious
>not being agnostic
Do you think Jimmy C is mad that his career took a nosedive after working with Mel or do you think he takes it with a manly stoicism and a resolve to stick it to the Jews at every opportunity
>board infested with mel gibson worshiping closeted gay Sup Forums shitposters says a terrible movie is actually good and also duh jooz
A bot could have accurately predicted this thread.
>not being Gnostic
Hello my jewish friends do you know what time it is?
He probably made more money doing Person of Interest honestly. With it wrapping up he'll be back in no time
I wouldn't call it on of the "greatest of all time" but the movie got it's point across very well that Jesus went through rigorous torture and a painful execution and that you, if a believer, should take some stock in it.
It's a movie made for Christians, not an average movie goer. Plus Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregate. It gets it's point across and reaches its intended audience.
I'd give it a 6/10 from a normal perspective and a solid 8 to 9/10 from a Christian perspective.
The acting was decent and the script was written over a thousand years ago.
>check the actual page
And what do you know. The average rating was around a 6/10 and most people gave it around an 80%
Holy fuck he looks so much like Ralph Fiennes in his earlier years in that pic.
Im not religious at all and think it is a work of art. 8/10 easily
What the hell does being gnostic even means?
I'm curious, pls no bully. The most I know is from history books and they being brutally removed from the premises.
>It's a movie made for Christians, not an average movie goer.
lol what. im not christian at all but i understood and enjoyed it.
>hours of torture porn
This is not really accurate.
And in any case, even those scenes are beautifully shot, rhythmic and well-paced. Just tremendous overall.
I wonder what would have happened if Andrei Rublev, Diary of a Country Priest, Dreyer's Joan of Arc etc. was released today.
>From a Christian's point of view this actually happened
It also happened from a historians point of view.
As far as I understand, he is a very devout, scripturally literate catholic himself, I'd imagine he considers it worth it in every way.
In my opinion the Christians are evil!
>jew on a stick movie gets beaten out by pic related at the box office
There is some good in the world.
hi jew
christian mysticism
>It also happened from a historians point of view.
Sure it did, father.
>Flick Filosopher
Do people like this even have access to Merriam-Webster to look up the definition of fascism?
Lol no, there is of course some overlap, as the gnostics derived their thougths from the earliest mystics, but it's really quite distinct.
>hurr it's bad
>can't even defend why its bad
At least fans defend it for accurately depicting the Passion. So many Jesus films don't show the real torture and humiliation crucifixion caused.
> Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically
> Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean, Jewish rabbi[23] who preached his message orally,[24] was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.
Atheists are so against religion that they will actively deny the truth; something they accuse Christians of.
So then what does that make a gnostic? Christian mystic?
Gnostic believe the Old Testament God is a evil worldly God and the God Jesus talks about is a good God from a spiritual plane of existence.
>Passion of the Christ gets vilified for an accurate historical representation of the gratuitous and upsetting torture and humiliation incurred by Jesus Christ
>12 Years a Slave gets critically lauded and wins several Oscars for an accurate historical representation of the gratuitous and upsetting torture and humiliation incurred by southern plantation slaves
>Hellboy is Catholic
Oh yeah, Christians really btfo.
>You've never seen a billion dollars in cash so it must not exist.
>You've never seen the hanging gardens of Babylon so they must have never existed.
>You've never been exposed to mustard gas so must never have existed.
>You've never seen the burned corpses of concentration camp victims so the holocaust never happened
user just because you can't understand things outside of your perception doesn't mean that nobody else is capable of it either.
So it's like a metaphysical emanation view from neo-platonics. Architect, demiurge, and so on
Pic related.
It was only picture of the year award
modern society is based on the hatred of Jesus Christ, either in the brutal form such as Communism, or in the passive aggressive "tolerate" form such as Liberalism.
Either way, Christ has to be ridiculed everywhere and at all times. Everyone on the TV must use the Lord's name in vain constantly, to make blasphemy popular
Pious types are cute. But probably it isn't actually your case. You're just another Sup Forums babby roleplaying as christian
Yeah but Ne-Platonists thought the Gnostics were over dramatic tinfoil edgelords.
the scary thing about gnosticism is that it is a thoroughly consistent system of thought
the basic idea of gnosticism is that matter is evil, the creator of the material world is evil, and salvation comes through liberation from matter into the world of pure spirit
once someone believes this there is no way to convince them otherwise; if you try to contradict them, they will assume you are a pawn of the demiurge sent to keep them chained to matter
I'm 100% convinced that gnosticism is Lucifer/Satan's favourite philosophy; it reflects his contempt for matter, it encourages men to pride themselves on their pure spirit, and to seek a purely spiritual realm where they are easily deceived by the devil promising them secret knowledge; it's just as it says in Genesis, that the serpent promised men that they would be gods if they acquired knowledge
the most Luciferian aspect is that it sees the Creator of the world as evil and rebellion against him as necessary
gnostics see the serpent in Eden as a liberator
gnosticism is the devil's religion; it's the first major heresy he spread in the Church; it arrived again big-time in the middle ages in the form of catharism/albigensianism; modern thought is permeated with gnostic ideas; gnostic tendencies also predates Christianity
Yes, Gnosticism is the very first heresy, and it lives on to this day in secular form (see, utopian global liberalism).
Is this satire?
no, spend some time on /x/ talking to gnostics there
the idea that matter is evil and one must escape the material world with one's spirit is extremely ancient
this idea entered into Christianity very early one and tried to corrupt its doctrines
it has a modern parallel, in that the modern revolutionary ideas that see all authority as oppressive very much mirrors the revolutionary spirit of gnosticism which sees the Creator of the world as evil and revolution against him as necessary; modern gnosticism has gone so far as to deny that there is such a thing as male/female, and has demanded that people have the right to define their own gender; this shows a distinct hatred of the natural world, and a desire to define oneself against the will of one's Creator that reflects gnostic ideas. Look up Voegelin on modern gnosticism
I went to a christian summer camp for a few summers, haven't talked to those dudes in a while but a 'theme' of Christianity that the tried to convey to me, was that living for God was uncomfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone for God, shit like that.
On one gathering thing, A young guy was making that point that everytime you sin and are not mindful about it/not seeking rependence you're literally standing in the crowd of Jesus's crucifixiom yelling "Crucify him!" because Jesus died for your sins and you continue to wallow around in it.. almost like you'd actually like to see him in pain.
He kept having the crowd yell "Crucify him!" and a lot of people didn't get it but I did.
At it's truest point, Christianity is very, very uncomfortable. I'm glad Mel Gibson tried to push that. I was taught that Catholicism a.k.a. I have that guy over there pick up my bible for me and read his interpretation was wrong. I still think it's pretty lame even though I don't care much/am religiously unaffiliated.
It wasn't a full ascetic church but it was radical.
everyone spent their own time in their own bible often I guess I admired that. some of the shit preached was still actually insane tho
>If you're shy/don't talk a lot you're actually selfish because you think other people don't deserve to hear what you have to say
>if you're unemployed and continue to be so you're actually a plaything of the Devil's
I'm not making that up.
I'm an 18yo virgin and pretty scared of sex and sexual failure, still, from all that. trying to get over it. but all the stuff I learned from the bible is nice knowledge to retain. I went from around 6 or 7yo-13 or 14yo
I went to church from roughly 6-14 but went to the summer camp only a few times is what I meant to say
Sound horrifying and the kind of shit that creates traumas. I didn't have such a radical environment but it was very catholic and I felt bothered constantly. It certainly appeals to a great many people this kind of 'devotion'.
I think I remember seeing an interview where he described his experience as something he wouldn't change, or to that effect.
Do you people actually believe thats theres mystical man in the sky?
Mel please stop.
you are honestly fucking retarded
hellboy is catholic, and beats the shit out of demons
fucking atheistfags need to go back to >>>/reddit/
Who knows? This wave started ironically here, but you know that principle, right?