Tony finds out Cap didn't tell him about his parents

>Tony finds out Cap didn't tell him about his parents
>They fight an epic battle
>Cap puts his shield through Tony's power core
>Tony tells Cap he doesn't deserve the shield
>Cap drops shield and walks out with Bucky

A few weeks later...

>Tony STANK gets a Fedex delivered by Stan Lee
>It's a love letter from Cap pretty much saying their still bros
>Cap leaves 2003 era flip phone in package so Tony can call whenever
>Tony smiles a little bit then puts the Senator on hold as a joke

How the F was the awesome Tony/Cap tension diffused so quickly? They could have used it to carry over into the next movies.

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pretty sure I heard someone say martha in the movie

Cap is literally impossible to hate.

I hate cap and chris evans

i hate him


I want to punch him in his perfect teeth.

Then cuddle afterwards


I hate cap

Ironman was right

I think this is one of the reasons why Avengers 3 will be two parts.

There will be a large section of the movie that assembles the full force.

The cliff hanger will probably be Vision dying and Thanos fully creating the IG.

Calm Down Iron Man.

Yeah well you're a slut.

Should have done the comic. Kill Cap.

men dont hold grudges like a woman does

I agree, but I also don't think Sebstan is any good of a replacement.

>Subtle Evans poster post

I've never discarded a post so fast

Fuck off slut.

But that's because you are all massive faggots so that doesn't count.

You are mad because he is straight. He's as straight as the day is long but if he had hit up Black Panther for a secret midnight shlonging you would be all over him.

Kill Cap. After Credit scene of Scarlet Witch going "Not yet..." and doing her literal god power shit. Then in next film (Infinity Wars Part 1) have Cap appear to save the day in an early major fight.

Is this what actually happens?

>After Credit scene of Scarlet Witch going "Not yet..."

>Iron Man on his back, Cap on top
>Iron Man's face mask ripped off, his face now completely exposed and vulnerable
>Cap raises his shield, about to strike
>Iron Man, afraid for his life, covers his face with his still-armored arms
>Instead of striking his face, Cap hits Iron Man's power core on his chest, disabling him

It's the little things. Took about two seconds, but it sums up their characters pretty well.


Marvel movies are literally becoming parodies

>implying part one won't just be quips and as the avengers slightly struggle to defeat thanos, only for him to reveal that was only his first phase or some shit
>implying part 2 won't be the guardians arriving to help them kick butt and maybe the x-men/f4 if rumours are true
>implying there will be any inner tension or plot consistency to the rest of the marvel films

Yeah, it says instead of blasting Cap's torso off with his chest beam, he opted to protect himself against a liar and fugitive because who knows what that psycho will do.

Yeah you can almost see the hidden dark beast inside Steve for a second there. Maybe he will finally explode in IW. Hopefully.

Cap got his buddy back for like a minute before he decided to re-freeze himself.

BUT it's puts the power in Starks hands. He has to chose to give Cap back his shield...or keep it from him. Captain America is nothing without it, Spiderman could beat a shieldless Cap.

>implying Wakandan cant make him another one. Maybe better.

They were already in a very stressful sitation, and Tony understandably lost his mind after seeing his parents killed right in front of him.

After that, he had a couple of weeks to think about it and cool down. It was obvious that Bucky was innocent and forced to do that shit.

>Marvel fans are this retarded they think X-men will show up


Why would he though? BP is not bros with Cap or Bucky.

>How the F was the awesome Tony/Cap tension diffused so quickly?
It wasn't.

He told him
>Hey dude, if something big happens, you can call us for help since the Accords won't matter if the planet is toast.

I never got why the bad guys didn't just invade and capture the Vibro mine AND find the super herb.

Except doing the comic would have been ridiculous in the MCU because almost none of the MCU characters have "secret" identities.

Greetings, Reddit.

It sums.up nothing nerd
The writers just thought it would be cool retard

BP is just a slightly below peak human. He can't defend his meme OCDONUTSTEEL country on his own if any proper super villain invades. So in exchange for protection/alliance he gives vibro.

Also, how did they ever make the shield? That shit would resist hammers and pressure shit.


Greetings, faggot.

In the MCU the shield is merely vibranium and not an unreproducable mix of vibranium and adamantium like in the comics so theoretically the Wkandans could make him another shield.

Shut up commie

I disagree. Their secret identities mean nothing anyway. Iron Man kills Cap. Scarlet Witch rezzes Cap for Avengers 3. This still allows Iron Man to hold the shield and give it back to Cap and Iron Man to be like "I won, but in the end, it wasn't worth it" JUST LIKE THE COMICS and there be a broment and they kick some ass.

It has to be malleable somehow, otherwise how could Black Panther have it sewn into an outfit.

actually it's that stark wanted to kill bucky, he had no hard feelings against cap he just wanted bucky to suffer which is why they decided to keep bucky's location a secret in the end

I'm sure there should have been several attempts to attack Wakanda. Like, Klaue somehow has got his hands on a stockpile of Vibro.

Thats why BP seems optimistic. "Let them try"

Only part I didn't really like either, OP

every single Marvel movie doesn't have to end with some kind of feel-good, kiddie resolution, they had some really good drama going

In the comics, it works cause it's a mix, an alloy. In the MCU it's just pure vibro. I don't get how they managed to make it in the first place. Maybe it's best not to think too hard. Bit like how Cho manages to cure Banner despite the smartest men in the setting not being able to.

Excessive heat like wolverines claws and bones.

Once it cools that's it though.

I mean non-meme Q list villains.

They might give it some explanation in the solo Black Panther movie.

That still wont explain how papa Stark made the shield.

>that response

If this user is right then the assumption I'm making is.

>Get Ore
>Heat Up Ore
>Heat it REAL GOOD
>Put in mould
>let it cool
>it now can't be fucked by anything, including heat

Would explain it. So I guess the way it works for BP suit is, tiny channels in the suit, like chainmail links, which filled with the liquid and let to cool.

more stupid than anything in a DC movie

>Faggots that dont know how forging works

Great work, everyone.

We know how Forging Works, we don't know how forging a metal which doesn't exist in the real world works, you cunt.

explain then, fagtard

I have a felling Disney is forbidden from using Adamantium because Fox owns the rights or something.

That's why in the MCU vibranium = Adamantium but with the added benefits of vibranium's inherent ability to absorb all forms of energy.

You are not qualified to be here.


Thats dc tier writing

No thanks

>civil war
>8 dudes fighting each other


>Civil War
>only a few of the characters are polite

>civil war
>it's just a brawl

no there never was a dark beast in cap
you're seeing Tony's projection of what the conflict is

that would've killed him

>not being Team Cap

>>Tony finds out Cap didn't tell him about his parents
How did Cap even know?

lotta hotheads in this thread

The herb only works on the natives of Wakanda. It's lethal to anyone else.

Hail Hard Drive Zola shows him assassinations including Stark's in 1991.

He's a shit character.

Sad when people don't pay attention to movies. Probably posted on Sup Forums while you were watching it.

>that unironic pure exposition
I forgot how bad everything that wasn't fighting was in that film

Cap apologized and wanted Tony to know he'd still be there for world saving and Tony saving, because he's Steve Rogers. Being the better man is his defining character trait. I think Tony probably realized that murder isn't his style anyway, personal revenge really fucks you up. Black Panther figured that out. I'm sure Tony did too, it just takes a bit longer because he's such a prick.