What's this guy's name again ?

what's this guy's name again ?

Cumberbatch Bernadic

Wimbledon Tennismatch

Docter Strange

Bartleby Crumblecrumb

Cumberfluff Blemberblurp

Savior of Capekino

Jollygood Britishchap

Recycled Biotrash

Extraordinary Medical Professional

Bear or wookie?

Reddit Redditington

Baneforyou Birthdaysnatch

Buffalo Capncrunch


Bandicoot Cummerbund

Bandito Kumatcha

>those three sets of dubs

Butterfree Coochyrash

Colonel Witherbee Weatherborn Wellingsworth Crumberbunch IV

Betchuwont Checkmydubbs

Burberry Candycrush

Buddypleaseusea Coasterwiththat

Billyray Cabbagepatch

Brigadier Cabbagepatch