I've seen it. Get ready for this asshole next.
I've seen it. Get ready for this asshole next
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Fucking space Dracula?
He's not from space, he's from England.
Will they use the storyline in the cartoon were Xavier's ancestor is friends with Sinister in Victorian England?
That was my favourite episode
FINALLY. I've heard rumor Cranstan wants to play him.
fuck him, he had his chance to be Lex Luthor and blew it.
How would this even work when cyclops has the ability to one shot him
It's Colossus' on-stage persona.
I fucking rekt this dude as Deadpool in the Deadpool vidya.
What the fuck are his powers?
Genius intellect, can fire energy beams, absorbs or is immune to all physical damage, can restore his body at will.
Cyclops is basically the only one who can hurt him because they share DNA
then why he's white
How is no one bored of Cape shit at this point?
Why can't you just ignore the thread instead of being a whiny faggot? Guess what? We're tired of you being a big fat bitch about something you don't like but instead of making threads about things you like all you know how to do is complain like a stupid jew.
Go stick your head in oven.
move away faggot
Literally about to watch Winter Soldier for the first time. I stayed away from everything after like phase 1 except for Ant-Man so it still looks good. The trailer for WS got me hyped as fug
If they do him Gillen style, Sinister could be incredible.
CAnt even get apocalypse right, sinister should have been before apoc, and they should have joined up in my head the movie could have bee epic but its another faggot trip, fuck this gay earth seriosuly im done with this xmen shit
when ?modern rebel teen girl this character have so much potential they can do her separate story or her and wolverine her joining the x men etc so much stuff you can do with her + target audience will shift teen girls will love her