Are they fit for the role?
Are they fit for the role?
me on the left
>just as much of a skeleton as the actual Wonder Woman
I think this is a pretty good attitude to have. Even if they are retarded vegetables, it is better to be raised in a fun environment than in some gloomy deppressed 'we should have had an abortion' one.
Regardless of how they really feel.
It's never too late.
it doesn't look like they feel much of anything
i wonder if the guy will ever be free from his parent's shit and tell it how it is or he is too far gone in his indoctrination. his smile seems well reversed over the many photo sesh he was sort of forced to be part of by his mom... can't get a proper read on his eyes, what do you think? i see a bit of tiredness in there, maybe?
I feel bad for the dogs, they're like "what are these two things I feel bad for them, why am I wearing this shit? fuck."
Also have you ever seen their mother? I've never seen someone so delusional or neurotic and I've browse MTF threads ironically.
those dogs look like they get beat for every ounce of disappoint the parents have for releasing two tards into the world
What's delusional about her?
why is the red vegetable doing italian hand gestures?
>angry pepe in the background
Looks like the girls are already trying to appeal to Marvel demographic.
fucking sniped
Do people save pictures of these two? Or is it the same guy who always posts them
she thinks shes giving her daughters the best lives she can but deep down she knows they're barely sentient so there ya go
reminds me of like, the pic of the aborted baby where the mother says "mY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS" its a matter of letting go and selfishness on the mothers behalf
these things are useless and will never be happy, that is the truth. sad sure, but im a fat virgin and i have no time for empathy
>the incapable hnngggg
>what the fuck woman
Even barely sentient creatures have emotions. Cats and dogs can't express themselves as well as we can but you wouldn't buy one just to have it soend its life in a cage.
I wonder what it must feel like when your dogs are smarter than your children
idk. the dogs are kind of sad
How quickly can you detect that birth defect?
I'd fucking abort that shit immediately
false equivalency, my cat can relay emotions, it whines when its thirsty or hungry and in fact even gets on its hindlegs and scratches the doorknob when he wants to be let out
these kids cannot even speak, they cant say "im hungry" or "im in pain
They're living breathing dolls.
holy shit i laffed
>whining when hungry
>scratching door to get out
>relaying emotions
Are you autistic user?
pls come back based hitler
Fucking kek
they should just rent these things out as living fleshlights. I mean what other possible use would they have?
how about anecdotes? I used to feign death and wait for my dog to come by and she'd sit down by me and start nuzzling and licking me
how about this. they cannot even fucking feed themselves, so they're less than animals
this fucking thread
>I used to feign death and wait for my dog to come by and she'd sit down by me and start nuzzling and licking me
Dogs usually can tell if you're just pretending
I feel bad for the dogs
As a parent though, they probably don't want to admit or even consider that their children are incapable of the most simple things. They feel attached to them because they still perceive humanity in them, whether or not it is actually there.
>live the rest of your life under a guise that your daughters aren't brain dead sacks of bone, muscle, and skin that have no idea what anything is or who you are
Yea, sounds like a hell of a good time.
t. autistic loser
you have already proven to be a weirdo, unable to differentiate between emotion and instinct and now your saying these handicapped human beans are less than animals.
you are obviously autistic, and i would go so far as to say that you are less than an animal, because animals dont have retard disease like you
this is one of the worst things ive ever seen, actually invokes a feeling of disgust, sickness and nausea deep within me.
>that Robin
y'all niggas need jesus