Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
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I'd like to live deliciously in tomasins ass, good lawd
Is phillipposting a thing now?
Dost thou see a book before thee?... Remove thy shift.
Wouldst thou prefer posts of tame tales?
I wish Thomasinposting was a thing
Coz she a cute. CUTE!
how bout Calebposting?
You guys might want to think about this before you sell your soul.
Fuck off pansies!
Goats are such smug bastards. Fuck goats.
I would like to do some boom boom baam baam with thomasin's ass if you know what i mean.
>VVitchfags think this thing is 'beautiful'
Thomasinfags are the worst. Immediately end yourselves.
>body double is 60lbs heavier
The ass was fat
Was Thomasin BLACKED by him, Sup Forums?
Nothing gets my willie hard like gawker gapes.
We are now getting a VVitch general /VVg/
Sure. But I doubt I'd get to be a witch since Im male
AHHHHH what the fuck??
I hate goats now!
these posts are dumb
>It is then revealed that a witch in the woods has stolen the baby, where she kills him and uses his blood and fat to make a flying ointment. The witch rubs the substance all over herself and on her broomstick in order to grant her the power of flight. She is then seen flying towards the full moon.
What kind of shitty fucking witch needs to kill a baby to fly? That's fucking weak as fuck. A witch should be able to fly without having to do shit. You're not a proper witch if you can't fucking fly.
I was so sure that she would fuck the goat. I am minorly disappointed
I don't get it. Why did Thomasin become a vvitch? Why did everyone in her family get killed by vvitches? Why was Satan chilling out on some peasant farm in fucking goat form? Doesn't he have more important shit to do. None of it makes any sense.
Cus thats what satan does.
I love her ass but she is very ayy looking
This film is hilarious if you actually know anything about Satanism and witchcraft.
It is not about real witchery and Satanism, it is about the folktales of witchery and Satan. Fuck, people are so fucking stupid.
Sure thing, friend. If you're so smart, name 10 black metal bands without googling.
His voice was pretty gay.
Why in the name of fuck would I care about this shit?
It's based on documents written at those times descripting peoples beliefs about witchcraft, so it's based on folklore.
What do you find about this movie to be so extremely hilarious?
Is it completely opposite what your most favourite black metal bands preach about?
Please, list your top ten black metal bands.
>name 10 black metal bands without googling
>if you actually know anything about Satanism
can't believe i'm being so poorly trolled
Because you don't know shit about Satanism if you can't even list a few BM bands.
Un, yeah? That's what makes it so funny. People used to believe all kinds of dumb shit about Satanism.
Also, don't talk shit about black metal when you clearly listen to bubble gum pop. There's a lot of hidden depth in BM that casuals like yourself won't ever understand.
>list your top ten bands so that I don't have to show how little I know about BM
I bet you're listening to Dimmu Borgir on YT as we speak. Pathetic.
HAHAHA and why would I care about knowing anything about fucking satanism? LMAO These fucking religious fags never fail to crack me up
I bet you know everything about satanism, since your most favourite bm band Watain and their Norma Evangelium Diaboli buttbuddies preach about it so accurately. Pathetic.
>Satanism is a religion
HAHAHAHA your ignorance never fails to crack me up xD
How is satanism NOT a religion though?
There are many different forms of Satanism, but I'm not going to fucking spoonfeed you. Go do some googling, and ignore anything to do with Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan.
>you don't know shit about Satanism if you can't even list a few BM bands
lel...not saying you're wrong but what kind of ethos is defined by a music genre?
I had the same feeling when I read the Malleus Maleficarum. Some kind of antiquated way of thinking and the fallible but perfectible man.
One informed by edgy teenagers and retards, obviously.
>I'm a satanist expert and enthusiast
>mfw this faggot will never live deliciously
>post yfw satanism is better as an ideology than christianism
What important business does Satan have besides feasting deliciously on buttery pussies?
I guess it's more FUN?
I was looking forward for this movie a lot and I wasn't disappointed desu. And actually if you liked this movie a lot, read Collin de Plancy, Jacques-Albin-Simon (1794-1881). Dictionnaire infernal : répertoire universel des êtres, des personnages, des livres... qui tiennent aux esprits, aux demons... (6e
éd.) par J. Collin de Plancy. 1863.
I don't have the translation but it has to exist somewhere on the Internet. Very fun read, as well as Tableau de l'Inconstance des Anges et Démons and the classic Malleus Maleficarum.
This is a very interesting subject and the movie was exactly in the same vein as these manuals, in my point of view.
Satan only acts with God's permission user. Better live under the true Master's rule, He is kind and merciful. Not Satan.
>Satan only acts with God's permission user
This is what heaven 88.4 fm wants you to believe
>imblyign u wouldn't fuck her
Dude satan is an omnitpotent being like god. Just because he was there doesnt mean he woasnt anywhere else.
Satan cannot do anything if the omnipotent creator of the universe he inhabits does not permit it.
> Concerning the third postulate of this First Part, namely, the Divine permission, it is asked: Whether it is as Catholic to affirm the Divine permission in these works of witches, as it is quite heretical to contradict such an affirmation? And it is argued that it is not heretical to maintain that God does not permit so great power to the devil in this sort of witchcraft. For it is Catholic, and not heretical, to refute such things as appear to be to the disparagement of the Creator. And it is submitted that it is Catholic to maintain that the devil is not allowed such power of injuring men, since to hold the opposite opinion seems to be a disparagement of the Creator. For it would then follow that not everything is subject to the Divine providence, since the all-wise Provider keeps away, as far as possible, all defect and evil from those for whom He cares. And if the works of witchcraft are permitted by God, they are not kept away by Him: and if He does not keep them away, the God Himself is not a wise Provider, and all things are not subject to His providence. But since this is false, therefore it is false that God permits witchcraft.
Fucking hell.
so because it's written in the bible that god allows Satan to work, it's true and it's not just God that is buttblasted?
Haaahaha, christian fags on suicide watch
english is not my first language! suck my dick joe!
That wasn't the point
It's only basic logic user. God Himself created Satan and made him a destitute. If He had that power then he can permit anything he wants and Satan has no true power other than roam the Earth. God is above all and everything, Satan doesn't magically avoid this rule.
>Jehova's witnesses shitposting on my Sup Forums
Yes goat, I shall live deliciously by feasting on your grilled meat, for thine meat is a delicacy to my palate.
Nope, Catholic my man. A bit too much into knowing satanism if you ask me, but these things shall pass.
Picture :
>Leonard, first-order demon, big master of sabbats, etc. Often called The Big Nigger. Presides at Sabbat under the form of a big goat.
Forgot picture... From Collin de Plancy btw.
Was the BEAKING real or was it a dream and Kate was lactating blood like the she-goat?
>Le grand nègre
The big nigger in english
Real. She thought it was her son in her delirium but the crow done drinketh her blood.
>conversation about satanism
Pick one
I think satan was the one to live deliciously with Thomasin if you nomsayin
>You get back from the forest and you have to look at this SMUG BASTARD
You're a witch if you practice witchcraft
Witchcraft does not imply fliying
It's a great thing you're lucky enough to live in these modern times. As we've learned that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man just by saying so. It's almost like magic! Witches would be proud to let you into their coven!
I just finished watching this movie and enjoyed it. I can't think of any modern horror movies that didn't use the 'jump scare' as a crutch.
I am probably going to watch it again soon...but with subtitles. I had a difficult time understanding a lot of what was said.
Why did they get kicked out of the town in the first place?
The father didnt think the town was being puritanical enough and refused to shut up about.
All of it can be found in The Book
goatposting is a thing though
>You cant have satanism without black metal
This actually made me cringe. Mainstream satanism is boring as fuck. None of them even believe in Satan. Witchcraft seems pretty neat sometimes.
Villagers weren't Christian enough for the father.
>Thinking Black Philip was the final boss.
>None of them even believe in Satan
Dominus Tenebris
Lucifer hath legions
Christians believe in Satan. Satanists of today and old are just edgy atheists.
There have been few actual worshipers of Satan.
she is a twitter feminist
someone post the butt
agree, pls for the butt
Why hast thou from my slumber conjured me from hither?
That's a big girl
Because the concept is fucking retarded.
The historical source of Satan is the Bible. And if you're accepting the Bible as fact, you're accepting there is an all-powerful God as well.
And you're really going to pick the opposing side to the omniscient, omnipresent creator-being? Really?
>Satanists of today and old are just edgy atheists.
When you're in a hole, user, your best course is generally to *quit* digging.
Where do I sign? She looks worth it