Did anybody else notice that this was basically a found-footage Tomb Raider film?
I mean the main girl is basically fucking Lara Croft.
Did anybody else notice that this was basically a found-footage Tomb Raider film?
I mean the main girl is basically fucking Lara Croft.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, it was really refreshing to finally see a found-footage film where the main characters didn't all die.
They had me at alchemy
Exactly what I thought. Really enjoyed it too.
Sounds cool
>Metacritic 38%
>RT 27%
Sounds less cool
Probably will still check it out
>ever giving a shit what critics think
The critics were way off on this one m8
The premise sounds cool enough for me to watch anyway. All I needed to know is "catacombs."
It was pretty bad user.
The first half was alright but once they get down into the catacombs it feels really rushed and everything starts to feel out of place. It's a shame too because it could have been something great.
It was a shitty B horror movie. I happen to really enjoy B horror but it doesn't make it good. Not something I would ever recommend to someone unless I knew they enjoyed the genre.
>thinking there's an objective "good"
Did it do what you wanted? Then it's good.
Is it scary?
It's pretty fucking good.
Not really
She was cool. I liked her
Everybody seems really conflicted on this film. I'm just gonna go ahead and watch it.
I really disliked this movie.
Felt like Tomb Rider: Silent Hill Edition to me
I enjoyed AASB. It was "horror adventure" with a nice touch of "thriller" in there.
A rare breed, if only for the "adventure" part.
>A rare breed, if only for the "adventure" part.
This. Part of what makes it enjoyable.
TBF, it's basically a less claustrophobic Descent but with a tad mindfuck. Except not as good horror. Come to think of it, the Descent is basically Nu-Tomb Raider. TR even apes it.
It was actually pretty neat.
it was genuinely entertaining.
one of the few times Sup Forums recommended a movie that wasn't shit.
not gonna forget about Katsuhiro Otomo's Memories anytime soon faggots.
Fuck you OP I thought this was 28 months later
Good description on the horror adventure thing. For those who haven't watched it, think National Treasure meets The Mummy meets really solid horrorkino.
Creators of this movie pls go. It was terrible. And not having them emerge at a Hell version of Paris at the end seemed like a totally missed opportunity
Just finished watching it. It was pretty good. Glad I watched it. Lots of jump scares, but I don't think any of them were the wasteful non-scares that ruins movies. No "horrorkino," but it was fun and scary.
I expected that as well. Also, maybe I missed it, but did the main character state what her "sin" was? They had to atone or rectify or whatever before they escaped, but I think just the two guys did.
Perhaps greed for taking the stone?
If I remember correctly she felt guilty over her father's suicide, he tried to reach out to her the day he killed himself and she ignored him or just wasn't there when he needed her? I don't remember that part well
Or something to do with her abandoning her friend in the Turkish jail, so this time she literally goes through hell to save him?
it's pretty good but the poster is better than the movie
Oh yeah, that.
>And not having them emerge at a Hell version of Paris at the end seemed like a totally missed opportunity
This. The ending was disappointing and anticlimactic.
I liked the movie though. Aside from the ending and a few shitty jumpscares it was good. Definitely above average for a found footage. The whole tomb raider aspect was great and the characters were actually interesting which was refreshing to see in this kind of movie.
Apparently the director is making a sequel, things are not as they seem when they "exit" at the end.
meant to reply to this
>the characters were actually interesting
Three of them were. Everyone else felt like expendable horror fodder.
That's a really good ratio for any movie, much less horror.
Sauce on that? I'm not finding it with google.
A sequel as a "the story isn't over" thing could be cool, could be an utter waste. I'd have no idea how they'd do it.
Bigger budget tomb raiding adventure in a Hell Paris could be cool.
Okay, here's a complaint
The movie starts out about Nicholas Flamel and the philosopher's stone. And it ends in Dante's Interno. I don't understand how/why that happened. It seemed like a weird transition. I don't know. Maybe the philosopher's stone was never even really a thing. Maybe it was like the piano, the phone, or the burning car. Otherwise, I don't know why Flamel built his true tomb as a trap leading to hell.
I give the movie some credit but they really fucked up the "scary" part. This video is a hundred times scarier and more mysterious because it doesn't fuck it up with stupid ancient cults or demons.
I understand you wanna spice up the material but the Catacombs are already freaky without supernatural stuff.
But if you liked the movie I'd watch The Tunnel. Its free on YT I think. Similar kind of movie
The point of opening the man hole cover to the normal Paris was to reflect escaping hell in Dante's Inferno. In The Inferno, they have to travel ever downward to escape perdition, and they know they've gotten out when they finally see the stars. In AASB, when they do get the manhole cover open, the first thing shown is the stars; it's direct homage to The Inferno.
Considering most folks (including my own) knowledge of history and mythology, the filmmakers can pretty much get away with anything in that regard. Don't stop being interested in things, though. The world needs analytical minds.
God motherfucking damnit, I forgot the picture
I liked it. Real spooky.
they should of made a diablo 2 movie in the catacombs instead of a warcraft movie
Dude, any medieval warriors trekking through catacombs movie would be fucking awesome. Even if it was more of an action movie. I wanna see that.
Any other catacombs movies? I always loved the catacombs bit in Deus Ex. I don't really know why.
would be awesome man
The pacing was terrible. It had no attention span. It was like it was made for kindergartners on meth. Crazy shit happens and then 30 seconds later everybody's forgotten about it and acts like it never happened.
Whoever decided this narrator was a good idea needs to have their shit slapped, but agreed, that tape did give me chills. It's not just because it's real (supposedly) either, but it's just the fact that he wasn't being chased by anything at all: He was lost a mile under the Earth surrounded by death and once he came to acknowledge that he was never seeing daylight again, his mind broke.
I would love to go down there (yes it is real) but you need a guide or you are totally fucked.
The most important things are batteries, back up light sources and water.
>(yes it is real)
Yes we fucking know. When did anyone say that the catacombs under Paris weren't real in this thread?
All the neat stuff with Alchemy made up for the lack of it being spooky imo. I really wasn't expecting that plot point at all.
But user, they were already in hell in the Catacombs. Do you even Dante's Inferno?
Not that guy, but yes, I've read it. What does one have to do with the other?
The movie basically takes from Dante's Inferno.
I just can't wrap my head around the idea of going down there alone.
No it doesn't.
I thought the visuals in the ending was cool. Imagine going down something only to find yourself right side up.
Yes it does, you retard.
The narrator is the old medium from Poltergeist. I can understand using her for it.
But you're totally right. Can you imagine a scarier feeling then realizing you've fucked yourself irrevocably in the worst fucking place imaginable.
Just makes you wonder what is really going through his head. How'd he get so far down there without realizing he was lost? He did he only film this short clip?
The bone arrows are pretty spooky too
>they go down in a hole
>and then they come out again
>that means it's like Dante's Inferno
Oh wow yeah, super deep connection, I guess it's totally the same then. But I bet Dante stole it from that Sylvester Stallone movie, Daylight. You know the one where he's trapped in the subway and then they get out again? It's pretty much a remake.
>makers of the movie explicitly say it's an homage to Dante's Inferno
>some faggot autist on Sup Forums apparently is unwilling to accept that
Get some help.
>But I bet Dante stole it from that Sylvester Stallone movie, Daylight
I always thought that too, but apparently Dante's Inferno is a lot older.
Just because the filmmakers say so, it doesn't mean they're full of shit.
Why would he drop his only source of light if he was lost though?
That video was fucked up, I wanna see all the footage though.
thats an idea If had for some while now
make the basic diablo 1 classes main characters and make them explore tristram
descend into madness, heart of darkness etc.
I watched this at AIT with my buddies and they got all pissed at me cause i was laughing, it was so ridiculous i couldnt help it.
>Write the script
>pitch it
>watch your baby die a horrible death at the hands of the jews
this movie is scary man. makes you think they are getting deeper into hell and especially when opening the man hole cover
Well, fantasy film in R arent very popular
I think that's what's so spooky about it. Is he being chased? if not, why drop the camera and panic? The whole video is disturbing. There are a million unanswered questions
Why send them to hell when the real word is so much worse?
I think it could be done beautifully on the cheap with decent practical effects with dark lighting.
>trusting critics on a horror film
Really weird I was just watching this on xfinity and thinking how the main character was a Lara Croft ripoff and there happens to be a topic exactly about this up.
You can never go by critic score for horror films they always get shit ratings.
The film is shit. Saw it in the cinema and not on a laptop btw
Found footage is either really highly rated, or really low rated.
There is no inbetween; you really have to form your own opinions.
What is this? Someone here on Sup Forums mentioned another movie named "The tunnel". Are they both about Paris catacombs? I saw some shit about it on youtube that thrilled me.
I liked the pyramid movie more
If you're talking about the movie I'm thinking I fail to see how anyone could have such a shit opinion. Sure liking is different of judging quality, but still, even the girl was more beautiful and hotter in AASB than in The Pyramid.
IMO for the film to really we need more backstory , also a not such scrambled mid part of the film , and a bit better explained and not o anticlimactic end.
Personal opinion though
The Tunnel is about a news team investigating abandoned train tunnels under Sydney Australia so no not really. Its better than this movie though desu.
10/10 adventure/horror movie. Do recommend. Did you like Indiana Jones? Did you like the descent? Watch it
>25 cents have been deposited into your account
>25 cents
Fuck me, I didn't get this money when I shilled here before. That nigga must be rich. Fucking inflation and shit I guess
Like I said, his mind broke. Can't say I feel too sorry for him though, he chose to go down there alone. I mean, even if you knew your way around, why? Why would you do that? There's thousands of ways shit could go wrong and a buddy system would, at the very least, alleviate that.
The critics were paid off by Disney
Don't listen to them
this desu
the final sequences of the film felt manic and I was sure they would all somehow end up trapped down there. But when they pushed through the manhole and ended up back on the surface, I felt a relief that I very rarely feel when watching horrors these days. The people chilling in the background by the banks of the seine confirmed that it was real and that it wasn't a ruse ending too. Like I said, sweet relief.
Yeah, it felt good. They worked so hard to get out, and it's more interesting to imagine what their lives were like after that experience than just ending the movie with everyone dead.
I enjoyed AASB much more than The Descent t b h
I pretty much thought this too. I said it was kind of like a cross between Indiana Jones and Silent Hill