Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?

Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?

It seems Sup Forums has this weird cycle of always getting excited for a superhero or sci-fi movie for months before it comes out, then after the movie is released, Sup Forums hates it and fights with itself, calling anyone who likes anything a faggot.

I dont get it.

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>Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?

Broad statement!

>Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?
Cuz Sup Forums is one person.

It's about as loved/hated as any other decently done blockbuster, but I'm willing to merit it gets less hate than the capeshit that's spanned everyday

Can't wait for the sequel, also nice model

it's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person
but a community of people with differing opinions

Don't let the memes fool you, it's Sup Forums approved. They love a big guy

I loved it tho

Sup Forums hates everything you bitch.

I didn't like it because it was focused on the characters but failed to create a compelling cast. Cranston is fine, but he dies anticlimactically 45 minutes into the movie. His Butch Deadlift son has the acting skills of a plank, and I don't understand why Olsen was even in the movie. Ken Watanabe does nothing but spout sophomoric vaguely profound lines about muh fate muh nuclear proliferation muh man v nature bullshit, which is a shame because he had the potential to be an interesting character.

I would have been able to tolerate this, all of it, if they didn't ruin Godzilla's introduction just to make a joke about a baby seeing dinosaws on the teevee. That just left a sour taste in my mouth that never left throughout the rest of the movie.

I liked it, and if you don't you are probably gay and a faggot too.

It's genuine failure of filmmaking is why.
>spend the first half hour of the film developing a character and establishing motives
>kill him off to be replaced by his son who we've spent no time with
>cheap attempts to create drama by putting random children in danger near the hero
>hero's family, who should be the focus of the drama, rarely shares the screen with the hero
>transporting the ridiculously important nuclear material on a train instead of flying to its destination
>a cheap tug boat is shown to be adequate for moving the material
>it took ages for the tug boat to get to a safe distance for the bomb to explode, but the hero gets back to shore in a matter of moments

I haven't seen this since theaters, so I'm sure there's more, but goddamn what a piece of shit.

Best American giant monster movie since beast from 20000 fathoms


You make me ashamed to like The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms.

Good you should, it's great

>Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?
Because it was 2 hours of bullshit and 1 hour of a Godzilla movie that was mostly in smokey darkness

>getting excited for a superhero
Before Star Cucks this never happened, ever.

If you didnt catch this KAIJUKINO in theaters I feel bad for you srs. One of my favorite theater experiences, great crowd, couldnt stop giggling when he said fuk you down the M.U.T.O's throat

also because the bluray-dvd releases are dark as balls, in the theater it was perfect

It squandered every ounce of potential it had.

The key to a good Godzilla movie is using him in a satisfying way. Almost every Kaiju sequence is building up to things we never get any payoff to. Edwards does it so many times that when we do see Godzilla fight, all interest is gone.

On top of that, every character is bland to the point of mediocrity, and the one character with depth, strong acting, and natural progression is killed off for a contrived block of wood who is magically great for Godzilla missions.

the only thing that really bothered me about it was the soundtrack was incredibly lackluster.


It was fine as a standalone movie. It felt out of place from the other Godzilla movies though. They also had to keep focusing on the bullshit romance subplot.

>Godzilla wasn't a guy in a rubber suit



Heisei and GMK are fat

The script was stupid

>Hurr what if we killed the main character in the first 30 minutes and threw out this actually interesting character we just built
>Replacement main character tries to make it back to family
>Godzilla conveniently attacks near family because otherwise nothing would fucking matter
>They unite. Wow, who gives a shit
>Monster Mash, credits

Hollywood hiring newbie directors on midsize films so they can get experience is a good idea, because otherwise they will run out of directors and be fucked on tentpole projects.

But hiring newbie writers is a fucking train wreck. The rest of the veterans who know how to make a movie can't carry shit writing.

It was essentially capeshit on steroids

WHY even make it? Just let the nips do it, it's their thing.
It would be like making an American James Bond starring Johnny Depp or some shit
Looking forward to the new toho one, even though godzilla looks weird

Best USA Godzilla is picrelated

The series is pure kaijukino

It's the same shit with Ghost in the Shell. People went nuts when they found out Scarlett Johansson would be playing the lead role, but if you didn't want an American lead you shouldn't have made it an American movie!

Toho can't afford the same production values as them

Not exactly, no one cares if a non jap actor is in a godzilla movie, the only reason people bitch about that are:
1.) people don't like Scarjo
2.) naming a white person makoto, it's like naming a white person Shaquille

>Toho can't afford the same production values as them
Not only does that not justify making a USA ver, it doesn't matter AND it's half the fun of godzilla movies

Not really

I mean, Gamera 3 in 1999 looks a lot better than Godzilla 2016 and it uses the same effects guy. I'm comparing that to that because they have generally the same techniques of more green/bluescreen and cgi.

>I dont get it.

Because you're new

>It seems Sup Forums has this weird cycle of always getting excited for a superhero or sci-fi movie for months before it comes out, then after the movie is released, Sup Forums hates it and fights with itself, calling anyone who likes anything a faggot.

1. Marketers and plebs hype a movie
2. Plebs who actually pay the jew to see movies see it, Since their standards are low, they hype the movie. Rest of Sup Forums doesn't say anything so it seems like Sup Forums likes the movie.
3. A few people with standards go see the movie. Dissenting opinions are posted.
4. RIP comes out and the rest of Sup Forums sees it. It's usually shit. The marketers and hype-boys have already moved on so this opinion is unopposed.
5. Faggot OP starts a thread about Sup Forums being contrarian

ScarJo as Godzilla in the next one? Otherwise they ain't getting any of my white american dollars

Don't compare something beautiful to a monster like Scarjo

This is an opinion I generally share

>actually watching gamera movies

Dude you will always be a virgin

>not watching superior Heisei movies with superior girls
Forever pleb

Casting no japs is in order to appease the chinese market.

>superior girls

Nagamine > Miki
Miki isnt even best Heisei girl

Good, you stay away from my waifu

>she isn't even a queen of dragons

I guess you could say from the Chinese perspective it's quite...


If they cut the cast from the movie I would've liked it. They were the most forced and boring characters I've ever seen in a film. I actually wanted to see them die for hogging so much screen time for their shitty mediocre plot.

>The key to a good Godzilla movie is using him in a satisfying way.

Throatfucking the MUTO with the nuclear fire breath.

>giant ScarJo crushing a city

>5 seconds of a 2 and 1/2 hour slog
Utter failure.

Sup Forums hates everything, but this was more entertaining than the everyday capeshit