Someone please explain this fucking movie to me
Someone please explain this fucking movie to me
It wasn't made for you, whiteboi
No, fuck off. Every fucking day with this shit, watch some other fucking movie instead of constantly making different topics on the same goddamn fucking movie!
we're all racist as shit (except black ppl they b angels)
back to your containment board
New York would be better without Italians and blacks.
white people have all the power therefor acting like an obnoxious, violent stereotypical nigger is fighting the good fight
Blacks are entitled and will chimp out if you don't want to put black pictures in your Italian restaurant.
Oh yes, of course. It's the italians and the blacks that are the problem.
This go-, guy is completely right!
No one did the right thing. Shit hits the fan because of it.
right but the movie seems to make the blacks more of a villain than the whites
>Mookie is clearly an asshole
>RAdio Raheem is a jackass
>That guy with the stupid hair is racist
>The men on the corner are judgemental and not self aware
>The kids are ungrateful demanding idiots
the white characters seem to be fine apart from the one son
The other races in the movie do nothing.
Is this like a Spike Lee self hate project or something?
Is the message to genocide every non white person on the planet?
>Movies people from NY don't understand.
He Dindu Nuffin: The Film
remember when the corner dudes question how the koreans already have their own store despite being first generation immigrants? that's the closest spike lee has ever gotten to honesty. note that the question remains unanswered in the movie.
fucking idiots, mookie did do the right thing. the mob was angry and was about to attack sal and his sons, mookie got them to focus their anger at destroying the pizza parlor
Spike Lee just lacks the self-awareness to know when he's making his race look like assholes.
Wasn't this Spike Lee's first movie? He was still calibrating his anti-white message and couldn't get it just right.
its that meme with three generations of asians and blacks made into a film scene.
Sal did nothing wrong to have his Pizza parlor destroyed. Dude just wanted to make and sell pizza for the community.
>blame whitey the movie
what is there not to understand
A single black life means more then the means for a white family to support themselves and thrive
not even memeing, whenever anyone asks if Mookie did the right thing Spike Lee always flips out saying black people never ask him that question