Absolute masterpiece, easily the most interesting, creative and intelligent tv show out there. There is a booger-eating hate club, its just impatient people who want a simple predictable narrative. They want a show that leaves no questions. The Leftovers makes your brain tick, you question yourself and you question whether there was more to it than what the writers have given you to see. Most importantly, it makes you appreciate life in a deep and profound way you never thought possible WATCH THE LEFTOVERS
Absolute masterpiece, easily the most interesting, creative and intelligent tv show out there...
Do you wanna discuss something or are you just shilling?
bitch I might
Still not better than The Americans Lindelof
>it makes you think!
dumb shillposter
Nobody watches the Americans
Existential crises are a diamond dozen these days. Being vague as fuck isn't anything new, especially not from Lindelof. Grow the fuck up and realize that the fate vs. randomness horse corpse has been beaten to an unrecognizable jelly and this show does absolutely nothing new with the argument.
Nobody watched The Wire either, hell according to ratings no one fucking watches The Leftovers
>it's a Meg episode
A face made for portrait mode.
Worst character.
>The Leftovers makes your brain tick
I like the show a lot but it's never made me think much. It's much more of a feeling kind of show
It's pretty damn good.
People need to understand shows like lost and this are about feels and not answers.
Television is not art.
So is rape.
OP is correct. There is nothing else close to this series in quality.
Audiences want big WTF moments after every episode. Shows like GoT thrive on that but with The Wire & The Leftovers you need patience Thee payoff is worth it
Also great score by Max Richter
I'd say LOST equals or surpasses this in quality. On a superficial level it appears to be just another series but it's fookn deep m8