Reminder: Edge of Tomorrow should have stuck with it's original name:
All you Need is Kill.
Reminder: Edge of Tomorrow should have stuck with it's original name:
All you Need is Kill.
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>All you Need is Kill
That name is really fucking stupid.
Edge of Tomorrow is a great name for a different movie
Can an American explain the pic to me.
probably some civil war shit
Southerner still butt hurt over losing the war to the north
What would have been better name for this movie?
Kill. Die. Repeat?
it's like the beatles song.
that is the name of the movie
Kentucky sided with the union during the war though
>All you Need is Kill
Is that Engrish?
>japanese novel
Muh states rights
Muh small government
I didn't see that movie, is this part of the MCU?
so it's like Donbass?
Officially, yes. But there was great popular support to leave, so much that one of the stars on the confederate flag stands for Kentucky even though they never actually joined.
Actually that's a retarded title. Edge of Tomorrow might be generic and cliched but at least it doesn't cause this face.
wow, first i've heard of that.
>being retarded
It sound slike it should be a steampunk movie about blimps like SKY CAPTAIN: AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!
do they truly struggle so much with english or they think engrish is cute?
it's a tagline
>what are taglines
They stopped calling it Edge of Tomorrow after the cinema release
It's always been called Edge of Tomorrow since the title was released. Making the tagline a secondary title was a weird home video marketing decision. Note the spine of the blu ray case.
seeit's right there. just to the left of the rating.
this is why things like that rarely happen. it confuses all of the retards.
So the movie is called LIVE DIE REPEAT
thank you. Why is it in german though?
what's live die repeat?
blank post?
Jeff Davis was a Kentuckian, and many of his fellows formed volunteer regiments in other states.
Just saw this.
What was his fucking problem ?
And what happens at the end. Does Cruise become the omega ? But since there are no alphas to kill, can he reset time ?
It's deliberately confusing since it didn't do that well at the box office.
It's a southern thing, loyalty to state first and the nation second. Rootless yankee faggots and euros don't understand this.
Hicks are fucking stupid.
he's an illegal worker employed at a fast food chicken restaurant.
My only gripe about this movie is why didn't Blunt stab Cruise with the thingy while they're at the office and then kill him after he sees where the Omega was
they didn't need to escape
They even tried to escape with the thingy at least twice.
Best blockbuster of 2014?
Ever hear of a little something called 'join or die' you toothless disloyal cousin fucker?
I see what you did there.
9000 internet to you sir!
Some states have very distinct and special culture, or at least they think they do. Some people from these states feel more passionate about their state than country. Being in, or from, that state is a bigger deal than being in, or from, the country itself. You get this mostly with Texas, though California isn't far behind.
Sometimes, jokingly, people will say things like depicted, "No I'm not an American, I'm a New Yorker", "Being a Texan is like being an American but better" etc.
Ucky is TC's nickname. Sgt Farell is from Kent, England.
No you fucking retards
It was nothing more than an off the cuff comeback
You are all fucking retards, edge of tomorrow fit the movie
He was always on the edge of tomorrow because of the restarts.
Its like im browsing a board full of underage retards...oh wait I am
so no proof that the title is live die repeat?
Maybe the omega would feel when Cruise used the thing and would relocate ? Or maybe they wanted to take it to the scientist for some reason ?
And I think they only escape with the thing once before (they probably get killed on the stairs the first time)
>Being a Texan is like being an American but better
This is what Texans actually believe.
Fucking mexicans in denial.
can anyone answer these ?
The TV stations call it Edge of tomorrow when they play it every 6months
>distinct culture
Texans are literally Mexican otherkin.
Live, Die, Repeat was the name of the movie in Europe iirc
Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland were all fairly divided on the issue. Kentucky Unionists in particular were the standard bearers of the "fuck the traitors, but slavery is still pretty neat" crowd during the war.
they get the thingy then go out of the front door then they get surrounded by MP so Rita brains Cruise
next scene they jack a car and Cruise uses the thingy in the car and they get arrested and once Rita escaped she was going to kill Cruise but he says the blood was out.
same here, as soon as cruise saw where the omega was in the car chase he should of sudokud instead of letting himself get knocked out and lose powers
>But since there are no alphas to kill, can he reset time ?
Alphas just triggered the resets. It was the omega that did it in fact. In general all aliens were pretty much mindless animals and thats why everything was automatic. Cruise had the power in blood but probably could not use it.
But if the omega could reset time on his own without alphas dying, why did he let Cruise get to him and throw these grenades ?
why is this different from capeshit? it's based on a fucking comic too
The joke would have more sense if he had said he was from Texas, since they never shut up about how independent they are and how great Texas is. Him saying Kentucky feels like it was written by some pampered Jew York jew writer who knows nothing about America south of the Mason-Dixon line.
What does that even mean?
Gratuitous English is seen as cool in Japan, which is why Anime titles tend to just be a mashup of words.
>But if the omega could reset time
never said it could do it deliberately. It was an animal. It had the power, but it did resets automatically when it sensed death of its child/alpha. The question should be if Cruise could do it deliberately after he had taken the power. Pobably no, but not sure.
japanese comic/novel and it's not superhero-y
Oldboy isn't capeshit either
>The question should be if Cruise could do it deliberately after he had taken the power. Pobably no, but not sure.
We'll see in the sequel
oh yeah, i forgot. Looking forward. It was great movie despite tv autism trying to spoil the fun of it.
the time reset was a reflex
Why are japs such ameriboos?
radiation effect
All you need is tomorrow
How does identifying with a state mean that you have "roots," but identifying with a nation doesn't? And do you realize that European countries are much older than the US?
All You Need is Kill 2: Let's Fighting Love
>Live, Die, Repeat was the name of the movie in Europe iirc
no it wasnt
Will Cruise's power trigger a reset even when he reaches an age where he can not stop himself from dying? Is he doomed to repeat his life from the moment he wakes up in that helicopter forever?
reminds me of the first x-files theatrical movie which eventually incorporated the tagline into the title
>tfw I'm from Kentucky and don't even fucking get this
There's a sequel coming?
>he doesn't know the work of Mike Edgeoftomorrow
I fucking knew this board was pleb as fuck, but this is a new low.
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
Kill Me Longtime.
The movie was actually pretty good. I think it should've been better advertised.
I really liked the score.
tom cruise doesnt need advertising
Agreed, this track was my favorite
good name. better than original, same with the whole movie
score was great, also nice digits
america was originally set up where each state was basically its own country, and all these states were tied together by a lose central government, but after the civil war, that all ended
but some people still feel more loyal to their state and see themselves as from [insert state] before "Im an American"
yuropoor example would be yugoslavia maybe, where someone would see themselves as a croatian or something first
>having the power to be the star of your own Groundhog Day
>not perfecting your escape from the military facility
>not perfecting your route to rape every possible woman you can encounter before the aliens kill you
what a shit movie
except it has nothing to do with europe because european nations and people have thousands of years of history, their own cultures and languages while american states have shit
Nice meme