Most anti-climatic ending ever

Most anti-climatic ending ever.

How can they take an iconic story from the comics and dumb it down so much that the end leaves me feeling there was zero consequence to the whole plot.

All of the battles felt like kids playing in their backyard.

At the very least they could have had Cap die and Winter Soldier taking his place somehow.

I'm done with cape-shit. I know it's pleb entertainment, but why does it have to be so bland?

>Most anti-climatic ending ever.



You have too high of expectations for this shit my man. You need to stop thinking any movie you're going to see is going to be ground breaking. You just come across as a pissy man child that takes memes and online forums too seriously.

>people complain quickass died for no reason

the whole point of zemo was to tear the avengers apart but all they do is playfight for 2 hours while quipping every line

The comic was terrible anyway and the target audience are 15 year olds and chinks
You're not going to get anything amazing or interesting happening. You're going to get 2 hours of mindless entertainment

>the end leaves me feeling there was zero consequence to the whole plot.
Welcome to every non-xmen marvel movie ever

Every Bourne film is pointless

Iconic because it was so fucking bad. Civil War was fucking awful and they never should have adapted it in the first place. The sheer fact that they could get a good movie out of it was a miracle.

well, BvS superman's death was also dull...... and the buildup had no flow or rhythm or whathaveyou

at least in batman rises bruce had a satisfying retirement and fakedeath in the nuke.... which made everyone pause in their seats emotional moment....

TDK also had an epic ending where batman was chased by the police and he takes the blame as the dark knight