Wassup Sup Forums? Anyone care to explain the hype around Supernatural? As far as I can tell it's just an average tv show with a highly cancerous tumblr fan-base
Wassup Sup Forums? Anyone care to explain the hype around Supernatural...
Seasons 1 - 5 are truly excellent television. Entertaining MOTW episodes, well-written and engrossing season arcs, no shoehorned subplots to serve an agenda or attract some sub-demographic.
The the studio demanded more epsidoes and the creator left, and it went to absolute shit for a while
And now it's good again.
The Tumblr shit is 99% delusion.
>now it's good again
I'm skeptical of this sentence
Up until season 5 and it's great.
I gave it at Season 8 and I'm not sure if I can watch it again
Season 11 is good. Lots of filler, but mainly good.
You should be.
>And now it's good again
Yes, because last episode's debut of God was definitely good Especially when he claimed to have gone through a bisexual phase...
No joke... This actually happened...
Charlie a cute
It was real comfy back in the day.
In that case I may check it out, the only people I know who are really into it are serious tumblr fags so it kinda put me off
> a single off-the-cuff remark is enough to indict an episode which on the whole was pretty great
I can't care about your opinion, friend. I'm sorry.
It's alright. I like that it treats its women like shit (Not because I hate women, but because I'm tired of hamfisted agendas and this show seems to give no fucks.) and emphasizes brotherhood and manliness.
I miss the tone and look of the first few seasons, where everything was dark and muted, but the later seasons replaced that mood with an acceptable amount of wit and fun characters like Crowley.
All I remember is that the season with the ink monsters was pure aids and the one with Eve as the mother of monsters was pretty fun up until they just killed off the main badguy with some stupid alchemy concoction.
It's an average tv show. Dunno about the fanbase. It's "decent" tv like Buffy or early Smallville. No reason to hate on it, or people who like it.
But if people pretend it's fucking groundbreaking television, it's not. It's hyper-serialized, entertaining tv with only occasional substance.
An example of tumblr fandom of Supernatural: an assertion of sexual tension between Dean and Castiel, because sometimes they're concerned about each others' wellbeing and they've beaten each other to the brink of death once or twice
>the episode was, on the whole, pretty great
>God is finally revealed
>He's a pretentious hipster bisexual who's easily intimidated by everyone, meek as fuck, & gets put in check by Metatron
>on the whole it was pretty great
There's some really amazing episodes but if you don't like serials you won't enjoy it. The typical response is watch seasons 1-5 and I agree. After that it loses the original good overarching plot and turns into another CW show basically.
Why does that make the episode bad?
Should I give it a shot? All the pictures I've seen look like generic dog shit but I love ghosts/demons
>Objectively Correct Season Rankings
1 = 2 > 3 = 4 = 5 > 11 > 9 > 8 >> 6 >>> 7
Why do people hate the Leviathans so much?
I thought the whole big brother / evil corporation thing was great. Dick Roman was based as fuck.
I've never understood why people dislike 7 more then 6. 6 will forever remain complete shit to me because of them building up Eve to be a huge bad ass only to be killed off 2 episodes later.
Season 7 had Death's Door, which, in my opinion, is the best episode of the show post S5.
>The ultimate being we've waited literally 11 years to be revealed is a Reddit-tier bisexual hipster
>why is that bad?
I'm honestly amazed the writers didn't have God wearing a fedora while checking his Tumblr
Really good show that's like a spiritual successor to Buffy & Angel. The fanbase can be obnoxious, sure, just ignore them
Also stop watching after season 5
I don't like 7 because while 6 wasn't good in 7 it was like Gamble was actively trying to dismantle the show. No baby, no rockstar aliases, they drastically reduced how much music they licensed. It's like she hated the show and wanted to make it as boring and generic as possible.
God being a self-centred manchild was perfectly appropriate for Supernatural. Why would he be any different? Look at everything he's allowed to happen, look at what he was doing pretending to be Chuck while Lucifer was going to bring about Armageddon. He's established as not really being too pushed about stepping in to save the day for humanity. There's no reason why he'd be a bearded benevolent old man in a toga stepping in to set everything right again. That would have been terrible.
Angels are the worst thing to happen to this show. It should've ended after season 1.
Problem with post season 5 is it wasn't planned out that far and it's just asspull after asspull and nothing gets resolved. Every time they solve a problem it just causes another one. Ending the apocalypse causes the war for purgatory, which causes the leviathans to get out, which causes Metatron to be brought out of hiding, which causes the angels falling, which causes Dean to have to get the mark of Cain, which causes the Darkness to be released. No doubt stopping her will cause some other primordial asshole to be unleashed.