About once a year i like to get super drunk and watch Forrest Gump, what does Sup Forums like to watch when drunk?
About once a year i like to get super drunk and watch Forrest Gump, what does Sup Forums like to watch when drunk?
Willow. Midgets make me laugh.
not legend
Nothing because I only drink socially
>I only drink socially
i don't understand this, how does one not enjoy playing vidya or watching a good movie drunk?
im drunk everyday
i like to watch
>alien invasion
>my stepmother is an alien
>jason x
never seen any of the alien movies desu, am i missing out?
sorry i forgot battle beyond the stars
its amazing when your drunk...or high
you are...
alien is a horror movie in space...its amazing
aliens is an action movie in space...its also amazing
I watch legend sober
fucking post in this thread
This is my favorite to watch drunk
Fun movies are better when lit
And once every four years poverty ball
we enjoy vidya and movies, you enjoy being drunk, there's a difference. It's probably why you keep rewatching forrest gump
The Edge is pretty great to watch while drinking whiskey and yelling at the TV
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
As shitty as Comedy Central is today there's still some glorious motherfucker there who plays both Ace Ventura movies in the morning every now and then.
where are you from?
i guess a muslim dominated country.....no offense
Drinking is overrated
>signed a South Florida nigga.
i live in a country almost flooded with beer
The Netherlands
Nothing. Who here /straightedge/?
Alcohol is a distraction from your goals anons.
are you fulfilling those goals right now?
When you sit around and play video games or watch movies you aren't really fulfilling goals either
a distraction from your goals anons.
>>What is Sup Forums?
I don't play video games for similar reasons. Movies are best enjoyed sober mate.
>what does Sup Forums like to watch when drunk?
A naked girl getting fucked by me.
Getting drunk in any other context and you got alcoholism problems.
Also: I'm making a distinction between being drunk and just having a drink.
Band of Brothers
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
The Pacific
The Thing
Die Hard
>Die Hard
i really tried to like this movie but couldn't
It's a Worderful Life when it's on TV at Christmastime
What didn't you like?
I live in a city that was built on cocaine.
Drinking and drugging are overrated.
next year, you do pcp and watch Time Bandits
Its just a dumb action movie set in christmas eve when bruce willis had hair and was not shit and alan rickman does alan rickman stuff, and that tall nordic guy from 13th warrior is angry all movie long
Not really that hard, Die hard 2 too I also watch.
I guess its mostly nostalgia
was boring movie about bruce willis trying to stop bomb in building,been so long since i watched it. Maybe other ones are better idk
He's a suitor
Being John Malcovich without a doubt, and I have no idea why
On that note, whom else is drinking on this day/evening/night? What is it you're partaking for your glorious or what have you intoxication?
Am I late to the show and someone else aready asked this? Should I be embarrassed? So many questions, so little time
Ps vodka with cran-apple juice