“At least we can agree, the third one’s always the worst,” says Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) in X-Men: Apocalypse...

>“At least we can agree, the third one’s always the worst,” says Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) in X-Men: Apocalypse, on an outing with fellow trainee mutants to see Return of the Jedi in 1983.
Yep this is an actual line from the movie.


>tfw that line was probably a jab at The Last Stand
>now it ends up biting them in the ass as it applies to their own shitty movie

>There is a scene in the 80’s set X-Men: Apocalypse where a young Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) and Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan) exit a showing of Return of the Jedi and argue the merits of the various Star Wars films. The participants discuss “Empire Strikes Back was better” versus “Star Wars started it all” before coming to a consensus that the third films always stink. It’s intended as a jab at X-Men: The Last Stand, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Bryan Singer’s would-be trilogy capper is a shocking miss. It is a lifeless and hollow shell of a picture, lacking exciting action, strong character interplay, or compelling storytelling. It is the nadir of the franchise, determined to make you apologize for every mean thing you’ve ever said about Brett Ratner’s rushed X-Men trilogy capper a decade ago. X-Men: The Last Stand is X2: X-Men United compared to X-Men: Apocalypse.

>this movie would be better if they sold the rights to the XMen back to marvel and let DISNEY take care of it

Seems kind of like a biased review

Apparently here are the negatives
>Apocalypse is underwhelming
>JLaw is the center of attention
>Ending/final battle was bad
>The X-Men are secondary characters
>Psylocke is useless
>Bad dialogue
>Movie is underwhelming
>Not enough action
>Wolverine is in the movie for no reason
There's more but this is all I gathered

I don't doubt that this movie sucks, but I'm getting pretty annoyed at critics going "LOL JUST GIVE IT TO DISNEY" as they're actively trying to force it to happen by shitting on any non-disney marvel movie. Most MCU movies are underwhelming as fuck and X-Men should never share universe with other superheroes. The mutants work better in their own universe

Jewjew Abrams is shitting on the original trilogy lmao

>"Remember the way referencing pop culture and memes was criticised so much in Xmen3? LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!!"

It's like poetry; it rhymes.

So do those numbers.

Didn't see it in there. Am I missing it?

People read The Telegraph?

And listen to its opinions?

Yeah, but out of 6 movies, only two were bad. I'd that's the case, I say Fox should keep it

>I hope DISNEY™ gets back the rights to fox's failed XMEN© series now that its a confirmed flop. Fox has no idea how to do MARVEL® based films, they should just let DISNEY™ take care of it. After seeing the excellent, ground breaking, Heart Breaking Film CAPTAIN AMERICA™: Civil War© I now know that only DSINEY™ can truly do these films justice. Also Batman vs superman was bad.

wow some review

Fraiser as Beast was cool. Part 3 wasn't as bad as everyone says (its bad...just not that bad)

....Wolverine Origins is actually that bad though

>them agreeing Jedi stinks

I hope Apocalypse kills them all

Funny thing is that Disney hasn't made anything that's close to being as good as X2 or DoFP.

That cant be real

>The X-Men are secondary characters

Who's the main characters?


man this review seems really biased

Jennifer Lawrence

Part 3 is pretty shit for x-men fans, its ehhh.... for movie fans.

I wish fox planned for a 4th and held off from using Cyclops and Phoenix. Part 3 could have been cure storyline only, as an action cash grab sequel. They could have used rogue in place of phoenix, absorbing like 6 different mutant powers, going crazy. Revealed Emma was controlling her, leading into x-men 4.

I mean, idk...... Im still sour about x-men 3.

also of note, Magneto is criminally underused, and he and Xavier barely have a scene together

Mystique is the main character. It's like she's Katniss and the X-Men are everyone else in the Hunger Games

Jesus. So Fox, after seeing how the Hunger Games ended up having diminishing returns over the series, after public perception of her started turning, and after she flat out went
>I don't want to do these fucking movies anymore
still went
>here, have the lead in our franchise you want nothing to do with anymore

There's no reason to even see the movie to know this, the trailers were pretty specific on who the story would focus on. JLaw basically walked into the Fox office, went, "I'm Katniss and I need more money," then they coughed up this shit. Munn was also a mistake, albeit more forgivable than Katniss.

I've seen all XMen movies but for some reason, I never had an inkling of desire to see this one. Looks like I'm going to follow my gut and not see it.

>JLaw is the center of attention
God damn it.

Days of Future Past made it look like J-Law and Wolverine were the main characters but the movie was all about Charles.

I was hoping it would be the case as well with this one.

>have a scene where characters watch a movie
>just to shit on another movie
Well, it's a comic book movie, and meant for quips, but even then, this is kinda trashy

didn't they do that same shit in Scream 2?

>The mutants work better in their own universe
Yeah, I've always found the concept of wolverine next to the Avengers odd. If society is constantly fighting against the rights of mutants why do they love Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America, etc.?


DoFP is pretty bad, tho

Same man. I didn't watch the Wolverine movie because Origins was so shit, but I watched all the others. And I honestly have no interest in seeing Apocalypse. Apocalypse seems underwhelming as fuck, Sophie is a bland actress who doesn't interest me, and I really can't stand more of Jennifer Lawrence's trash acting.

>Hating on Return of the Jedi

So, they based a movie around a mediocre actress who is too big of a diva to even wear the necessary makeup to play the character?

It's like they felt hiring a balding jean grey from GoT wasn't enough so they wanted us to hate her more

I've always felt very underwhelmed by the trailers.

What was bad about Wolverine Origins besides, "muh deadpool"? I thought it was pretty good.

That's probably true
I never liked X-Men comics.

Doom Patrol was better

>Highest grossing X-Men film is Deadpool

It's meant to be a race analogue. It doesn't make sense for more than a second if you think about it, but that's what they intended it to be

is that ivan ooze?

This conversation is REALLY anachronistic. At the time everyone would have loved it. It's the kind of conversation nerdy screen-writers have had, so they wanted to insert it into the film.

>totally unnecessary and wrong BvS cheap shot

I haven't seen it since it came out. I just remember it being bad and having a bunch of crappy characters and odd pacing and the fight at the end was stupid (wolverine gets shot in the head?)

Could care less about Deadpool anyway
Ambush Bug is better

That really mashed my nuts as well, her not wearing makeup as often as Mystique should. Mystique is a mutant that's militant about showing her mutated form to inspire fear in mutantphobes and show her pride to everyone else. Being out of that form for so long is character breaking at best.

Did the reviewer hurt your feelings, user?


I'm crying in my beer

Also the bad cgi
Pic related

>Jlaw center of attention

aaand i'm not buying a ticket.

>Ambush Bug is better
I love you.

Hey user do you remember that old movie Empire Strikes Back?

How many big film trilogies were even out by 1983? I'd say it was the Godfather that really got people saying the third part is always bad.

I get why it was in this movie (gotta get that Disney synergy going)

But you'd think of anyone Fox would be the ones least likely to reference Star Wars.

Trailer CGI is always bad.

This. That conversation makes no sense as during the 80s there qas hardly many trilogy blockbusters.

>trilogy introducing pretty much all the characters except for mystique in the third film


Yeah. The concept of trilogies was new. So hating on a trilogy is an alien concept in 83. And at the time, EVERYONE was riding high on the Star Wars vibe. Everyone loved that shit. It's only years later that people started hating on it.

It's a modern nerd conversation that the writers probably had that they put in.

the dollars trilogy?

The third movie is usually regarded as the best so it acts as an opposite example.

This was the final trailer tho.. final trailers should show an improvement.

This looks like a scene from 300

Ambush Bug is the true comic book fan's choice for anarchist 4th wall breaking Superhero satire character

You've got a way too high opinion of Hollywood screenwriters if you think they're capable of making say teenage characters not sound like a 35 year old screenwriter. Adding a time differential is far beyond anything they could do.


Are you mentally deficient?

Are you mentally deficient?

right, I just couldn't come close to a counter example

some series ended in the 80's(SW, Indian Jones, Mad Max) but they all would've been after 83


I will cut a bitch.

I don't care about your "jokes on you I was just pretending" shitposting.

ROTJ is hated because of its blatant message of Christian redemption.

When did jaws 3 come out?

It was the most mediocore of the OT desu

In fact Sup Forums has been stating this for ages

>once again Sup Forums is right

You suck balls
What are you talking about retarded?

1983 kek

Indy 3 didnt come out til 1989 and I am pretty sure that was praised

So only fedoras hate it?

Wrong. It is hated due to the ewoks.
First act and 3rd act are all 10/10

So that explains why Snyder's movies are always hated by critics?

I thought it was because of the army of teddy bears with sticks and stones beating Empire soldiers, Han and Leia doing nothing at all except opening a door and Death Star 2: Electric Boogaloo

Was Last Crusade out by then?

Or any of the Indiana Jones?

This is why Han was meant to die due to him having no character plot at all.

But Lucas was like
>Muh toy sales

I'm only here for McAvoy and Fassbender. X-Men as a comic book, along with most if not all, is garbage.

Shame about the size of the cast, but I'm surprised it's getting worse reviews than Age of Ultron. That piece of shit was somehow worse than Thor Episode II: The Clone Wars.

Just give me a fucking movie with Xavier and Magneto playing chess while talking about shit a la Princess Bride.

>trusting /t Problem Child v/

Crusade was released in 1989

Hence this 3 movie being bad x men apocalypse talk makes no sense.

Crusades wasnt even bad anyway. It was great fun

i think that is what they're saying
far and away the best two actors (excluding oscar isaac) and characters are criminally underused

>America hating christfags storyline


Temple of Doom wasn't even out till 84.

Lol wow so late.

I wud hav thought 1981

Jesus how low can BvS go?
Don't tell me BvS is now the standard for blockbuster capeshit flops

no, you are poetry

Damn, this is going to cost them at least 200 million in revenue, brace yourselves for deadpool in the x-men

It only flopped because WB went balls deep while investing on advertising and merchandising, if the greedy fucks just focused on the film alone it would be a massive success

how much creative control do you figure Reynolds now has given 90% of Deadpool's success was on account of him devoting 10 years to making it happen?

Was thinking this. They made her the main focus but in a way which allowed other characters to shine.

If she's the main character of this they deserve to bomb

TNG Reboot when?

Got Picard and Data already. Hell, just bring LeVar back, he looks basically the same. Same with Dorn.

Every other character can fuck off anyway.

actually, now that you mention it, this makes perfect sense now.
Of the original trilogy, while they were all good, the general consensus is that the fight for best is between empire and jedi.
Guess who owns the rights to A New Hope.
That's right.

>han meant to die

Lucas was right to shoot down that idea along with Luke becoming the emperor

though Luke leaving the party like John Wayne in Searchers would have been cool