Seems like proof that most people being called Sup Forums are actually just non-redditors

Seems like proof that most people being called Sup Forums are actually just non-redditors

Any opinion that is even close to non-PC will get you labeled as a Sup Forumsack on Sup Forums


They're right.



I think television and film is pretty Jewish and that Sup Forums is wasting its time.


Didn't that mod eventually lose his "job"?


Sup Forums always goes Reddit during Game of Thrones season.... it will pass

They never agreed on anything


>Sup Forums is like a bizzaro world with a backwards language
He's right there

>We need to defend our territory.


I think that thread, much like this thread, is a shitpost thread.

>implying Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums's playground

That mod was me. I didn't get fired, I had to move out of my moms and couldn't continue to moderate with no internet connection

I really hope a majority of Sup Forums fags don't start frequenting Sup Forums. We will get a non stop barrage of BLACKED threads.

I trust you can still afford hot pockets?

They're right though the Reddit on this board stinks

>We will get a non stop barrage of BLACKED threads.
>will get

Sup Forums is the equivalent of male tumblr

gets triggered by everything

That's just one Australian

>will get

But for real though the menace is very much real in Sup Forums

Not funny

>he thinks blacked threads are made by nazis from Sup Forums


Sup Forums is much alive and against reddit

Right you are, fellow Sir. :^)

And here we have a prime example of a non-Sup Forumsack.
We can observe, that he is fucking retarded, just like any person not visiting the last sane board of Sup Forums.

uhhhhhhhh those are people trolling Sup Forums trying to piss them off

if Sup Forums were to troll here it would just be constant stuff about the fucked up shit Hollywood Jews have done

better than capeshit

>And here we have a prime example of a non-Sup Forumsack
You actually frequent Sup Forums lmao?

It really is though. Before the 2016 election half the threads were a screencap of some SJW twitter where everyone in the thread participates in the "I'm offended" olympics.

Disgusting that Sup Forums supports the cuck kingdom dystopia that is Disney

Maybe leftists shouldn't have gone full retard l

reddit pls go

2nd thread

>implying it's not a coordinated group of paid shills across the boards, pushing racemixing and attempting to poison the minds of young, white men
Have you even been paying attention?

ultimate kek.