Movies for retards.


I know you're probably baiting here, but I actually don't like this movie as much as I used to. This and Donnie Darko were amazing when I was in high school now Requiem is good and DD is awful.

I only watched this because I love Jconn and I thought it was fine, though everyone seems to hate it I can imagine someone with a tangible drug addiction could at least relate.

But I imagine nobody here ever had an actual addiction so they just see this movie and go "dude why dont u just willpower it away? lol fuckin nerds"

donnie "poo poo pee pee" darko
into the wild shit

darren aronofsky general?

Rude, i'm addicted to the internet and its memes.

Get lost emo kid

I could relate to the overmedicated mother part when I first saw it

Now I can relate to the addiction battle...

Alright here we go:
Evens I do a line, odds I get some sleep for the first time in three days.

I was secretly hoping for evens

dubs confirm this is an Evans thread now


I came here to post this but I'll check them instead


Your IQ needs to be under 60 to appreciate it.

Every film with that insufferable faggot is a pain in the ass to watch. "Look how awesome and multi-talented i am guys"!

Dumb animeposter


Pic related, plus pretty much all modern capeshit, JJ Abrams reboots, or Daniel Craig Bond movies.

Nigga people with 60 would get lost. My fucking older sister couldn't even understand that shit


This so fucking much

friends, also checked

ITT I didn't like this movie, so people who do must be retarded

Genuinely one of the worst films I've ever seen. I should have known when when one of my edge lord friends claimed it was one of the greatest films ever made.

all capeshit

Every Shyamalamalang movie.

>they can watch 2 hours of bright colors flashing across the screen without needing to understand what's happening, and then go use their walmart employ discount on a backpack and lunchbox from their new favorite franchise

These movies literally are made for retards.

You should have known when ... Ashton Kutcher

superhero films
