Was he really cured?
A Clockwork Orange
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No, just conditioned
Why did he make those things with his mouth tho?
Not at all.
Did you watch the movie or are you just shitposting?
He was cured in the novel.
because they made him eat too much clockwork orange.
>white people's problems: the movie
lol virgin
you tell me
>random violence and rape
>not a black problem
He looks fine to me
What was the moral of the story senpaitachi
russia ruins everything it touches
>Finally, after all these years, he had truly overcome the A Clockwork Orange
Seriously Kubrick?
Everyone's out for no one but themselves.
Being good only brings problems
The book was a story of free will and redemption, the movie was a bastardization of the books message and just edgy for the sake of edgy.
"We all suffer from the popular desire to make the known notorious. The book I am best known for, or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to repudiate: written a quarter of a century ago, a jeu d'esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence. The film made it easy for readers of the book to misunderstand what it was about, and the misunderstanding will pursue me until I die. I should not have written the book because of this danger of misinterpretation"
"I should not have written the book because of this danger of misinterpretation"
Why not? He shouldn't care so much about people misinterpreting his work
Not even conditioned. He was faking it. Playing the system like he had always done.
aah, the notorious writer's butthurt caused by Kubrick improving his flawed work
This post made me hungry.
>He shouldn't care so much about people misinterpreting his work
His Magnum Opus became an icon of the everything it was written to denounce.
No, he wasn`t. He started again with new droogs and then became bored and stopped as he got older.
Still, people rarely understand what they read and watch anyway. He should be happy that some people at least read his book and saw it for what it is.
>Kubrick improving his flawed work
He literally didn't even learn about the final chapter till he had already finished the screenplay.
Judging his latter movies - no.
>I shouldn't have written it because people could misinterpret it
By this logic nobody should've written anything ever
The issue is that the most popular interpretation is completely the opposite of what was intended.
Actually he doesn't he just lives in the last chapter.
>most popular interpretation
No it's not. Anyone who thinks about the material for more than a second can understand the true meaning. I don't doubt many people, after a first viewing, thought it was just "lol violence and rape and murder" but after some critical thinking most people will get it.
Plus, even if it was the most popular interpretation, the point still stands.
>Finally I have become The Clockwork Orangeā¢
What did he mean by this?
So you genuinely think the movie was glorifying sex and violence?
do you know what a film adaptation is?
there is obviously a clear dichotomy between the book and the film. Same with The Shining, it's merely Kubrick's interpretation of the story.
He has becomings of organic automaton.
he has realised he loves cock in his bp and he is as queer as a clockwork orange
I've literally never once in my live found a single person thinking that this movie was promoting random violence.
If anything, the most popular interpretation is that you cannot really change the will of an individual by force.
He was cured alright
I feel like this is something """moderate"""" Muslims would say about the Koran to damage control their shitty ideology.
You're right for the first part.