>Jay-Z cheats on beyonce
>Beyonce stays with him
Why are celebrity females such cucks?
Jay-Z cheats on beyonce
>Beyonce writes a song about strong womanz and I don't need no man
pick 1
>implying they both arent sociopaths who never have sex or enjoy and that their relationship isnt 100% for practical career reasons
as far as black women go beyonce is a 9 and as far as black men go jay is a 3, but because of his money he's a 9 so i dont fucking know
if I was beyonce I'd take my already hundred mill and go fuck an actually attractive guy, not jay "dick suckin lips'" z
>Blame society
Dis nigga trippin
Blame Society.
because he is worth over half a billion and she is losing money
her albums don't sell and her tours constantly lose money like kanyes because of middle men skimming money
because her knees have little faces on them.
>implying jay actually cheated and theyre not both laughing at a plan come together flawlessly
can't unsee
Don't listen to this retard that literally fucking knows nothing
>Jay-Z bought Tidal
>making money
pick 1
Based Jake
>husband cheats on you
>write an angry song about it
>don't leave him
>release song on husbands streaming service so he makes money on it
Beyonce told Jay Z to switch seats after
black women expect their men to cheat on them and leave their men or cheat on their men if their men don't cheat on them.
Oh man.
>be a rich famous guy
>have sluts, whores and gold diggers throwing themselves at you all day
>put your dick in one
>suddenly your wife treats you like you have a harem
think about all the times he said no. I wouldn't doubt it if he has a 99/100 no/yes ratio. Imagine a baseball player that got batters out 99/100 times. Or a goal keeper that only allowed 1 goal every 100 shots. Too ridiculous to even imagine. All time goats, they would be.
>implying this all isnt a work and everyone on earth isnt just a mortal mark
Shoudn't you be watching mandrama now /asp/ie, it's monday night.
>created controversy around her album
>album only available on her husbands music outlet
>both of them profit off retarded normies
somebody's gotta pay for her whitening procedures
she's not black, she's a fucking mutt. the most attractive a full nigger can get is lupita nyong'o
this, most African Americans are like 1/4 white or some shit
>Beyonce is not enough for him
Women stay with rich and powerful husbands even when they cheat, because the power in the relationship is with him. If she left him, he would basically say 'oh well' and have another chick in 20 minutes happy to put up with his shit. She knows that, and she can't stand to 'lose him' to another woman.
Also SHE couldn't have another man in 20 minutes. She could find someone to fuck sure, but her options for a real relationship are limited because for her to respect them they need to be richer and more powerful than she is. And that severely limits her options.
It's all manufactured, whoever the person was would have came out already to get as much money as possible from it. This is just Beyonce exploiting her stupid fan base. The worst part is they would probably praise her for tricking them because they're brainless and worship everything she does.
lupita a CUTE but thats not the upper limit i have seen african exchange students who are not only beautiful but THICC as well
white women cant even compete
>leave your husband and destroy your family because of muh attractiveness
ask me how i know you're a white teenager
blame society
It's already written on his shirt fåm
Even for black standards she's is 6 tops
he has a huge dick though
>thinking family is that important
ask me how i know you're a white teenager
>how can white men compete
Through intelligent conversation it seems.
Because everything about this is just a publicity stunt to sell news and records. They're excellent marketers.
The return of ultraniger!
Promiscuity is attractive for men, and unattractive for women.
If multiple women are willing to risk pregnancy with a man, human female brains naturally take it as a sign that he must have good genes for that risk to be taken.
Conversely, if a woman will let any Joe schmo risk knocking her up, it means her genes are worthless.
>inb4 tumblrinas
I love bro science. Teach me more.
this, she had 74 writers on her last album
>le celebrity worship meme
>not even tv related
This right here. You think Beyonce gives a shit about being killed by the cops? That whole Superbowl thing was a stunt to get people talking about her, and it paid off excellently.
is there any proof he cheated or is it all beyonce fangirl witch hunt bullshit
ITT mad whitebois
evolutionary psychology is retarded in itself
there's not even a word for how stupid it becomes when retards try their hand at it.
you can do both
woman detected
is the board you were looking for to discuss music ''celebrities''.
I'm curious, who did he fuck?
rachel roy
Literally who?
He can destroy her career in an instant
It's all for status.
Why do you think Hillary stayed with Bill after he cucked her in front of the whole world? She knew that if she walked out she'd never get a chance at becoming president.
Black jews