Can we all agree, that it was good 6-7/10 movie? Because movie critics on Youtube treating it like it some kinda masterpiece.
But it's only decent in every way possible.
Can we all agree, that it was good 6-7/10 movie...
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>? Because movie critics on Youtube treating it like it some kinda masterpiece.
Kill yourself.
Like every other capeshit, I watched it and was like meh… It neither sucked or was good, just meh.
Anyone have that in gif/webm form? Literally the best moment in the movie
i have 5.6 gb version . thou not knowing how to make webm/gif
Okay but what happened that really changed anything? Nothing happened that could have any sort of effect on anything outside of the movie aside from a five minute phone call with Tony Stark going "HEY STEVE LET'S UHHH GET THE AVENGERS BACK TOGETHER BECAUSE [problem]!!!!!!"
What a waste of my time and download.
>wahhhhh im a big baby wahhhhh
I honestly thought it did the best job of using very short scenes and lines of dialog to convey a lot of info. It was like the best way to do a movie with all those characters and stories stuffed into it.
Holy shit that car quipping might be the worst attempt at comedy I've witnessed in years.
It could be 6-7 but ideologically since it is part of a corporate brainwashing machine it's a 3 at best.
Quip = Kino
>I don't know what a quip is
This, Winter Soldier, and Ant-Man were all solid 7/10, which translates to 11/10 in capeshit land.
oh its that guy who fucks horses
Explain how people didn't waste their time on boring, what might as well be cameos, CGI, and unfunny quips? Nothing happened. It was a filler movie.
Why do people frequently confuse the value of entertainment with art? People act like one should be the other or vice versa.
Its a great movie.
There is a guy at work that reminds me a lot of most of the guys on Sup Forums: he is emotionless about everything, I have never seen him have a girlfriend in the 7 years I have worked with him, he is always miserable and he talks about comic book movies all the time.
I bring this guy up because I think people like this, like Sup Forums, do nothing but watch superhero movies and cartoons, they flood their life with it and nothing else, no girlfriends, no going out with friends, that a good superhero movie is indistinguishable from a bad one.
I have a gf, engaged, I own my own home, I make over 40k a year, I dont live this sad life of misery of only talking about and watching superhero movies. I think I have a more objective viewpoint of these movies than fanboys, and I really liked Civil War.
Rotten Tomatoes also backs up my point, if you look at the difference between critics and fanboys reviews of superhero movies.
It was all right, but I was underwhelmed compared to either Avengers movie despite there being even more fucking superheroes in it.
Also, I predicted the twist before the second act, so that didn't help.
Super hero movies are really medicore in general. Not even 6/10, most of those range from 5/10 to 2/10.
I feel like creating entire genere for them just because there was a lot of them was a mistake because it created entirely diffrent set of standards. If you would take them as action flicks, which they are, you would see that they aren't really that great because action in those movies is really lackluster. I also fucking hate the fact that almost all comicbook movies bank entirely on brand recognition.
Yeah GotG was suuuper popular and well known before right
The Marvel Studios fandom is full of generic cunts who try to seem quirky and unique by identifying heavily with a slightly offbeat fandom such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe "But wait, that's actually incredibly mainstream and not offbeat at all!" you say. And you're right. But actual offbeat things don't give as much 'nerd' cred, and these things have more creative value than reality TV so people on Tumblr can make posts such as "Why are all girls nowadays such idiots who watch Jersey Shore? I'm very unique because I like nerdy intelligent stuff like Iron Man 3, and I like quirky men like Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo teehee, look at this repeating gif of 0.5 seconds of Loki doing a thing with his face and a theory about how all the Marvel movies are connected and Thanos is going to collect all the Infinity Gems except in the movies none of them are really "gems" at all and here is some fanart of all the Avengers gender swapped and with less sexist costumes and they all have the exact same fucking face with that bulbous red nose also did you know that I am a girl who likes superheroes I know it's hard to believe but it is true I AM AN AVENGERS look at this gif of Tony Stark raising his eyebrow, anyway The Avengers is sexist because Black Widow's costume is too tight and unrealistic for a special agent so here is a redesign of her in figure hiding combat fatigues because I am progressive. Does anyone else think that Hulk and Iron Man would make a good couple? TEE HEE I LOVE GAYS BECAUSE I AM SO TOTALLY NOT HOMOPHOBIC EVEN THOUGH I TREAT GAYS AS AN AMUSING NOVELTY Rocket Racoon for president!"
>action movies
but they aren't that, they are their own genre. you can just not like them. you don't have to make your disliking of them some special snowflake reason.
Looks like someone's giving head to Falcon.
>n-not a quip
>ignores the important part of the post
It's got an average rating of 7.7 on RT. Hardly that far outside of "6-7." So you're literally just as "dumb" as the "idiots" who are calling it a "masterpiece"
Fuck off retard
Thanks senpai
It's funny cause Snyder's joint is a 3 for me
i thought i was the only one. everyone was saying how good it is and i felt disapointed.
the first half was amazing but the 2nd half is not that good.
also why is hawkeye in this?
he has a kid and didnt have to deal with this