Admit it, you all wanted to see this guy show up at the end of 10 Cloverfield Lane
Admit it, you all wanted to see this guy show up at the end of 10 Cloverfield Lane
that kind of cgi is expensive goyim
Who's that gentleman?
Come on, Cloverfield's budget was 25 mill, 10CL's was 15 mill
i'd rather have seen mews hairy puss
>liking pussy with hair on it
back to africa you go, caveman
>that filename
>liking a smooth hairless pussy like those on a 3 year old girl
Disgusting pedophile.
I didn't even want to see that guy at the end of Cloverfield.
It's only pedophilia if the rest of the body looks like a child's. Why you would actually want a disgusting, fume-trapping mat of greasy hair overgrowing your woman's pussy is beyond me, you probably just can't control her and let that 'strong independent womyn' dictate your sex life to you, then try to justify it to yourself afterwards. Sad.
>we will never get a true cloverfield sequel
It hurts, really
That fucker robbed us
>i-i-it's only pedophilia if...
yeah right disgusting pedophile look how angry you get at the thought of an adult vagina.
It just depends who you've fucked. If you're a normal person and lost it to a young innocent virgin in high school, she didn't shave and you're setup with a hairy puss fetish for life.
If you're a loser who just watches porn then you won't get it.
>not exclusively appreciating hairy japanese pussy
Get a load of this pleb
Nice refutation me lad, keep on fucking that smelly ape pussy, because you obviously can't control your woman
if you couldn't convince your highschool fuckbuddy to shave her pussy, I think we know that you're the real loser
I didn't want to know what happened at all.
lmao this is obviously the outburst of an ineffectual weedy cutfag.
At least then calling the movie fucking Cloverfield would have made at least some sense
She started taking the pill 3 weeks after staining my sheets red because she didn't like the hastle of condoms. I came in her every time. The first few times she would wince and inch back away from me and then she started moaning and whispering harder in my ear.
Nice memewords
Try using actual english for your next post, my disgusting smelly-fetishist friend
Nice fantasy. If you could get her to do all that you could get her to shave, but you couldn't and you didn't. Pathetic little man ruled by his woman.
>Admit it
No need. That was all people were hoping for.
It's hip to be pleb fagboi
>getting this mad over pussy hair on an online imageboard.
how many girlfriends have you actually had, pedo?
all I wanted out of 10cl was for MEW to strangle someone with her delicious thighs
I will never forgive that faggot for this. I have been waiting for part 2 since the first one came out, then he pulls this bait and switch shit. He deserves a pie in the face like the fucking clown he is.
I'm not mad, I'm actually sitting here laughing at the prospect that you're too much of a pussy to get your woman to shave hers. I've had over two dozen girlfriends for varying times, and each and everyone of them I was able to make shave their pussy.
Zero but thats not the point
>smelly ape pussy
confirmed for never having taken in the musk of a sweet hairy puss
>people falling for the 'I don't like bush' b8
Guys, stop giving him those sweet sweet (You)s, he hasn't earned them.
>when the pussy hair matts on your knob and foreskin causing searing pain and you finally last a decent stretch
Pussy hair GOAT control technique desu senpais
Nah man, the ending already went on longer than it needed to. The last thing it needed was more shit, especially trying it to Cloverfield beyond the name.
Cool reddit thread you guys got going on here.
At least some fucking connection to Cloverfield, Not more shit per se, just substitute the alien ending with Cloverfield stuff
>"I have over 300 hundred confirmed girlfriends"
Bet you're trained in gorilla whorefare too.
At least there is the manga.
>two dozen
That's a lie, we both know that. However, divide that number by 4 and the resulting number still isn't young enough for you, is it, pedo?
Why are you so mad, Glitter? Why are you mad at people online? :)
"I'm actually sitting here laughing".
I'm sure you are bro, you're getting mad at people discussing cunt hairs online, that's so pathetic, I'm sure that the one girlfriend you had DEFINITELY didn't leave you after a few days of cucking you with Tyrone.
>only got 15 minutes worth of aliums
The movie would have been so much better without all that alien shit at the end. Just have a giant ship in the distance or a city skyline with the cliverfield monster moving through it.
Of course we fucking did, and JJ knew it which is why he waited until the last second to drop the 'muh anthology' bomb. As far as I'm concerned there is only one Cloverfield film.
Go back to....well...uh...stay on Sup Forums you pederass!
thats going in my animays folder
Say what now?
You must have been 10 when Cloverfield came out
there's more than one monster
Yeah because I'm hot wired to do so, but a nu-male like you wouldn't understand
The alien ship had a giant mouth on the underside that reminded me of clover's.
Could the clover be the ship's bio-matter processing unit (like in the tripods in War of The Worlds: there are two of them hanging from the back) that somehow gained autonomy and adapted to live in the Earth's oceans?
>Could the clover be the ship's bio-matter processing unit (like in the tripods in War of The Worlds: there are two of them hanging from the back) that somehow gained autonomy and adapted to live in the Earth's oceans?
You just went full retard.