Guy saves her life

>guy saves her life
>takes her in after the apocalypse
>provides free food, water, shelter and safety which will last years
>is kind to her even after she cracks him the head with a bottle
>starts suspecting him over circumstantial evidence
>begins plotting shit behind is his back
>burns him alive and blows up his up his entire bunker so she can go hang out with aliens

Women don't know how to appreciate shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never have an abductee-fu who you rape on the regular, but then it becomes not rape when she realizes that the ayyylmaos are real and she loves you for saving her but does harbor a grudge because of all the rape so it's really a complicated relationship

Just end me, senpai.

she wasn't alone in her suspicions m8

>implying she wouldn't kill you in your sleep and go find a better husbando

Which is really what they should have done in this movie. A gun won't do him shit after he's been stabbed in the carotid

>tfw no forced sex scene where she goes along with it only to stab him to death while he orgasms

he never actually raped her...

he never did anything to harm her. and they were down there for a good while. If he was going to rape her you think he would have done it rather quickly since... ya know... aliens were outside and could possibly break in and kill them all any moment.

Why he didn't just tell her what was happening outside?

he was a creepy guy. and yeah... he may have done some bad things in the past. But in this case he was innocent and didn't deserve to burn alive by someone he rescued.

he did, she didn't believe him, then she believed him, but didn't want to live with him anymore, so she straight up murdered his ass, which makes her just as bad as him when you think about it.

He did? Like 5 seconds after they met?