American movie

>American movie
>adult character has consensual relationship with developed 17 year old
>character goes to jail

>American movie
>character puts a bet on a sports game
>gets arrested

>english shitposter
>posts pics of an american cartoon that is funnier than anything his shitty little island has put out in two decades

enjoy your meme chefs, ugly women and cars you'll never afford

I'll be enjoying my freedom and lack of sharia law.

>american user
>gets butthurt

>can't handle the bantz
every single time

I remember one tv movie where they arrested an 19 year old boy for fucking a 17 year old girl, and they tried to spin it like it was justice. Jesus christ

It's still fictional pedophilia. A 17 year old is still a child in the eyes of law and as such is not able to give consent.

I don't think that consensual pedophilia is harmful though, neither is zoophilia.

>A 17 year old is still a child in the eyes of law

>be 18 in america
>can buy cigarettes but not alcohol until you're 21

I bet you think a 12 year old is capable of making a rational decision to have consensual safe sex and a loving relationship with an adult too, you monster.

>guise fucking my cat isn't harmful xDDD

Age of consent varies by state though. Ranges from 16 in most states to 18 in a few.

The problem with you amateur shitposters is you don't do the least bit of research beforehand.


>Can serve in the US military at 17
>can't legally buy a rifle until 18 or 21 for a pistol depending on state laws
>can't drink until 21
>can't smoke until 18

Uhm, yes it is. It would kill the cat. And I'm pretty sure the cat would claw you if you tried.

>British picture
>character owns a spoon
>gets arrested

I seem to remember that something like this happens in "Election".

>American democracy
>It's a two party system

Settle down burger nigger

>american individual
>can't tell where Netherlands is

>American movie
>group of buddies having a friendly game of poker
>start playing for money
>get swatted for gambling

>British sports
>adult athlete has a relationship with a developed girl
>goes to prison for 5 years, has already been beaten in the showers

> be me

> be 16

> fuck my 18 year old girlfriend

> mfw i read this thread

> I could have gotten her arrested if we lived in americlapistan

true story btw

>American movie
>adult character has consensual relationship with developed 17 year old
>it's just the writer-director living out his fantasies

>American cinema
>high fructose corn syrup syrup is the only beverage avail

Ahahah burgerclapper are indoctrinated like dogs.

I feel sorry for them. It's chemicals in their food after all.

>British TV Show
>New Season premiers tonight!
>3 Episodes / season

I fucking hate this shit

But you can sentence a 12 years old for life

>burgerclapping '''''''''''''justice'''''''''''''''''

>american movie
>really dramatic moment
>it's clear the character has given up all hope/care for someone/something
>is expressing their feelings through great dialogue
>the tone, atmosphere, lighting and direction are spot on to convey the emotion
>then they say "I could care less"
>all good points immediately go out the window

>American movie
>Inside Out, targeted at kids
>unironically references Chinatown
>a movie directed by a child rapist

>American movie
>main character references god
>the rest of the characters don't chuckle and berate them for believing in an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omni-benevolent being who is apparently the ultimate authority on morality but still allows suffering to exist

>American Movie
>one of the funniest and inspiring documentaries of all time

But we get to enjoy all of that. You don't get to fuck 16 year olds.

>American movie starts
>Typical day at the start of the class
>Kid looks like he's got no sleep
>In between his yawns he slips some glances towards his crush across the room
>Smiles softly to himself, content that he has the chance to see her
>Suddenly hears clattering in the hallways
>The screams of a teacher running across the doorway as bullets crash into him
>Everybody moves back to the windows, the kid is now beside the girl he loves
>Door is pushed open with force, a young man only a few years older than the class studies the room for a split second
>He levels his rifle and picks a target
>The scream from the girl is cut violently short as a bullet tears through her skull
>The kid crouches down in fear and sees her lifeless eyes from between his fingers
>The man opens fire again, more of his classmates scramble and fall
>The eternity of the scene ends with footsteps down the hallway and he can't move
>Schoolbell rings
>The kid wakes up with a jolt, the teacher taps him with a ruler
>"Homework for thursday user!"
>He looks around the room in a dazed panic
>His girl is giving him a smirk
>He realizes he's not American
>The day goes on.

>mfw a friend mine was born when his mother was 14 and his father was 33
>mfw his parents were living together when he was born
>mfw it's illegal to have relations with minors in my country

I've seen Bowling for Columbine too.

>being a pedophile
>enjoying that

>implying you don't deserve to suffer

Fucking pubescent girls doesn't make you a pedophile.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, cucko.

bad bait

I'd fuck Fuuka's face til her skull broke in her and it'd be totally legal, shoot me cucklords.

*in half

don't buy the cheap bait, britbong

are you a gerontophile if you happen to have sex with an old person?

not necessarily

Nope, it's a fact.


Mate if they say like an fully grown adult is not below the age of like 30 tomorrow are you going to call everyone a pedo to?

Fucking kill yourself. I'm serious.

>He fell for the California law is common throughout the US meme.
I guess when American television is all you can turn to for something close to resembling an education this is all you can hope for.

As an American fuck off, retard.

>That one girl on Sup Forums being buttmad because she got raped because she was a drunken slut calling everyone a pedo

are you upset, user?

Frogposter with despicable English. Heh...

that's my favourite Sup Forums episode

make me. :P

>ugly women
but thats an american trait

>drunken slut
Found the yes-doesnt-mean-consent liberal

I mean the 1st and 2ns kinda make sense.
You will have people teaching you and keeping an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything autistic.
Keeping in mind that the law is for owning it and not shooting it.

When will a movie come out that accurately depicts pedosexuals and doesn't try to further ostracize them?

Why post an image like that with no key you fucking imbecile

What kind of shitty education system has the consent laws of foreign countries on the curriculum?

Oh that's right, only in America.

>fucking girls

this thread is in full fantasy land

Green means AOC is 18
Brown is 17
Dark Blue is 16
Anything else is 3rd world, do-whatever-you want-land

You do realize that most states with AoC lower than 18 place restrictions on that, right? It's not a free for all fuck if you're above 18 fucking a 16 year-old there are maximum ages that can. Higher than that and it's still a crime.

>tfw Tennessee
out of all fuckin places

this is Sup Forums. no time to think. only post.


Sorry, here's a superior English cartoon.

I appreciate the effort to top me over.

texas was grey. does that mean sisters and cousins?

Black Books is pretty funny

>Ever being on Sup Forums

true Simpsons is god tier (getting close to 2 decades since its been good though) but Alan Partridge is high tier, m8

Better than those shit tier copy paste american bullshit shows like the blacklist that have 40 fucking episodes per season

Except you are wrong, the difference is; I am not dumb enough to go one a Filipino stop motion board as talk shit about a subject that I have 0 education on. Like many of you seem so keen on doing.

Pretty self explanatory once you work out California is 18 and can understand basics about context. The blue sure as fuck isn't going to be OUT of that poster's favor.

Use your head.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

ITT: People who secretly wish to fuck a tight 16 years old who's asshole smells like bubble gum and pussy taste like water

>being this fucking dumb
Within 2 seconds of reading his post and analyzing I could see green is 18, brown is 17, blue is 16.
Did you ever get taught critical thinking?

>only took 1 posts

>implying you would reject this

Typical repressed americuck

>Don't put your dick in crazy
Sound advice. Shame nobody makes the next logical step and realizes you really don't want to fuck someone with an unfused prefrontal cortex either.

if i was an american, i would

Whats up with her nose
Looks kind of curved on the sides

too skinny

Yes that's why they call everyone pedo.

There's really something wrong with your brain when you don't even think and just post. And I'm serious here, you are hurting your attention spawn. Focus.

I have shit taste I know.

>it's another episode where the most retarded people in europe argue with the most retarded americans about who is more superior


>Americans repressed
>not britcucks

oh of course, because the color green is commonly associated with the number 18, brown with 17, and blue with 16.

bad bait
>implying i'm a mongrel that can't control sexual urges and wait a couple of years