Some questions, and their answers, are perfect mental-age tests.
This is one of them.
Some questions, and their answers, are perfect mental-age tests.
This is one of them.
Thinking it's even a remotely reasonable question to ask proves you're 12 OP.
Out of the options:
>Masking fear of answering incorrectly with an insult
>perfect mental-age test
>you're either 16 or not
You must be as dumb as the 5th avenger to hook up with BlackWidow to ask this question tbqh
> implying the question is even remotely a question
It's a real-age test too considering I haven't watched Sopranos yet.
Growing up with my parents watching it on full blast volume while I was trying to sleep because I had school the next day has kind of soured me on it. Knowing all the spoilers, too.
Let me make it clearer.
Breaking Pleb vs say some shit like True Blood is a reasonable question. Daring to compare it to the Sopranos proves you're 12.
I would have destroyed George's daughter's sweet mexican pussy
If you answer left, OP, you are retarded.
If you answer right, you have autism.
A child bashing two dolls together, and Sup Forums have this infantile mentality.
Anyone with a brain can tell apart an apple and an orange without any need to proclaim a victor.
You, OP, are mentally a child. I'm sorry you embarrassed yourself like this. Swallow the shame and try to grow up.
She was the only member of the cast who wasn't hispanic, she was albanian or some shit
I always jerked off to the mom instead t b h
>She was the only member of the cast who wasn't hispanic, she was albanian or some shit
Whatever, DESTROY
Jerked off to both, problem?
ITT: my first thread on Sup Forums
this is some entry level shit OP
What is even the question? Who was more badass? Who was more dangerous? Who was more interesting? Who had the better character arc? Which show was better?
Different answers depending on the question.
Tony was more badass and dangerous, who was more interesting is subjective (Tony imo), but Walt definitely had the better character arc. And Sopranos was a far better show overall.
Hurr everything is subjective
wew lad
Walter would rek his fat dumb ass
what kind of dumb fucks were your parents
Going from Mr. Chips to Scarface isn't an interesting character arc. Sopranos proved character arcs were trivial, every character mostly went in circles but I found it much more interesting and true to life than Breaking Bad.
But even then every question goes to Sopranos
>Mr chips to scarface
I wish Vince never said this because people regurgitate the quote even though it trivializes the whole show.
Doesn't matter if you guys don't like the arc, at least he had one, whereas Tony really didn't evolve or change at all. Walt went through phases and changes. Even if you don find it interesting, it's objectively the better character definition.
Don't get cunty
Tony went from young care-free mob boss, to someone who understood the need to open up about feelings, depression and anxiety. Someone who didn't feel a revulsion to homosexuality to the extent of the rest of his peers. He would later cooperate with the FBI because he felt it was in the interests of his country (It was also a concern he learned from Anthony Jr. i.e terrorism). Probably most importantly, he gained a much bigger appreciation for his life and the lives of others after his accident with Uncle Junior. I'd say his 'character arc' is much truer to life and authentic than any presented in BB.
What quality writing, truly the perfection of television
hank deserved a better criminal brother in law like tony desu
Breaking Bad isn't even on the same plane as The Sopranos.
Well I could go into minute detail the same way with Walt, but there's no need. At the beginning and end of the show Tony was essentially the same man with a slightly shifted moral compass. Walt went through more change and compromise and was a completely different man by the end. Alot of Walts defining moments were cheesy and hamfisted but it doesn't change that his arc was bigger and wider.
Who said that? Who even remotely implied that? Are you actually retarded? Can you not make a post without memespeak and twisting peoples words so that they don't resemble the initial statement at all? Grow up.
His arc was "bigger and wider" due to shitty writing. He was the Le danger man.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and can't even articulate a thought without regurgitating memes and contrarian buzzwords. I'd like to see you struggle to try and explain the nuances of good vs bad writing lol.