ITT: Times you acted like the Joker.
I call all jokes on MCU movies quips just to trigger people.
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker.
I call all jokes on MCU movies quips just to trigger people.
I post pictures of Chris Evans all day and call people DCucks because I have no fucking life haha
I'm such a madman
At work i put vaseline on one of the door handles just for the lulz, my work mates constantly get it on their hands hahahhaha. True story. I'm out of control!
I wear different coloured socks to work!!
How crazy is that??
I killed twenty people.
>be at park
>empty stroller near by
>flight of stairs
>this is going to be great
>kick stroller down flight of stairs
>yell "MY BABY!"
>walk away
>it's a butthurt MCU fag thread disguised as a Joker thread
I masturbated in a public restroom.
>take the milk from the fridge
>drink straight from the carton
>don't put it back
>leave fridge door open