wew. savage
Wew. savage
But Apocalypse was Fox.
inb4 mcucks defending consensus-approved mediocrity
>Woaaaa, I'm gonna destroy the world and make a new one!!! Join me or try to stop me, Charles Xavier and students!
Yeah, new, boldest ideas.
Probably some important character(s) dies
Let me guess; this guy mistakenly believes Apocalypse has some kind of hidden messages about genocide and persecuting homosexuals.
A superhero movie with actual consequences would seem pretty bold following the first civil war with no casualties on either side.
>less than 100 retweets and likes
literally who tier
>well yeah it's shit
>but the other thing is shittier
>so it's great
oh wow great fucking logic there pal
pure coincidence
okay so you are just a MUH MURDERS autist
>say something bad about Marvel or disney on Sup Forums
>291 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
This has been turning out to be a controversial year for blockbusters
>TFA comes out half people love it half people hate it
>BvS comes out half people love it half people hate it
>Apocalypse come out etc etc
And we still have Ghostbusters and Rogue One to look forward to.
literally stolen from F4ntastic
>implying CW wouldn't have been better if it actually had a consequence
There's a difference between having actual consequence and payoff and just having the setpiece characters in a slightly different plot every-time. Death facilitates consequence, but the characters don't even emotionally change throughout these capeshit movies, mouthbreathers like you just get the impression that they do.
why is stark capitalized
He's being cheeky referencing Ned.
As a Marveldrone, I do hope Apocalypse does well.
The DCEU can suck it, though.
it's almost like people have different opinions or something strange like that
>listening to that shit taste kike
>David "Enemy of Cinema" Ehlich
get educated my friends
Cap being a terrorist now isn't consequence? what?
Were there consequences? I'm being serious.
I can't wait for Ghostbusters to get a 91% fresh. I wonder what the Evans poster will say.
wouldn't that be something?, Ghostbusters trailer is broke the record as the most disliked ever
A lot of RT reviewers are some cuck bloggers who will just attribute any criticism to misogyny. It might not be 91% but it will certainly be higher than it should based on movie's quality
It's still Marvel
He never said it was great or even better than the didney movies, just that the didney movies are boring.
>As a Marveldrone
Kill yourself
No, It's not. It will get swept under the rug for Infinity War