Who should play him if they make a movie?
Who should play him if they make a movie?
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Alexander SkarsgÄrd
Idris Elba
Neither looks or sounds the part at all
fuck that game was comfy
steven of course
Good thing they are actors.
Viggo, but it's getting too late
>Mads not looking like Geralt
get your eyes checked
too skinny. but hey Gadolt was casted as WW
>implying this movie would ever get made
Disregarding the problem of finding an old chainsmoker who still has the stamina to use a sword like Geralt everybody would get triggered.
The SJW would hate it because of the sexy women, Geralt fucking and no important blacks.
Sup Forums would hate it because there are a couple of powerful women in it, Radovid being bullied by his female teacher and going completely mad, the Scioa'tel or however they are spelled like and the fact that white people are portrayed as evil.
This. Steven would be great, and have Uwe Boll direct it.
>too skinny.
Are you fucking daft? Have you seen the pics of him from Tarzan?
wow haven't seen that at all. just always pictured him from True Blood
No one said they have to base the movie on the games. As a matter of fact, the third game fails at portraying Geralt.
Christopher Lambert
Denzel Washington
Delete this
The concept of The Witcher would work way better as a tv show.
A tv show for the short stories. Once you have people twitting about it and "OMG it's the new BrBa", three movies with Ciri's saga.
Idris elba
The Witcher books need to be made into a show.
The short story collections can have 1 episode per story, a season per book, and the main saga can have a season for each book too.
It'll be called the hipster, contrarian GoT, but I wouldn't care if they fucking made it right.
Call CDPR to oversee the project, because they did an amazing job keeping the game faithful to the novels.
This exactly, I've thought this before. Every episode is a new contract.
the VA for Geralt is awful
>hating kurwa clint eastwood
>swedshit sissy beta
>playing strong Polish hussar alpha male
Karl pls go and stay go
a Witcher tv-show would be amazing, they could even go beyond the books, the whole damn Witcher universe is amazing and full of great lore
it would have to be gory, no pg-13 Xena shit, and the tone has to be dark and desolate, like the books/games
whoever plays Geralt should be reasonably young, so the show could last for a while, and the actor could do action convincingly
casting a Geralt that is young, but looks old, or can be made to look "weathered" without too much make-up is the challenge
>not playing with polish dubbing and english subtitles
what are you, a faggot?
i'll just watch lord of the rings, it's pretty much the same shit, minus the fetch quests.
The Witcher 3, cinematic trailer, watch it if you haven't, and imagine a tv-show set in that world
I don't like Polish language. It sounds so archaic and weird.
bait or ignorance, in any case a shitty post
as far as writing goes LOTR has much better writing, but The Witcher has a much more interesting world, and right/wrong, morals etc. is much more shades of grey in witcher as opposed to black/white in lotr
can Geralt win against dual wielding man?
>The Witcher books need to be made into a show.
> making a show about marysue polski sephiroph
Yeah, nah mate
>casting a Geralt that is young, but looks old, or can be made to look "weathered" without too much make-up is the challenge
Well Geralt isn't necessarily old looking, is he?
He's ugly, he's got grey hair, and a couple of scars over his face, but he's the youngest Witcher, and witchers live for a long time.
I'd say maybe a early 30's actor would suit, it's give like 15-20 years before he begins to look too different.
And of course, it should be dark, and it shouldn't be afraid to show rape or murder or gore for focus groups.
>may 19th
oh shit that's right around the corner, looks great
read the books, faggot
that was last year user, game is already out, first expansion was released last fall, next and last expansion is released soon, it pretty much cleaned out every game of the year award last year and apparently there's talk of a movie deal
not sure what the status is for a tv-show though
user, that's the trailer for the game. It came out already.
he's not very old looking, but he has that grizzled look of a man in his 40's, but that would be a bit too old for an actor imo, atleast for a tv-show
>they actually had arthur dayne dual wield
GoT, the biggest show currently on air, has laughable budget, shitty writing and ridiculous production values.
I'd rather Witcher stays niche books and games than becomes another shitty failed fantasy tv show.
I know. But what if they made it the right way?
like gandalf the grey, i get it.
Witcher wouldn't necessarily have such a huge budget, GoT has a massive cast of recurring actors surrounded by a central plot
Witcher would be a smaller cast and more episodic, then again it would require more CGI so idk
Seconding this
Let's be real here, the is absolutely no fucking way Witcher tv show wouldn't be discarded as 'that failed european GoT clone'.
you read the books nigger
Too skinny, facewise
Holy shit almost perfect. Just needs to be more masculine.
well they are making a Wheel of TIme show so i don't see how a Witcher show couldn't be made
and with the quality that GoT has fallen to i don't think anyone would mind some new shows in the genre of fantasy/adventure
GRRM is gonna die before he finishes his books, in fact i bet he's planning to do just so, letting D&D rap it up, so it's only gonna get worse for GoT
and at the current pace that GoT is going at now the show will lose all its viewers and get cancelled before it's done, i mean, it's the 2nd fucking season now with Ramsay Bolton torturing starks and being edgy, Dany stumbling into another army, Tyrion quipping and Cersei whining, the plot barely moves
I did. More than five times. Cried like a bitch everytime.
Go to bed Dimitri
saw an interview with CDPR devs where they talked about a chat they had with Kapowski where he confirmed that Yen and Geralt did in fact survive at the end of the books
many believed Ciri took them to a magical fairy land heaven or something in the afterlife.
idk, i kinda like that they survived, leaves an opening for more stories, and i'm a sucker for relatively happy endings
Just play Wild Hunt again
You don't want SJW faggots playing around with this IP
Geralts already surrounds himselves with significantly more powerful sorceresses
W3 was 10/10 on the comfy scale, pretty good soundtrack too
Nah, Lambert is just faggy enough for short haircut Dano.
Normal people are already tired of fantasy torture/gore porn, problem is they will see Witcher as the same.
You don't want based Witcherverse to be turned into SJW multi-culti bullshit.
all the sorceresses lust after his cock though, and he bangs wenches right and left
i bet they'd make Yen or Triss black or some shit though, just because we can't have anything good anymore
Who cares about that Save by the Bell character opinion?
I can't not cry with the short unrelated story that comes right after the ending, the one about the wedding. It's too fucking beautiful and works like a charm as an epilogue. Also, some scenes in the castle, when they meet after all that shit, or the dialogue between Yen and Geralt in the tub...
It's a wonderful saga.
>Normal people are already tired of fantasy torture/gore porn, problem is they will see Witcher as the same.
just like normal people are tired of capeshit and zombies?
people are tired of bad productions and horrible adaptions, there's nothing wrong with the genres themselves
Yep. A true Witcher movie would be hated by all the internet hate groups, because none of them would understand what it's actually about.
from reading a fucking book ?
you sound hella fucking lonely bro sad as fuck
Yeah, artistic expressions have an influence on my mood, what a shame...
no it's more of cheap ripoff of david hayter's solid snake
>Mistle stuck to her, holding her protectively and whispering soothing words, but also her soft hand was crawling tireless like a snail, warm, calm, confident, determined, aware of it route and purpose. Ciri felt the grip of fear and disgust open up and release their prey, she felt the pressure release and fell down, down, deeper, into a warm and humid swamp of resigned submission. She moaned dully, desperately. Mistle breath scorched her neck, velvet moist lips kissed her shoulder, collarbone and then very slowly moved lower. Ciri, moaned again.
Will watch.
>Old perv describing young girls having sex.
Yep, that's european fantasy allright.
This is how he describes rape scenes btw
Josh Holloway
There already is one polish from 90's but its shit
it's already been done, and the guy was pretty fit for the role imo
The VA himself said that he tried to imitate Eastwood.
w-wait ciri is not a virgin? ;_;
We will never get based Andy Whitfield Geralt
All of the characters play off each other so well though. There all incredibly powerful and hella cool. Ciri and Triss are two of my favorite female characters in any medium ever.
Heard it was complete shit otherwise
It's not as bad as it's made out to be. Apart from some creative liberties and shitty practical effects, it was made with soul and effort.
Jennifer Lawrence
She's a dick-virgin
>mary sue
Yeah, no.
That's alright then.
mads as geralt
hugh dancy as dandelion
tumblr will keep the show afloat
>dandelion as an autist
>doesn't look like Geralt
lmao what
>black beard
>not fit
To be fair, the series probably had rather meager budget, so the whole cast wasn't exactly top-tier.
stathom obv
>crank 3: the wild cunt
Triss is based as fuck you fucking faggot. Kill yourself
who is gonna play Ciri?
If she were young, I'd say prime Margot Kidder would have been perfect.